What is the biggest lie?

So what is the meaning? And where is the evidence for it?

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Only death is real, the meaning of life is what you put into it(in my opinion).

That is a question that has been pondered and argued for millennia. Evidence ?

So life isn’t real , only death ?

Can you demonstrate any objective evidence that life or the universe has any overarching meaning?

Do you mean all life? A banana or a mango tree for instance? I mean humans didn’t evolve until 200k years ago, so if a deity caused everything, that deity seems far more fascinated tinkering with dinosaur evolution, than with humans.

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Can you demonstrate any objective evidence that life or the universe has any overarching meaning?

Of course that question works both ways and is reflected in thousands of years of Philosophy.

Do I have to, or is it incumbent on you to prove a god and it’s intended “purpose”? You are the one making the claim.

No, it’s real, but our inevitable demise is the same for EVERY single person who has lived or is currently living on this rock we call earth. We all either rot in our grave or are reduced to a small pile of ash and bone in a crematorium. There’s no escaping it, no matter how hard you try to believe otherwise.

WHAT! Don’t you DARE have a go at the sacred Bananas. The fruit that isn’t a fruit from which all life flows. The sacred YELLOW. The holy Crescent. The mighty tree dwelling creator of the universe and beyond. DON’t You dare go there you blasphemous turd!

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That’s Sheldon’s proposition not mine .

I failed to find a corresponding proposition from Sheldon. :woman_shrugging:t6:

Maybe you could be more explicit?

That was Sheldon’s question to me .
I replied that the question works both ways as evidenced by thousands of years of Philosophy .
Prove there is no meaning is just as valid a question.

Evidence of absence is typically considered good enough for a negative claim in philosophy. The burden of proof is not equal for positive and negative claims in philosophy; despite your statements to the contrary.

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If there is no meaning to life or the universe then how would know there is no meaning ?

I don’t know that there is any objective meaning of life; and I also don’t know that there isn’t. However:

  1. The people who say it has a meaning have the easy job: they just need to tell us what it is. This is why they have the burden of proof.
  2. The people who say it has no meaning; have the impossible job: there is no way to establish that there is no meaning. They could be 100% right, but it is totally impossible for them to ever demonstrate it. It is an impossible task.

By flipping the burden of proof; you are crafting a situation where you can never be shown to be wrong and your opponents can never be shown to be correct; regardless of the claim in question. It’s dirty pool!


Evidence of absence. Absence of evidence. Evidence of evidence. Absence of evidence of absence. Evidence of absence of evidence. Evidence of evidence of absence. Absence of evidence of evidence of absence. How far can we take it and still keep it meaningful in any sense?

Was that a yes or a no?

I’ve not any claims, my atheism is a lack of belief, not a contrary belief.

You didn’t answer the question either?


I don’t need to know, in order to withhold belief, and this kind of sophistry leads to an obvious inference, that you can’t demonstrate any objective evidence for your belief.


Why do people have to tell you what it is ?
If it is an impossible task then why would the claim be made that there is no meaning to life ?