The "science" in islam made me doubt

Dammit, Ratty, it’s good to have you back! :blush:

Just to be completely transparent - I didn’t get the joke … if there was one. I don’t even know. I’m just interested in the site.

Err - good to be back. Penis jokes are on the way (just as soon as Sheldon realizes I’ve returned).

Well, yeah, I guess I got it wrong, but it was 2008 quite a while ago, my memory’s a bit hazy these days. I must have just remembered something like, well, walking in a park, getting stuck on a bench…I don’t remember exactly, I’m an old man, what d’you want. leave me alone, help, help, I’m being repressed.
Nice to see you back Ratty.
Dont do this at home.

Nice to see you too, Grinseed. I swear on my honour that I will not stick my penis in a park bench only to get it stuck out of arousal. I don’t even know what kind of fetish that is - wood fetish? Is that a thing?

Might be a bench fetish…I understand thats a thing amongst weightlifters in gymnasiums.

Oh, dear… Oh, my… :worried: I had no idea! And I wasn’t even trying that hard. I was basically just in “auto-mode” that night. End of shift and such, ya know? Oh, that poor little EvilOne. :pensive: I do hope he is okay. Uh, tell ya what, let him know he can just give me half, okay? And I’m truly sorry if I misled him in any way. Thanks. You’re a pal.

He may be Evil, but his feelings are delicate. I’ll let him down easy.

Islam and science is essentially explained by a quote from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle… “Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”

The vast majority of the claims made by Islamic theists that I have seen have been almost depressing, with some random crap linked to a scientific discovery…

I.e. “And Allah saw the waves and looked at the moon!”

“Oh well that tells us about gravity and the moon being tidal locked!”

No, just no… it’s bollocks and you damn well know it!


Just how blindly closed minded would someone have to be in their adherence to Islam not laugh at that claim.

Sadly religions demand their ludicrous beliefs are respected, and that’s the difference between science and religion, religion demands and asserts that evidence must match its claims, where science enquires and follows the evidence wherever it leads.


I’m so damn sorry to have forgotten to check this topic for some day :joy:
I will try to answer some post here

Take your time, please read all posts.

It is not a sin to be late. It is a sin to post and run away.

Still waiting for the magical science quote from the Quaran. You know, the one that no one during that age could have possibly known about. That divine science quote that came directly from an all knowing God and was written down in the Holy Quran!

Better hurry before more of us glue our nuts to something…

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thank you so much David .

thanks for your welcoming. I am aware that mohammed didn’t write because he is illiterate, but he starts the creation of myths in quran by telling people around him in that time. after his death they start to rewrite what he has said.
because they write it after long years of his death, that means quran is human creation because no one will remember exactly all what someone has told them after 20 years, right ?!

It is my honor and pleasure to meet you.

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Know that no matter how much time has elapsed, they will say that god “inspired” it just like the Bible. They will have to assume a supernatural, unfalsifiable source. If they already believe in god, this is a very small step.

Hell’s bells. That woman is breaking so many health and safety rules.

And after his death people create all sorts of other myths that eventually get added to the Quaran. And 'Yes" the Quaran is a human creation. It is not, nor has it ever been, ONE BOOK. It is one Canonized book that was accepted after all other books were destroyed. And we have not even broached the accepted interpretations of the book in question.

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These days I can seldom remember what some one told me yesterday unless I write it down.

I’m not just being flippant. Memory does seem to change, become less reliable as we age. I think there would be many unintended errors if a person tried to remember things for 20 years and then write them down.

Another odd thing I’ve discovered over the last few years are false memories. There there have times I could swear I remembered something, only to discover I am mistaken.

The Quran is almost certainly myth invented by men because there is no proof to the contrary. Nor indeed any proof for the existence of YHWH/Allah.

If you have not done so, I recommend you read the Torah*** and compare it with the Quran…I think you will be surprised if not amazed. A lot was stolen and put into the Quran


***The Torah is the first five books of the Jewish Scriptures Christians call the Old Testament; Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

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