Three year old girl killed in exorcism

Come on … This is just preaching and utter and complete bullshit. This ass has offered nothing in the way of evidence ourside of a presuppositional assertin and an argument from ignorance. (I’ve no evidence and indeed no idea why the universe was steril, therefore god.) This is the same shit over and over. Haven’t we all had enough?

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“The evidence was given;”?
What evidence?
By whom was it given?
When nd where was it given?
The lack of intelligence is all yours.

AtheistChMG: Where did you get the idea that I believe "such (religious) nonsense?
I don’t.
Did you send me this message by mistake?

lol Christians actually pull this shit in real life too. There’s a guy that I used to work with and during our debate when I asked what objective evidence could he demonstrate for any deity he answered with this bullshit: “God has shown you all the evidence you need and you still reject him”. They just like to play stupid bullshit mind games with us. They don’t know the true definition of “evidence” or what that means. They wouldn’t know it if it crawled up and bit them in the ass.

Or purposely ignored the meaning of “real”

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“I fart in thy general direction”


Actually this is brilliant. I often use this with my wife in a little bit different form. " I told you that I never lie and I am always right and if you are not aware enough to understand it, then the fault is yours". She responds much in the way our hairy cohort is responding to this.
I am just shy of concluding that this is either @David_Killens bored and having fun with us fuckers here, or a bored lurker troll with a leg cramp from hiding under his bridge.
I think that this waste of time should end, since there is no evidence forthcoming and proceeding further would be as much of a waste of time as would be lighting farts.

A three year old who cries and screams in the night … uh … obviously possessed by Satan. 🤷 this was God’s will. Quite clearly.

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I get very, very angry when I hear about things like this.

I worked as a paramedic in South Florida for over a decade, and there are a huge number of people from 3rd world countries . . . and exorcism is used for problems like Tourette’s Syndrome, epilepsy, and schizophrenia.

Sometimes the exorcisms are augmented with beatings, immersion in freezing water, and being restrained in painful positions for hours on end.

There is the perception that these illnesses are created by God, so using medicines like antipsychotics or antiseizure meds (like Dilantin) shows that you have no faith . . . so using these medicines means that you’re turning your back on your family, your culture, and your faith.

When these kids die, it’s God’s will.

Addenum: This doesn’t seem much different than the children of Jehova’s Witnesses who die from need of a blood transfusion.


Although I am horrified, I’m not really surprised. Have you encountered any such cases personally? If so, how did you handle it?


Let’s just say that how I handled it ultimately led to me having to take 12 steps.


Kevin, I’ve been attended to by paramedics. I didn’t get the chance then to thank them. So, I’ll thank you and hope you accept it on behalf of all paramedics who are to be thanked.


The biggest problem has to do with balancing the priority of taking care of a child vs. the priority of respecting religious and/or cultural beliefs.

The other issue that contributed to frequent conflicts is my social incompetence due to the fact that I’m autistic.

As an example, we had protocols that allow us to transport clergy with the patient under certain circumstances.

So, I was transporting a Wiccan, and her priestess asked to come along, so I said “No problem, here’s where you sit. Let me know if I can assist you with your pastoral care in any way.”

We transported the patient to a religious hospital, and the E.R. staff (including the hospital clergy) reamed me a new asshole because I treated the leader of a dangerous cult like a real clergy person, and that I lack common sense.

I believe that a paramedic should be nonjudgmental, while they believe that I endangered sick children (and other patients) because parents will leave the emergency room before their kids get treatment if they get scared by seeing the pentagram on Wiccan religious materials.

I realize that my claims may seem outlandish, so I’ll ask everyone to review the blurb below about a Congressman named Bob Barr (not to be confused with Attorney General Bill Barr, as the names are coincidental).

He spent a lot of resources campaigning to make the Wiccan religion illegal. He called upon all Christian people to boycott joining the military-and leave our country defenseless-until Wiccanism is outlawed.

Please see below:

My point is that I lacked the social insight to understand that I need to discriminate against Wiccans, while facilitating Pentacostalist Christians whom handle venomous snakes as a part of their religion.

Please see below:

To me, snake handling seems far more Satanic than Pagan nature worship . . . but that’s my lack of social insight.

I spend a lot of time being angry.

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You’re welcome. I do appreciate your acknowledgement. The job isn’t for everyone.


Here is an ad for a religious person who cures schizophrenia by religious interventions.

I say stay a person. Whether it’s autism or just your character - you are a compassionate human AND frankly, that’s all that really matters.


In my part of the world, I would not call that social incompetence or lack of social insight on your part. I would call your boss’ reaction lack of social insigh and lack of understanding of the law. Futhermore, your boss would have been reprimanded had it been here.


Thank you for being understanding, but if I’m to be honest, it really was likely (during that time and place) that parents would leave before their kids would get treated, as Satanism and Wiccanism were confused with each other.

It was pointed out to me that I–being a Jew–would be very uncomfortable getting treated by a neo-Nazi with swastika tattoos on his arms . . . so I was being a hypocrite.

In all honesty, I would probably have some difficulty trusting a neo-Nazi with my medical care.

So, I lack empathy toward the other patients when I brought a Wiccan priestess (and her religious materials) into the E.R…

Thank you very much.


If you see above, there was a belief that Satanists were infiltrating everything and taking over.

I always found it interesting that the 1981 movie
Omen III: The Final Conflict which starred Sam Neill seemed to have all of the elements of the Satanic anxiety of the 80s and 90s.

The movie depicted a hidden underground of Satanists who killed hundreds of infants in order to keep Jesus Christ from being reincarnated.

There were other similarities, such as the idea that Satanists were covertly infiltrating the political world.

There seem to be so many similarities between this movie and the Satanic Panic . . . that I believe that the movie planted the seed.

I, however, was a transplanted New Yorker who is accustomed to being around many different faiths, so Wiccanism was just another religion to me.

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