I would need to see sufficient objective evidence that the universe was “created” before I would believe that. It is an objective scientific fact supported by overwhelming evidence that humans evolved, but even if we didn’t know this or it were not the case, I would again need to see sufficient objective evidence that humans were created before I would believe it. It is not a choice between a creator deity and evolution, so the argument you parotted from Ray Comfort in your OP is itself a false dichotomy fallacy.
You keep saying “you believe” and “what do atheists believe” but these facts are part of an accepted scientific theory, it has nothing to do with atheism or atheists per se.
I am an atheist because no one has demonstrated any objective evidence for any deity, or that a deity is even possible. No other reason is necessary.
I found this:
“Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.”
Note this has nothing to do with atheism, and though this and many other scientific facts are directly at odds with religious creation myths, my disbelief in those myths is based on the lack of any objective evidence to support them.
The scientific evidence demonstrates that humans evolved, as have all living things, but again while this contradicts creations myths in religions, my atheism is not based on this fact.
If your question has nothing to do with any deity, I’m struggling to understand why have you brought it to an atheist forum, instead of just searching for an answer online?
If you want to know how solar systems are formed. it took me a few seconds to find this:
" The Sun and the planets formed together, 4.6 billion years ago, from a cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula. A shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion probably initiated the collapse of the solar nebula."
Again this took literally a few seconds to Google? Why are you asking atheists questions that you could research yourself in seconds?
“The heart’s rhythmic pumping is controlled by electrical impulses that cause the walls of the heart to contract, keeping the blood flowing through your body’s veins and arteries at the proper rate.”
What is an original ancestor? Are you asking how life first emerged, if so then rephrase the question more accurately, and be honest about why you’re asking this, as you appear to be building to the very common religious apologists tactic of using an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, in order to try and reverse your burden of proof.
What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity? If it is none then please be honest, and then offer the most compelling reason you think demonstrates the existence of any deity, and I will give you an honest response.
Note this was the first time I asked you to demonstrate some objective evidence for any deity.
I’m also betting @Soldier4christ will not be back, and if he is he won’t be interested in debate.
You seem to have returned with a raft of questions, though you previously failed to address the challenges presented to your many unevinced assertions, here for example:
A creator, created, creation, and with it, each and everyone of us.
It seems that my prediction is coming true, and you have returned with no real interest in honest debate.
I feel everyone is searching for the truth, part of having a faith you do not always have the complete picture or all the answers,
Religious faith is defined as a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. If you have any objective evidence for your beliefs then demonstrate some, as you have failed to do so, indeed when asked previously your answer demonstrated you did not understand the difference between objective evidence and unevidenced religious doctrine and rhetoric.
You also don’t seem able to grasp what atheism means, or that beliefs require answers, explanations and objective evidence to support them, but a lack of belief demonstrably does not, as we all must necessarily start from that position.