What do you do in heaven?

Intelligent design anyone? No?

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Old Man “Intelligent design anyone?”

Maybe. Mine only gets me up once in a night, but then I do make a point of crafting a figurine in toilet paper of what I imagine my prostrate god looks like, while I wait. I flush it along with the pee. Works like a charm.

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@David_Killens Unless He/She/It suffers from “prostrate cancer”. LMAO! :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Heaven is where God the Father Creator is dwelling. The only thing a human child of God can do there is visit there and Praise God the Almighty made of nuclear white draft sun material. Revelations chapter 1 verses 13 to 17. I am a Christian and over 99 percent of Christians do not know this.

This idiot is posting nothing of worth. Just trolling the site with nonsense. Isn’t it about that time?


Sort out this well known phrase or saying : Head Dick


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This one is a very obvious troll, with a mental of about 14 imo. Really can’t be bothered with it.

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I know but isnt it fun? 6am with a bad back and poking trolls is just the best way to relieve my agony…as there seems to be a dearth of our right wing govts supporters or monoculist christians to rape and pillage.

No. But that’s probably because I’m a sour old cunt who doesn’t suffer fools.
I enjoy wit, but this one has shown he doesn’t have one. He’s boring ,so I can’t be bothered.

The problem with a question like this is you don’t define “heaven”. My default is to assume the classic Christian understanding but even this is difficult to define because every Christian denomination has a different understanding. In my travels I’ve come to the conclusion that this idea of heaven and hell as places that separate the good and the bad, with purgatory reserved for the in betweeners is a misnomer; and in my opinion one of the downfalls of the Catholic beliefs. In many major religions the concept of heaven is more a state of being. According to some orthodox christian faiths, all people go to the same “place”. What makes it good or bad is your personal perception of god himself. If you love him, then you will be happy to be there. If you hate him, then it will feel like hell. I actually like this idea because it seems to at least follow some logic and consistency within the religion (unlike the idea that a benevolent god would punish anybody).

As far as what would we do while we were there? I’d love to know! But from what is described in the Bible at least for angels is that they spend eternity in perfect unison with god. I guess it doesn’t really matter what you are “doing” as much as how you are feeling there.
Another idea would be that we would go to an Eden like place and live in a way similar to Adam and Eve, just with more knowledge of good and evil this time.

I never did understand why the Catholic Church would lay so heavily on the idea that god would literally burn you in hell for not believing in him. Like I mentioned earlier it seems really inconsistent with their fundamental definition of a benevolent and perfectly loving god. Idk.

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Nuclear white draft sun??? Huh? What the hell is THAT??? :confused::confused::confused:… Although, you have to admit it would be an AWESOME name for beer! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t find that hard to understand. They obviously want to terrify people into following their religion. They created a monstrous threat with them as the only ones who can save you. It gives them power over people. It’s not just catholics, lots of christian sects emphasize the threat of hell. I think the majority of christians believe in the fire and brimstone hell.


My entire childhood and later into my adult years I was always taught/told that you go to heaven and spend ETERNITY walking on STREETS OF GOLD while forever singing the praises of God Our Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the LORD and pass the cornbread! FOREVER and ever, AMEN!:innocent::innocent::innocent: One: I always HATED having to sing. Two: What was so special about streets made of gold if it was better to be poor on Earth? Three: As a kid, that sounded like ZERO fun to me, so how the HELL could that be considered Paradise? As an understatement, none of it ever made any sense to me.

Then … NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS. It’s just that damn simple. With that said. There is actual evidence for the non-existence of god. It is verifiable, historical, and even measurable.

When a claim is made, we must look for facts and evidence to support the claim. If I tell you that there is a dead body in my closet. That is a claim. So we go to the closet and we look inside. We find, no dead body and no evidence at all to suggest that a dead body was ever in the closet. Perhaps we find a hair, but the hair could have come from anyone’s head. No reason to assume it was from a dead body, no matter how insistant the person is that it belonged to the dead body.

In fact. when evidence is expected, and not forth coming, it is evidence against the claim. When it comes to God and gods, we have 6,000 years of empty clostes and tens of thousands of dead gods that we have been looking for, without any evidence at all, in those clostets. The facts add up to and support the argument for, the non-existance of God or gods. That is what all the FACTS say. If you believe the facts, you can be pretty certain that no god or God exists. However, 100% certainty is not possible. The universe is a big place.


Well, welcome to the most boring fucking conversation of all time.

Why is so wrong to ask for a simple conversation without the caveats of logical argument being thrown in.

Yes, theist cannot prove their notions, they cannot even form a coherent logical argument without invoking various fallacies… we’ve seen it a million times.

Like wise, we (atheists) have to tread some ridiculous fucking line where we have to state “we’re not convinced by the proposition” again, because of sodding logical argument.

Why is it so unreasonable to have an adult conversation?

I’m more interested in why someone believes or disbelives, how did they come to that conclusion? What would shake their doubts or beliefs?

Fuck, no wonder I rarely come on here.

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It’s like the “Tiger & the Donkey” argument. At some point you realize you’re arguing with a complete idiot and you have to walk away. Most Theists will argue, evade, lie, and deflect on their side of the argument without giving a shred of evidence to back up their claims. I’ve argued until I’m blue in the face. So I ask myself “At what point am I wasting my time with them?”

The donkey told the tiger:

′′The grass is blue".

The tiger replied:

′′No, the grass is green".

The discussion became heated up, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion, King of the Jungle.

Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming:

′′Your Highness, is it true that grass is blue?".

The lion replied:

"True, the grass is blue".

The donkey rushed forward and continued:

′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me please punish him".

The king then declared:

′′The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence".

The donkey jumped for joy and went on his way, content and repeating:

′′The grass is blue"…

The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion:

′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?"

The lion replied:

′′In fact, the grass is green".

The tiger asked:

′′So why do you punish me?"

The lion replied:

′′That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question".

Facts don’t care about your fucking feelings. It seems like a lot of people let their feelings rule over their own lives, not the facts. Then, for some reason, they feel compelled to push their own beliefs onto anyone that doesn’t measure up in their opinion.
Do the world a favor, and mind your own fucking business, especially when it comes to the subject of religion.
There is ZERO evidence that any god/gods exist. I wish every theist that comes onto this forum could read this and realize that they’re wasting everyone’s time when they come on here and try to make us believe otherwise.

I have another story to tell! Nice!

@Cognostic I wanna hear your story. Pleeeeaaaassssse? :heart_eyes: