Whoo hoo! Is it enough?

Yeah, there’s that, since he can do no wrong. Many do likely see it as one more persecution.

I’m trying to picture him ever being held accountable for anything, but it’s getting harder.

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Nah, sentence to start immediately, and for no less than 4 years. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yeah, I’d prefer that, but I was trying to be somewhat realistic.

Odds are he’s going to get zero punishment for his crimes. And it’s obvious that a huge chuck of U.S. citizens don’t give two shits if he’s a felon, rapist, cheat, bigot, etc. I suspect this is because he is a rich, white, male who gives people permission to be the same.

Reality is sometimes a disappointment, so occasionally I like to indulge in fantasy, but before anyone asks, I don’t think it is true or will happen, but it’s fun to dream. Making America Great Again, but in a very different way… :smirk: :sunglasses:


I think Trump thrives exactly because of, and not despite, his violations.

In my experience, to his followers criticism toward him for being a felon, a misogynist, a racist, etc., is simply evidence of “establishment “ attacks on a guy who’s working for the people, and a nebulous American greatness.

In my observation, if a leader defines themselves as one of the people and as opposing the established powers, they can get others to do and believe and overlook all kinds of nasty shit.

Hey, if the concept worked for Hitler in regard to Jews and the Weimar Republic, the idea can work for a spoiled bully from New York, too.

Excellent points, @Bluedoc.

It worked for Hitler because he really was a nobody. He was a corporal in the German army during WWI and wasn’t rich and famous, so he could reasonably claim to be a man of the people.

Trump, on the other hand, can’t make that claim. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and went to private schools and had his path greased by his wealthy father. Trump can’t claim he (as a supposed billionaire) isn’t part of the elite in this country. He could only claim that he wasn’t part of the political machine during his first run in 2016. Now that he’s been president once before and has completely taken over the GOP he can’t even claim that.

Trump has been very effective at deflecting all attempts to hold him accountable by turning things on their head and claiming those attempts were illegitimate and designed to unfairly persecute him. It’s been so effective that any further attempts to prosecute him for literally anything will probably fail.

Oh, but he can.

IME, leaders don’t have to be a part of a group, or represent them. They define the groups they want to lead and then present themselves as being “of”the group and working for them.

Trump is outstanding at selling himself in this way despite the truth being altogether different.

Let me rephrase… Trump can’t legitimately make that claim.


Looks like trump’s pet judge, Aileen cannon, blocked Jack Smith from releasing to the public the results of his investigation.

I have exactly zero trust in the U.S. judicial system.

Once again the U.S. leads the way. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

“Americans’ confidence in their nation’s judicial system and courts dropped to a record-low 35% in 2024.

The result further sets the U.S. apart from other wealthy nations, where a majority, on average, still expresses trust in an institution that relies largely on the public’s confidence to protect its authority and independence.”

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As do I. The Supreme Court is probably the worst of all. One guy is flagrantly accepting bribes from billionaires, as well as being credibly accused of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings. Another flies flags associated with the “stop the steal” movement. Another won his seat through what is probably the worst misuse of political power in U.S. history. Another one was accused of sexual assault during his confirmation hearings. Yet another is an alcoholic.

EDIT: If you want to see how out-of-touch John Roberts is, read his annual end-of-year report on the state of the federal judiciary:


I wonder what percentage of trump voters are already regretting their choice given he’s already started walking back some campaign promises (e.g. lowering commodity prices) and his suggestions that the U.S. should start colonization and occupation of other countries and their resources (despite his campaign pro-isolationism rhetoric).

They think he’s a genius who can do anything, facts don’t matter to many of them.

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US politics – isn’t it really just a giant, bizarre TV game show?


Our last day of freedom, my fellow Americans. Enjoy it while you can.


I’m cracking up…the magats are giving trump credit for restoring tiktok even though getting shut down was initiated by him. Makes me wonder if the tiktok ceo (who has been invited to the inauguration tomorrow) paid him.

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I doubt if Trump has the power to delay the shutdown of TikTok. The bill allows the shutdown to be delayed for up to 90 days, but only if there’s a viable sale in the works, which there is not (ByteDance has said they won’t sell). This is all political theater and bluster from Trump.

In other Trump news, he’s ordered the national park service to remove the jumbotrons from the Mall that were set up to televise his inauguration from inside the Capitol. The reason for this is obvious–he doesn’t want the media to publish pictures showing how small the crowds are that show up to watch.


Happy MLK Day!!!