You’re not really trying to have an educational discussion about psychics are you because it’s an oxymoron
No, I’m not. Whatever gave you that idea? I am curious about anti-evolution books in general, but in the case of the one mentioned above, I’m not about to buy it and contribute financially to the authors and their cause.
A creator, created, creation, and with it, each and everyone of us. All good creators like to leave their mark/signature on their prized creations, there is scientific evidence (do your research) which suggests the most high creator left his signature within our DNA (YHWH) if this is the case we can conclude the Most High Creator is in each and everyone of us, and we can see the link between nature of the world and humans, I give an example trees produce oxygen which we as humans need to breathe in to survive and humans breathe out carbon dioxide which trees breathe in to survive, everything about this world shows the same creator of us humans also created the world.
As we reflect on the evidence of a creator in the world around us and within us, we can’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. It’s a humbling realization that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves, and that we have a purpose in this creation.But with this realization also comes a responsibility.
As humans, we have been given the gift of free will, and with it, the power to shape our world for better or for worse. We can choose to nurture the creation around us, to care for it and protect it, or we can choose to exploit it for our own gain. We can choose to treat each other with kindness and respect, recognizing the divine spark within each and every one of us, or we can choose to turn a blind eye to the suffering of our fellow human beings.
As we go about our lives, let us remember that we are not alone. The Most High Creator is with us, within us, and all around us. Let us strive to honor that presence by living with purpose, with compassion, and with a deep reverence for the beauty and complexity of this world. Amen.
Tread lightly, @Soldier4christ. This is a place for debate, not preaching.
Really? What method do you use to detect that presence? Can you share the process?
Gave me a rock hard boner. Thank you for sharing @Soldier4christ
What’s your purpose in this Creation, boner4christ?
I don’t believe you.
I’m guessing that this is not the case.
“Most high creator”? What is he smoking? I want some!
Says the guy whose religious dogma has been responsible for some of the most horrendous acts of pain and suffering, leaving behind countless deaths in its wake over the course of several centuries. Irony much?
“Onward Christian soldiers… Marching as to war…”
(Edit for singing lessons.)
Ever heard of your god’s “Perfect Plan”? Are you aware your god is supposedly omniscient? Meaning (as I was taught, at least) your god knows EVERYTHING past, present, AND future. It knows every single thought and action you have ever had/done. It knows every single thought and action you are having/doing. And it knows every single thought and action YOU WILL EVER HAVE/DO. Oh, let’s not forget that your god knew all these things EONS before you ever even existed. And he knows these things because that is how HE PLANNED THEM. Oh, and I should mention his Perfect Plan cannot be changed in any way, shape, or form by you or anybody else. But YOU control the “choices” you make?.. … Riiiiiiiight…
I don’t need theistic belief to explain “free will” nor are those choices dependant on theistic belief. None of that evidences any deity.
Again I don’t believe you, please demonstrate some objective evidence to support this assertion.
I can do that as an atheist.
I’m also betting @Soldier4christ will not be back, and if he is he won’t be interested in debate.
Oh we have a real live wire here, folks … this is going to be fun …
Let’s take a look at this wall of text preachy bollocks in detail, shall we?
That’s three unsupported blind assertions in four words. Going for some sort of record in this respect, are you?
First of all, the world’s cosmological physicists disagree with you, that the universe is a “creation”. Instead, they regard the universe and its contents as the products of testable natural processes, not a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology. Which might have something to do with the fact that we have vast mountains of evidence for testable natural processes, and zero evidence for a cartoon magic man.
Second, as a corollary of the above, and as a corollary of an important fact you’re manifestly unaware of (which I will present shortly), the only “creator” for which we have evidence is the aforementioned testable natural processes.
Now, that important fact I just mentioned … in case you never learned this at school, several million peer reviewed scientific papers document in exquisite detail, the evidence that testable natural processes are sufficient to explain the vast body of observational data obtained over the past 350 years. Furthermore, every piece of technology in existence is the result of applying those testable natural processes. That vast body of evidence is the reason why no one who paid attention in class, thinks that a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology is needed.
Poppycock. We have a superabundance of evidence, pointing to all present day living organisms being the result of evolution. Over 1½ million peer reviewed scientific papers document this evidence, which includes direct experimental test and verification of evolutionary postulates, and replication of speciation events in the laboratory. Indeed, with respect to the latter topic, I’m aware of a very interesting scientific paper, whose authors not only determined that Heliconius heurippa was the result of a hybridisation speciation event, but replicated that speciation event in the laboratory. I’ll be writing an article on that very topic in the near future to add to the corpus of results I’ve already presented here.
You mean the way testable natural processes have left their mark on every observable entity around us?
Oh, I love when mythology fanboys break out the “do your research” mantra.
Is having read in depth over 4,000 scientific papers over the past 14 years enough “research” for you?
None of which present any evidence that a cartoon magic man exists?
Blind assertion, and a bullshit assertion at that.
We know how DNA came about, and it didn’t come about because a cartoon magic man waved its magic todger about. It arose via chemistry, which has been known about for decades.
No we can’t, because your assertions are horseshit.
Which has nothing to do with an imaginary cartoon magic man.
Er, no, we have scientific data informing us that the requisite organisms co-evolved. Try reading some actual scientific papers, instead of wasting tim with a goat herder mythology and apologetics websites.
Oh, and in case you never learned this, every oxygen atom in existence was synthesised in supernova detonations via nuclear fusion. We have the data informing us of this. Once again, no cartoon magic man needed.
Once again, the only “creator” we have evidence for, is testable natural processes. Not a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology.
You mean testable natural processes? For which we have evidence? Unlike your imaginary cartoon magic man?
Awe, certainly. Gratitude? Er, no.
Drop the magical thinking.
It’s called “the universe”. Which has nothing to do with an imaginary cartoon magic man.
No we don’t. The idea that a “purpose” for each and every one of us, was magically embedded into the fabric of a universe within which neutral atoms were incapable of existing for the first 370,000 years, let alone anything capable of sentient thought, is ridiculous.
Except that your “realisation” is a piece of rectally extracted tripe.
Ahem, you’ll find a good many neuroscientists question this assertion.
Once again, this doesn’t support the idea that a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology is real.
Funny how a good many of the people exhorting us to rape the planet are evangelical Christians …
You mean the way mythology fanboys like you turned a blind eye to human suffering during 1,500 years of European history, when said mythology fanboys were setting fire to anyone who didn’t conform to doctrine?
There are now 8 billion humans on the planet. I’d say that pretty much establishes that we’re not alone.
Preachy bollocks that can be ignored.
More preachy bollocks.
Tell me, did you have science classes to attend as a child? And if so, did you stay awake in any of them?
Did someone say “The Spanish Inquisition”? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I mentioned above that I was in the process of compiling a document, covering the replication of a speciation event in the laboratory. The thread linking to the document is here. The regulars will doubtless be appreciative of my diligence in providing this, though the usual suspects among the mythology fanboys will almost certainly avoid the data contained therein.
If the link to the scientific paper is no longer valid, I will of course update it if needed.
@Soldier4christ … I notice you never even attempted to demonstrate that you had READ the document I linked to, let alone address the issues contained therein. But we’re used to seeing hit and run preachers here who manifestly lack both the cognition and the honesty to engage in proper debate.
Do you have something resembling genuine ideas to present, or is copy-paste sanctimonious panhandling all you have to offer?
Hey! @Soldier4christ ! Are you going to demonstrate fortitude and the conviction in your beliefs and actually debate with folks here or are you merely a drive-by?
[quote=“mr.macabre13, post:34, topic:3783”]
someone say “The Spanish Inquisition”? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Fangirl here! But I am your fangirl. I love reading anything you write about. I swear I can feel myself getting smarter with each sentence. Many, many thanks for bringing this paper to our attention.
In case anyone was wondering, this is as good an example of a circular reasoning fallacy as I’ve seen. It’s pretty funny as well.