This is out of control

Straw man fallacy…


More like a virulent form of meningitis.

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Sorry. My bad. I guess I should have said, “ALMOST as equal. At least far more so than when I was a kid.” Yeah, still a ways to go, I know. And now it seems that progress has suddenly gotten “inhibited” over the past couple of years or so.

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Question: What do you call a bus-load of attorneys at the bottom of a lake?

Answer: A good start.


That’s so interesting. We call a load of Tin Men at the bottom of a lake the same thing.


Ha! Joke’s on you. I’ll be just fine with my internal Draeger re-breather system I recently had installed. (I just hope my joint seals hold up, though. They’re only rated for depths down to 75 ft.)

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Noted! Problem solved.

The place I was treated the worst based on being female was in LE.

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You’re lucky. I get treated badly everywhere I go as a female.

I can’t be the only one that doesn’t know what or where LE is :slight_smile: . There’s lots of places I wouldn’t want to have the misfortune of being female, like say anywhere in the moslem world. I saw a woman in full hajib yesterday and it just makes me cringe. I know most would say they do it voluntarily, but the women of Iran have made it clear they don’t like the idea of it being enforced with beatings. As a little girl freezing in a drafty school room it never even occurred to me I should be wearing a nice warm pair of pants. I was a little girl, and little girls wore dresses, that’s just the way it was and I think that’s the way it is for many women wearing hajib, they don’t have a choice and it doesn’t occur to them they should. It wasn’t until I had to wear a mask everyday that I realized just how uncomfortable they were. Covering yourself from head to toe is physically restrictive and takes away your identity. I just seriously dislike the idea and fear even more women are going to have it forced on them.


I sympathise, incidentally at the school I went as a boy, I had to wear a shirt, tie, jumper and a blazer at all times, and even on the hottest days had to ask permission to remove the jumper, this was not always granted, and the blazer was considered de rigueur. The girls had a summer blouse, did not have to wear a jumper, and could remove their blazers if they wished. I also had to take PE lessons outside no matter what the weather, when it rained or was too cold the girls went into the gymnasium.

Hopefully we can move to abandon discrimination that harms women and girls, and on those more rare occasions men and boys of course.


Sorry, it’s Law Enforcement.

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No doubt both genders get unnecessary unpleasantness foisted on them. I’m happy to say that for the most part little girls in public schools in the U.S. are no longer required to wear weather inappropriate clothing. The rules you said they had for boys seem down right vindictive. I swear the teaching profession attracts sadists. I can only hope it’s improved since you were small.


Sorry to tell you this but there is an even bigger one on your front lawn.


Hell, why do you think I have a secret underground tunnel leading up into my house? :smile:


Well aren’t you the tricky one? :rofl:

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We’ve had three women as Prime Minister here in the UK.

Margaret Thatcher was as close as we’ve had in this country to a Randroid, who launched 40 years of “neoliberal” right wing cancer in our society, while engaged in a political love-in with Ronald Reagan.

Theresa May was a right wing Dalek who presided over the disaster that was Brexit, and possessed virtually no recognisable human attributes.

Liz Truss was the paid stooge of hard Right “think tanks” in which she’d spent most of her adult career, drinking the Von Mises Kool-Aid, and was famously outlasted by a lettuce (she tanked the economy and was booted out by the very same rich people she tried to suck up to).

Our track record doesn’t bode well for the future.

Now if we had just once, experienced an example such as Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, or the various Scandinavian women prime ministers of recent times, I would be more hopeful, but the only time we ever seem to have a woman in the top job, is when the woman in question is a hard reich wing Tory destroyer.


Perhaps a helpful step on the way would be if you can avoid electing a geriatric president. Come to think of it, you might need a non-geriatric Congress and Supreme court as well.


None of the three reich wing destroyers I’ve mentioned above were geriatric, far from it. Liz Truss is still in her late 40s if memory serves, and is still trying to tell the world that the only way to “Save The West™” is to turn it into a neoliberal hell, including, wait for it, installing the Orange Scrotum as the next POTUS. I kid you not. Weapons grade fruit loop and moon pie.

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Somethings aren’t meant to be controlled.