Whoo hoo! Is it enough?

I think this is all you need to say on this matter.


Meanwhile, an off topic observation …

Does anyone else’s ears start bleeding when they hear Omango-Tan’s whiny, graty, spoilt toddler voice? It’s even worse than listening to a warped vinyl record of Stockhausen’s Helicopter Concerto played on a cheap turntable from Wish with a malfunctioning motor. He can’t even look at a clock and tell the time out loud, without sounding like a pathetic, self-pitying loser with serious adenoidal medical issues.

A cat with its balls stuck in the rotor housing of a 1950s car distributor at full revs would make a better sound than this satsuma hued pustule.


Such poetry! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


His idiocy has worked for him so far. The harsher he’s treated the more he gets to play the victim. I’m in Trump territory and they actually feel sorry for him. The poor poor man being picked on. He’s extremely unlikely to get any meaningful jail time and fines don’t mean much to a rich man. He knows he’s screwed if he doesn’t win due to his other pending charges. No matter what it’s going to be ugly. He didn’t accept his loss last time and he won’t if he loses this time either.


I completely agree. This time around, however, he won’t be president and have the resources of that office to manipulate to his ends. If he does win, my biggest fear is that there won’t be an election in 2028…

To the GOP, the only “fair” election is one they win.


I was telling my non-trump friends last election that he wouldn’t concede. They didn’t believe me. Even when he lost a state in the 2016 GOP primary he claimed it was fraud. He will totally do this again.

Even if Trump looses or dies, the problem is that Trumpism will live on. The terrible epistemologies of far right media keep telling their drones what they want to hear. This is how we ended up with Trump in the first place. Unfortunately, while he is a problem, he is more of a symptom, than the main problem. There are plenty of racist white old people here. There would have been no way for him to get the nomination before 2008.

Here in Texas, the GOP voted to put into their party platform teaching bible lessons in public schools and deporting immigrants. Nothing shows the love of christ for your neighbor like shipping them to another country.

I just hope the party will collapse and something better rises out of the ashes. The problem is the more they lose, the more they cry it’s rigged and that their authoritarian tendencies are required to make it fair. So many people buy these terrible arguments. They are losing on the demographic front so authoritarianism is really their only option. I just hope our democracy holds long enough for them to alienate most of the voter base…


OMFG! This is just gut wrenching!

The Republicans apparently want a “Hobby Lobby” provision in the bill to allow employers to deny contraception in insurance coverage for their employees if they have a religious objection to it.

Meanwhile, in other news … I’ve worked out the plan being implemented by the Trump placemen in the Supreme Court.

Stall and delay the presidential immunity decision until the November election.

If the Orange Scrotum wins, suddenly announce By Coincidence ™ that presidential immunity applies, and hand him the free gift he’s been waiting for, enabling him to become America’s first Führer.

If Biden wins, sit on the decision Indefinitely™ (i.e., for another four years, hoping that Trump lives long enough to stand in 2028, and isn’t eliminated from the running through infirmity).

Now if I can work this out, why can’t the people who are in a position to stop this rot?


I wholeheartedly agree with this…
However, I am not so sure that the self-serving meglomaniacal “Justices” would be willing to give the jackass the opportunity to disempower themselves by granting unlimited immunity. I base this on their glaringly obvious efforts to circumvent the Constitution by exercising the non-existing right to “judicial review” as a means to reshape American culture to their distorted and perverted “vision”.
They are obviously way over his head in this game and I just can’t see them compromising their power.
I suppose the question, for me at least, is whether or not they learned anything from the 1930’s…

I disagree. I think their decision will be announced this month (June).

Care to elaborate on why?

The court nearly always releases decisions on cases argued in the current session before taking their summer vacation in June. The session technically runs from the first Monday in October to the first Monday in October of the following year, so they can wait for a few more months, but that would be extremely unusual and against their typical practice.

Yes I knew of the summer break. I thought perhaps you had another reason why you thought they would not continue to delay…thanks

I think Alito and Thomas would most certainly want to wait as long as possible, but Roberts, as CJ, probably would not go along with them (in wanting to wait as long as possible) and I think he has the final say.

I think Alito and Thomas would like to wait as it would allow time for their latest scandals (the Alito flag fiasco and the millions in bribes that Thomas has taken) to blow over.

I hope they don’t blow over. SCOTUS has been allowed to become very broken. It needs to be repaired. Currently, I have close to zero trust in it. That’s a recent development.

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Well that seems reasonable.
Considering that the court has before it at least five significant cases to be ruled on in June, they may be planning on a last minute “dump” of rulings to distract from the immunity case.
Article describing other cases:

Regardless, slow walking the ridiculous immunity case does not bode well for an independent judiciary. (imo)

If the court does rule that a president has absolute immunity, then Biden would be able to send the Seals to kill Trump. Not that he would, but the whole thing is so absurd that this kind of thing moves from the realm of fantasy to possible reality, especially if Trump is elected in November.


If that should occur, stick a fork in us, we’re done…

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