Whatcha Doing This Summer

I posted this topic because I haven’t been around the Republic lately and wanted to be in touch.
For the few years before my wife died we had been making plans for what we would do in retirement. At the top of the list was to buy a camper van and travel around in BC and eventually through Canada to the Atlantic Provinces.

During the last year I was cycling in and out of a fog which some might call depression but this spring, when the days started getting longer, I decided that maybe life was becoming more tolerable and thoughts of the camper van and traveling started to come out from where they were hiding. So I bought one, its old, a 1995 Road Trek on a Dodge 1 ton Chassis but even way back then it had all the features I could need. I’ve been in the process of making it road safe and ready to travel. Hope to finish that this week. Then I’ll do some short trips to ensure that everything works as it should and then Zoom Zoom.


Korean Won is in the shitter. I’m stuck doing local stuff until the economy improves. Local dart games, local fishing, local hiking, and not-so-local poker games (the nearest casino is 3 hours driving).

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Driving around the ‘69 Nova, reading more nonfiction, starting to build another guitar.

Maybe check the brake lines and fittings on that Dodge; surprises may await, depending upon which area of North America the truck is from, IME.

Staying at home as usual.

I do all of my travelling/vacationing in the autumn and winter months because I hate crowds and hate hot/humid weather.

Packing forty years worth of stuff for moving to a new home (yikes, husband is on the Hoarder spectrum), representing our clan at most of the local Highland Games, finishing a new piece called “Stars in the Northern Sky on the Day of My Birth”


Thanks for the tip I’m having it gone over by my local mechanic so I’ll mention it to him. Enjoy your Nova.

Is that a painting or a dance, just curious.

Hoarding just means that you don’t throw away really cool and useful things that you may have to buy again anyway.

It’s a multi technique fiber arts piece.

Cool and useful? He keeps keys that go to nothing, underwear with nothing but the elastic band left, bent nails, empty containers…he’s had to go buy a new tool of some sort because the other three are buried in the rafter-high pile of shit in the basement. :flushed:

Like I said cool and useful

Hey! A perfectly good reason to get a new tool! Can never get enough tools! And kitchen knives! And computer stuff! And…and…and…

Any chance of seeing it. When I think of fiber I immediately go to wood but I suppose it could be fabric, bamboo …

Once it’s finished.

This piece is primarily constructed of fabric. The techniques I’m using include sewing (machine and hand), pieced quilting, beading, air brush painting, trapunto, appliqué, and maybe more as it progresses.

Sounds interesting just getting into water color myself and have been a photographer for years - not famous or making a living at it just having fun.

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That’s all that really matters! I do art work because I need to, not for any other reason.

Hey! I’ve got a plan. Let’s all meet up at Tin Man’s house. He’s got a swell set of monkey bars in the backyard we can hang out on, a half-brewed batch of egg nog that is sure to cause hallucinations, and if it’s a full moon, we might get to see a witches’ coven dancing around the ole oak tree in their birthday suits with a severed goat’s head. We can roast bananas as the house burns down along with the upside-down cross we plant in the front yard, and we can fly kites with tails of soiled undergarments over the local churches. It will be a hoot. Everyone think of an activity. We can buy any supplies we need at the local Walmart. Hey! Fourth of July is a good day! “LET’S DO IT!” I’m bringing the dried banana peels.

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Great Idea! I suggest we do this down at the local Baptist Church. It could be a timed event up and down the aisles. Or we could play it safe and stay in Tin Man’s back yard and do it when the firemen show up.


Buck-yeah, that’s what we need - Integrated national consciousness. Let’s blur those personal boundaries all all become as one. We can select an all-powerful leader and let that person do our thinking for us so we no longer have to debate the Christians anymore. We can all have the exact same thought. “We are one.” We can just sit back, smoke banana peels, sip our egg nog, and count the butterflies as they peacefully flutter by with each new passing day. “National Consciousness” what a great idea!

We’re bringing back Huayan Buddhism up in here?? Does that mean Ratty gets an invite?

The friggin’ real melds with the illusory! It’s already making ontological sense.

I vote for white robes as the required uniform; our future leader can better tell us from the witches when we’re frolicking in Tin’s southern forests.

I’m okay with white robes as long as all rituals are done in light green g-strings and unshaven pubs. All natural before the mighty Atheist leaders. That’s the only way to do it right.

Trust you @Cognostic to go all Zen, or whatever. I was focused on the yogic flying which really just looked like butt bouncing to me, but then what do I know about consciousness anyway.

Yeah Okay although were going to look awfully silly with grass stains. Does anyone know if @Tin-Man has dogs? You wouldn’t want to be “flying” around in his back yard and land in a pile of dog doo.