The Most High vs Evolution

On, and finally … @Soldier4christ … do NOT pollute my topics with blind, unsupported assertions.

Speaking of which, this assertion you attempted to pollute my thread with:

is merely another example of how out of your depth you are here. Because, wait for it, the only “creator” we have evidence for, is testable natural processes, not a cartoon magic man from a goat herder mythology.

Indeed, several million peer reviewed scientific papers document in exquisite detail, the evidence that testable natural processes are sufficient to explain the vast body of observational data obtained over the past 350 years. As a corollary, cartoon magic men from pre-scientific mythologies are superfluous to requirements and irrelevant.

Oh, and by the way, your favourite mythology is disqualified as a “source”, on the basis that it contains assertions about the natural world, that are known not merely to be wrong, but fatuous and absurd. Such as the whole Genesis “creation myth” drivel, which IS drivel (plants being “created” before the Sun? Do you seriously believe that garbage?), the assertions of which have been utterly destroyed by modern scientific discoveries, or the hilarious assertion contained within your mythology, that genetics is purportedly controlled by coloured sticks (this one was pulverised all the way to its constituent quarks by a 19th century monk, when he launched modern genetics as a properly constituted scientific discipline).

Meanwhile, instead of polluting that thread of mine with your fatuous and asinine blind assertion, try READING that document, in full, and learning the FACTS presented therein. Oh, and you can also take note that I addressed that assertion of yours, and several others, the first time you polluted the thread with said garbage, but it’s obvious that you couldn’t be bothered reading that comprehensive dissertation, and learning WHY your canards are not merely canards, but infantile ones at that.

Indeed, it’s obvious you never once bothered to READ any of my numerous dissertations on scientific topics in that thread, all of which were in direct response to your scatter-gun posting of unsupported blind assertions, and de facto admissions of total ignorance of even elementary scientific concepts.

Tell us all, have you never once in your life exhibited enough curiosity about relevant topics, to exert the effort to learn the pertinent facts about those topics?

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