Whoo hoo! Is it enough?

Vance is slowly making public in a manner that can’t be ignored, the real Rethuglicon agenda. He’s almost certainly one of those who want white women to become nothing more than incubators for Jeebus, while non-white women should be compulsorily sterilised. I’ll bet he’s a “Great Replacement” conspiracy nut.

Meanwhile, I conducted some checking on his wife. What the hell is a woman from a background of Indian intellectuals doing being married to a shitstain like Vance? Her family possesses some serious intellectual heft, and I find it bizarre that someone of her cultured and erudite background would end up being wedded to Shillbilly Vance, who is the exact opposite of everything she stands for.

Oh, and his response to racist attacks on his wife? Read this and barf:

“Obviously she’s not a white person…but I love Usha, she’s such a good mom.”

If she were married to me, my response to a shitstain like Nick Fuentes would be along the lines of “Her toenails clippings contain more human decency than you’ll ever be able to muster, you racist fuck”.

EDIT: more on this here.

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Tangential diversion … as an example of the reich wing clown circus, what is a white supremacist arsewipe like Fuentes doing schmoozing with Kanye West?

Not that I expect consistency from the GOP (one wag recently told me it stood for “grooming old paedophiles”), because it’s disappeared into the rectal passage of the Orange Scrotum, and become the political equivalent of Placobdelloides jaegerskioldei in the process. It’s also enabled the batshit insanity of Boebert, MTG and other moon pies, not to mention the Walter Mitty fantasising (until recently) of Santos and the underage skirt chasing of Gaetz.

So the unedifying spectacle of Usha Chilukuri being made to stand on a platform, while swivel-eyed racist filth hold up placards in front of her bearing the words “MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW!” is, while vomit inducing, par for the course for the GOP and its gutter dwellers. It’s the sort of comedy of the macabre, a peculiarly redneck version of Grand Guignol, that pretty much defines the current crop of reich wing skidmarks and their Eraserhead level wet dreams.

Vance is simply one of the softer targets they present, a boy who regards himself as a legend in his own underpants. He is, in all probability, privately regretting selling what little integrity he had left in the pursuit of naked power, and wondering what personal consequences await his siding with the forces of fascist darkness. He won’t have far to look - Omango-Tan has left in his wake quite a trail of wreckage in this regard, in the form of ruined careers and criminal convictions racked up by former acolytes. Though the squirming to avoid the same fate on the part of Caterpillar Head has been morbidly amusing to behold.

Vance may prove to be a gift, to those of us seeking the end of the threat posed by the Trumpanzees and their devotion to a slimeball, but he’ll pay a high price for this. Just ask Mike Pence.

“JD Vance’s Wife: My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not People Who Are Trying but Are Unsuccessful”

So he hates Jesus, the Pope, and Mother Teresa, and of course me.

That might be the first and last time I’m ever in that group, which is something of a relief.

“Usha Vance took a stab at defending JD Vance’s “childless cat ladies” remark on Monday, saying in an interview that her husband—who has also said people without kids are more likely to be mentally unstable sociopaths—would never want to hurt people trying to have kids. The problem’s just the heathens who actively choose not to have them, you see!

Ok that one is just me, and yes, I really believe I do see the problem.

I hope Harris kicks their arse…


Kamala picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate and the worst thing the Magats can think to say about him is that he made tampon machines available in schools.


Today in an interview Vance doubled down and labeled Walz a radical progressive. Ouch! He also urged the press to interview Kamala and make her answer questions about her policies like he and Trump do everyday. :rofl: Aren’t alternate realities fun.

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I was hoping for Kelly the astronaut, but Walz is an acceptable alternative.

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My fave was Mayor Pete, but I would have taken anyone on the short list because I understand the assignment. :wink:


Contrast this guy with creepy JD Vance:

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ohhhhhh I lovvvvve Petie. I considered having a Buttigieg for President bumper sticker made but I’m just not up for the vitriol that would likely come my way. A gay man who was able to get elected Mayor in the back water, tongue speaking, klan loving state where I was raised has to have something going for him, still though I think there are too many haters for him to be a help on the ticket.

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Well, there may be, but we thought that about a Catholic getting elected when Kennedy ran, we thought that about a black man when Obama ran, many think that about women running, when several have. We will never know if there are too many haters until someone actually runs.

Mayor Pete is wickedly smart, supremely well spoken, completely sensible, kind, a military hero, and has all sorts of experience.
So glad to hear you say how much you love him!
IMO, he’s a fucking rock star! I’m hoping he will run again in the future. With magats now running downhill, he definitely has a shot…hopefully in my lifetime :grin:

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Sadly I agree. I’m surprised that Kamala is doing as well as she is. I think Walz will be great in VP spot for his golden rule: MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!
I also think that Pete would be a great President.


Walz is a net positive for the Democratic ticket and Vance is a net negative for the Fascist ticket. I just hope Trump doesn’t decide to replace Vance with someone with a more positive vibe. Vance is so creepy that he’s turning off non-MAGA Republicans, and that’s good for the Democrats.


Latest polls showing Harris with slight lead 46% to the Donald’s 44%, on the one hand I want to be pleased, on the other I’m again baffled why anyone would still vote for Trump…

I normally take elections and results in a stoical fashion, but this one simply has too much riding on it, and 4 years of Herr Donald is a terrifying prospect…even living on the golf course, as he did for most of his last tenure, he might do untold damage, and not just to the US…

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The electoral college still has trump ahead. :unamused:

A lot of folks won’t be voting for him, they will be voting against her.

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If Trump doesn’t insult your intelligence, you don’t have any.


For the same reason that people join cults. The promise of righting the perceived injustice they have suffered and because their ears are stuffed with cotton they can’t decipher what the cult leader is really saying.

Wow @Sheldon you are a real optimist thinking that he will leave after four years.

The fact that she is a black and a woman are two hurdles for her to get over in a racist misogynist country. Mexico was just as bad and look what happened there. They have a woman President. The thing that Kamala has going for her is joy and her running mate who reminds everyone that her administration will bring happiness back into peoples lives. While Donald continues to whine and JD is just plain weird Kamala and Walz continue to laugh at them. IMHO we might be seeing the US beginning to catch up with the rest of the world. :crossed_fingers:


Do you know what really bothers me, is this can’t be true. I know it is true for many, but I also know it can’t be true for all his supporters. I think fear often trumps (no pun intended) intelligence, and self interest as well, but sadly fearful people can be easily manipulated, circa 1930’s Germany, when people are scared or struggling, or both, there’s always some cunt ready to exploit that.


Lets not forget that Americans voted overwhelmingly in the last election that they were happy to have her as president, given the age of the president who picked her as VP.

I still have high hopes for democracy, and hopefully the US will be one of the countries that sticks with it, and the UK of course… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink:

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It’s baffling, I know some people I’d consider above average intelligence who are flat out Trump fans. A fairly common denominator seems to be they have pretty strong religious beliefs, which is also baffling in smart people :slight_smile: . I guess the “Make America Great Again” mind set doesn’t seem to have much appeal if you aren’t out to impose your religious beliefs on others like in the good old days. I know not all atheists are against Trump, but they have to be in the minority.

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I wonder when it was great the first time, and what made it so.