What’s for dinner tonight?

Making brisket for the final game of the 6N’s tomorrow, as I have friends coming over. Will make roast potatoes in rosemary and extra virgin olive oil, and mash, and homemade bread rolls.

Brisket will be slow cooked in beef stock and a Rioja, first brown the brisket, and then remove, and then simmer some chopped onions in same pan for 5 mins, and add some crushed garlic for 2 mins. Then place brisket, stock and wine (to cover at least 2/3 of brisket), and simmer for 5.5 hrs in slow cooker (or in casserole dish in oven on 150 C) turning brisket every hour.

The meat will start to fall apart at this stage, so you can either remove and thicken gravy with some corn flour, adjust seasoning, and shred beef into gravy, or slice beef and then add to thickened gravy…

Roast potatoes will be cut small, and roast slowly at 150C for around an hour, in extra virgin olive oil with rosemary salt and pepper, turn the potatoes every 15 mins. The mash will have milk and butter added.

…I will have alcohol added… :smirk: :innocent:


Roast chicken, stuffing, gravy, and broccoli.


I normally add a pint and a half of chicken stock to roasting tin, placing chicken on trivet, and with a lid. Then remove lid to brown skin for 15 to 20 mins at end. The stock is used to make the gravy…damn I am getting hungry just talking about this… :innocent: :smirk:


Lamb has dramatically reduced in Price and my local butcher who really knows his meat had some lovely chops, that will be todays lunch, BBQ’d lamb chops with green beans in butter.

I also bought some dry aged porterhouse steaks which will be perfect for tomorrow with either salad or some really nice buttered savoy cabbage and roast potatoes (like Sheldon’s)

Mmmmmm aahgg (he says as drool slowly makes its way down)

WTF? In Wales sheep outnumber humans by about three to one, and still lamb is expensive as feck… :sob: :sob: and I love lamb…the meat I mean obviously… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink: half of what you hear about Welshmen and sheep is untrue, and the rest is just made up…honest… :wink:

Hmmmmm…I luvs it, a little rosemary, and a glass of red…

You’re killing me, though I did buy some sirloin earlier, and next week will be having a steak night… :sunglasses:

The smaller they’re cut and the longer they’re roasted, the more of the olive oil they absorb, little golden nuggets of deliciousness…

I was taught, as a child, to hate lamb. During the Great Depression, my father had to quit school in the sixth grade to support his mother and brother (his father took a hike). He got a job butchering mutton. He wouldn’t talk about the job itself but lamb was never allowed in our house. Any mention of it was met with profound hostility.

Mmmm how poetic…and appetizing!

I’m still sipping on morning coffee, Dinner is too far into the future to think about. I’m hoping to go out and play darts. I suspect dinner will be a hot dog when I get home. (Those are quick and easy.)

As it has been (for no good reason) here. However one can now buy premium cuts of lamb at about 28$AU per Kg. so about 7GPB per pound I think. Even cheaper at the supermarket, and some private sellers are down to about 14$ per KG for a dressed whole carcass.

The Red I will be drinking is a 2019 Cabernet Merlot from SE Australia.

I found that when I lived in the US there were places and homes that had never tasted lamb and looked in horror whenever I talked about it. Consequently I found mutton cheap as heck when I could get it, yum. I never did find a supermarket that sold lamb. I was told it was something to do with the range wars, the Shepherds vs the Cattle Barons

. So true…

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I am planning on sneaking out myself for a nice pint of “voodoo” (7% locally brewed lager) at my local burger bar under the guise of getting a couple of things I “forgot” yesterday while doing the regular shop…How many times this is going to work I do not know but I am playing it until the end game.

“Meat is murder” after all. The Smiths said it best.

I’m on a broccoli and cauliflower diet on weekdays with whatever protein I can curtail on weekends.

Came about in a sort of sober appreciation for the amount of sheer death we inflict on other living beings.

Worldwide, more than 70 billion land animals are killed for food every year. Our series of charts based on United Nations data shows the trends by type of animal.

70 billion - nearly 10 times as many animals per every living human on earth, per year.

Not that bad. We only eat 10 full animals a year? Does that even make sense? Is my math wrong, as per usual?

Apart from the sheer numbers, the sustainability of agriculture is an issue too.

Sorry to ruin anyone’s dinner plans. I’m more than willing to eat meat, myself. I’m an omnivore after all. There really are certain amino acids I simply can’t make without animal by products.

If we’re not supposed to eat animals, why do they taste so fucking good? I’m personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of chickens and turkeys. I haven’t eaten a meal that didn’t have meat or fish included my entire adult life.

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And here I am eating ‘Carnivore.’

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I have only one simple refutation to vegetarians: Bacon
A vegetabe, protein delicacy to excel all others.


I will see you your bacon and raise you a properly cooked and seasoned steak or lamb chop, and of course give honourable mention to a slow cooked brisket, braised in red wine and beef stock. Compared to those a salad literally sticks in the throat… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :innocent:

To each their own I guess.

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Turkey dinner. Stuffing, roasted carrots, potatoes roasted in rosemary, cranberry sauce, Brussels sprouts - all smothered in gravy concocted straight from the drippings. Yum. Swished it down with a bottle of Asahi Dry Lager.

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I prefer my carrots raw.

Homemade chicken tamales and taquitos with rice and beans. Good stuff.

Well, it’s March 17th, so corned beef :four_leaf_clover:

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