What’s for dinner tonight?

And if YOU had paid attention, you would see that this thread asked, “What’s for DINNER?” MODS! Old Man is trying to derail this thread! :tired_face: Anyway, where were we? Oh, yeah… So, what time is LUNCH? And I ain’t falling for that “spare banana” trick again. Too many bruises on the damn thing, and it smells funny. Cog obviously doesn’t take proper care of his produce items.

My spare banana is for emergencies only. It has been safely locked away for about 3 years now. I have cared for and nurtured it, just as if it were a rolling pin. You don’t seriously think, that after I have spent so much time and energy caring for it, I am going to pull it out and let someone else munch away on it. HA! That banana is mine, mine, mine, … all mine!

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Oh dear oh dear…let me enlighten your southern fried brain dearest Tin Man. Bless your heart; in Scotland (and many places in England) “Dinner” is between noon and 2pm and the evening meal is called “tea”. As in " Ye wull have ha’ haed yer tea?" to an unwelcome guest…Also the school midday meal is called “school dinners” almost universally on the entire UK.
I think you will find any Mods of Scots descent will acknowledge the accuracy of that statement ol’ clanker.

However today’s dinner (lunch) is :Confit of duck legs, served with rosti and green beans in garlic butter.


As a Mod of Scots descent (at least half :blush:) I will acknowledge that Tin is, as my countryman has said, an ol’ clanker.

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Homemade bean soup with rolls and salad.

Home made chicken tamales with rice and beans, good stuff.

Okay, fine! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snack, brunch… Call it whatever you want. Who cares? And while I honestly don’t know exactly what that meal is you just described, it sounds enticing. Just save me a leg and a serving of beans.

Confit (/kɒnfi/, French pronunciation: [kɔ̃fi]) (from the French word confire, literally “to preserve”)[1][2] is any type of food that is cooked slowly over a long period as a method of preservation.[1]

I used to cook by cooking in a mixture of seasoned duck fat, butter and oil for about 12-18 hours at a low temperature. Delicious. Nowadays my local Duckery (LOL) does their own and I just pick up a delicious pair of 1/4 ducks, cooked to perfection. Cheap too.
Rosti are elegant, slightly different “hash browns” definitely not brought out of a freezer packet but made by my fair hands. Crispy, yet soft in the middle and oozing flavor.

Todays menu is: Locally smoked duck breast with cucumber, tomato and basil salad.

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Oh, for the love of…! Would you STOP already, you cantankerous old bastard? I’m sitting here munching on freakin’ pretzels, and you just keep going on and on about slow-cooked duck, smoked duck, scratch-made “hash browns”, and cucumber salad! Arrrrrrrrg! :weary:

Careful clanker or I will add what we (me) is drinking with it…as aperitif I had locally made Goat Brewery alcoholic ginger beer and with lunch a glass or two of Salena Shiraz, from South Australia.

Trying to be helpful as always: Would it be any comfort knowing that this past week, I’ve had hamburgers with homemade patties, fried pork with a homemade sweet & sour sauce, homemade french dinner crêpes filled with onions/red peppers/ham/cheese/egg, homemade pizza (with dough made from scratch), and homemade shepherd’s pie(*)?

You’re welcome.

(*) as well as other delicious stuff I cannot remember off the top of my head.

My lactose intolerance has returned after 20+ years of controlling it with probiotics. Either they aren’t working anymore, or my stomach is more sensitive to it now. Either way, I’ve only eaten 2 meals a day since my late teens. I have no desire to eat/drink anything in the morning until I’ve been up for a couple of hours.
I eat my lunch around 10 am, usually some soup or a sandwich. Between then and our dinner time, I have to take a dozen pills between 2:30 - 3:00, so I drink 16 ounces of cranberry juice afterwards and eat a toasted hot dog bun(something small).
We usually eat our dinner between 5:30 - 6:00 pm, depending on what I’ve made. We(I) eat a lot of turkey and chicken, and have beef maybe a couple of times a week. I’ve had to eliminate a lot of things in my diet now that my milk allergy is back, there are a lot of things I can never eat again. Chocolate candy, ice cream, donuts, most cakes, clam chowder, my wife’s curried chicken, burgundy beef, the list gets longer by the week.

Long story short(too late), I eat lunch and dinner. You can call your meals whatever you’d like.

I hate you both. :angry: … (returning to table to finish a bowl of plain oatmeal and stale saltine crackers)…

You have a bowl??
Talk about privilege!

Edit to eat an air sandwich


Really! I’m planning on a chicken dinner, if I can find a damn chicken. If not… I guess it’s bananas again.



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BBQ’d burgers with chili, bacon, and french fried onions with french fries.

Been making everything from scratch for the last two months. The beauty of not having children, I guess. Started last month off with butter chicken. Followed up the next week by authentic homemade Phó. We followed that up the next week after with Aloo Gobii (that’s a cauliflower and potato curry for those who don’t know). Last weekend was Birria Tacos. The wife made Thai Curry last night. Which brings me tonight. Can’t say. It’s anyone’s guess. But I’ll be scouring this thread for ideas. :wink:

That’s the most erotic banana I’ve seen in a while. And it’s been a while. Let me tell y’ah.

Having children and making food from scratch are not incommensurable paradigms. We have children, and we’re making most of our food from scratch. Today was an exception, though, with takeway sushi.

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