What would be a way to handle a teenage pregnancy as an atheist?

Well, if HE didn’t donate the sperm, then who did? Or did you somehow STEAL it from him? And if it makes you feel any better, I often referred to MY OWN father as a “sperm donor”, because he was never a real part of my life. (He died a couple of years ago, by the way. I did not attend his funeral.) He and my Mom split up when I was three or four, and he was never around and rarely sent her any support. Meanwhile, my Mom struggled greatly to keep food on the table and a roof over the heads of me and my younger sister and brother. And even before they divorced, he was rarely home as part of my life. He was in the Navy and stayed deployed more than at home. Therefore, he was simply a sperm donor. Just because you do not like the term does not make it any less true.

I did not steal it from him, but he was NOT a sperm donor. I’ll only be willing to let y’all call him one if you call deadbeat moms egg donors.

Also, I might end up in the same position as your mom, except I will refuse any child support except him being there for his kid. It has gotten better for her, right?

That is NOBODY’S decision but your own. And, atheist or otherwise, anybody who tries to persuade you one way or the other should promptly be told to fuck off. Please keep that in mind.


Thank you. I shall remember that.

That actually made me feel better. Thank you. You guys are actually being very helpful, unlike the guy who quit on me, who yelled at me.

Funny you should mention that. My sister is exactly that. An egg donor. I have three nephews. The youngest one is in his mid-twenties now, and he didn’t even know who his real dad was until just within the last year.

She died a couple of years before my dad. It was only after me, my sister, and brother were out on our own that she married a really great guy who treated her right and took good care of her. But as we were growing up, it was a constant struggle for her.

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Then I am willing to let you guys call him that. I won’t, though.

Well, I’m glad it got better for her. Pretty sad she had to struggle before she could get it, though. But I guess that’s what makes earning it all the sweeter, right?

Nobody here is saying you have to call him anything at all. You can call him an eggplant, for all we care. Hell, for that matter, you can call him super-duper-lovey-dovey if it makes you happy. No skin off my nose one way or the other. However, in case you haven’t noticed yet, most folks here will call things as they see them. And if that upsets you, that is your problem, not ours. Moreover, you also might want to consider that most of us here literally have multiple DECADES more experience with these things than you do. That’s not to say we know EVERYTHING, or that we are ALWAYS right. It’s just saying we have a MUCH broader view of reality and life in general.

Edit to add: Oh, and in the interest of avoiding future misunderstandings, it is important you know that NOBODY here requires your permission to use whatever term(s) they choose. Just sayin’…


I only got offended at it originally because I had originally heard it from misandristic feminists (not to say that all feminists are misandristic, of course, but these ones were). It reminded me of them. So, apologies.

Also, many things require experience, but not all do. Just gonna point this out.

Begin by contacting someone who can actually answer your questions.

This looked good because, in addition to prenatal care they have a whole Transhealth program.

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Thank you! I shall certainly look at that

No matter how deadbeat they are, they are more than just egg donors. They’re also incubators. Probably also biological baby bottles.


I’m glad you guys say it for both, to be honest.

Also, even though my dude is technically currently a deadbeat dad, I still won’t call him a “sperm donor,” but y’all can. I won’t complain now.

Yet you argued in the “Is death like it was before you were born?” thread on the correct technical description.

In one thread you argue for the correct impersonal technical label, yet in this thread you are arguing against? You can’t have it both ways.

I somewhat understand what you mean but I am also somewhat confused. Can you please clarify what you mean specifically?

Phew! That’s a relief… (picking up PA microphone)… Testing… Testing… (thump-thump-thump)… Is this thing working?.. Testing 1, 2… Testing… Can y’all hear me?.. Okay, good… Listen up, everybody! I have some good news to announce! You will be relieved to know that through the kindness of his heart, Drew has graciously granted us all permission to use the term “sperm donor” to describe deadbeat dads. Everybody please be sure to let Drew know how grateful you are that he has allowed you to freely express yourself here. That is all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


Fido is relieved, in more ways than one.


I meant I won’t complain anymore, but ok lol

:notes:Cow-chicka-bow-wow! :notes:


Now, that’s thinking BIG!

Remember, folks: It ain’t always about the size of the dog in the fight. It’s about the size of the fight in the dog. :joy:

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