The Final Experiment

There’s an upcoming trip to Antarctica that will attempt to convince flat earthers the earth is a globe by demonstrating the 24 hour presence of the sun in Antarctica in the winter, something that could only happen on a globe. It’s being financed by some wealthy individual. They seem to be having trouble getting prominent flat earthers to sign on, although I think one has agreed to it. He’s being attacked by his fellow flat earthers of course. Flat earthers are already making excuses for why there is a 24 hour sun. Most seem to be leaning toward globers “tricking” them with a fake sun or such. Many flat earthers appear to be religious and point to things in the Bible that they think proves a flat earth. It will be interesting to see if any flat earthers are convinced that we’re actually living on a globe after the experiment takes place. Their beliefs have the fervency of the religious with big helpings of conspiracy theories so I think instant conversions are doubtful, though it may get some thinking. In my more generous moments I think that some of them have to be trolls just in it for the money.

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Additionally, I’d wager some of them are starving for individualism. If they take a contrary stand on something so widely accepted, the payoff is feeling special. I thinks that’s why some people join small cults.


It boggles my mind that in this day and age, there are still some ADULTS who think the earth is flat, and that NASA and SPACE X are covering it all up.
To what end, a new Atheist World Order?

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Obviously what other organization has the money to pull off such an elaborate hoax? And lets not under estimate the organizational ability of the anarchists. :rofl:

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Someone is taking a trip to Antarctica. with the purpose of convincing flat-eartheres that the earth is a globe. I have a question. Who is more stupid? The flat-earther or the person spending the money to to go Antarctica to demonstrate the world is a globe to flat-earthers? (Think about it.)


Sighhhhhhh Considering that flat earthers have straight out done their own experiments that debunk themselves with no apparent change in their belief that the earth is flat it does seem a bit like an exercise in futility. Still, the man isn’t going to miss the money and doing his best to combat ignorance can’t do any harm. After all, if people hadn’t had the courage to publicly debunk religious claims we’d probably have even more of that nonsense in the world than we do now.


You can see the curvature of the Earth by standing at the beach with a pair of binoculars, and looking at sailing ships on the horizon. See below:

I have no patience with flat earthers. You can’t get anywhere by talking to them.

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I hope someone calls for help. That one ship is sinking.


Yes . . . sinking below the horizon.

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Oh! You and your bg words. I suppose I’m supposed to waste my time looking it up? It’s probably Spanish for “Got-cha.”

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Some might be trolls, but there are definitely those who believe the earth is flat. I’ve argued with some of them online, and they just seem naive and dense, and they have an ideological drive. Their debate form is fundamentally dishonest, they tend to use lots of fallacies, both formal and informal, and they cheat conciously with quotes they pull from scientific papers (I caught one of them doing this in a particularly damning way. I confronted this person with it whenever I had the chance, as there was no way for him to wriggle himself out of it without admitting he had been lying). They also seem unable to distinguish solid proof from pure fantasy. And they probably take their arguments from flat earth discussion foras, where the globe arguments are being discussed (I’ve seen some signs of this, particularly in more technical exchanges, where the flat earthers “disappear” for a day or two, and then come back with their answer, and the answer does not look like their regular writing style).

None of this is new methodology, however. We see it all the time with other people with “alternative thinking”, like antivaxxers, religious zealots, conspiracy theorists, etc.

The flat earthers excuse this with perspective and vanishing points. Really :roll_eyes:


I suppose I shoudn’t be surprised.

After all, I was a paramedic for many years, and I’ve seen people do some really stupid things . . . so I shouldn’t be surprised by human stupidity.

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sounds familiar?

The sun is not visible in Antarctica in the winter. It is visible 24 hours in the summer.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha… you bought into that government conspiracy! 24 hours of sunlight! Ha ha ha ha … all the ice would melt. Give me a break. Fake news and fake videos.

Or is it sliding off the edge. If the earth is flat what’s on the underside? Is it a world like ours and would their feet be orientated to their ground in which case would they appear upside down from our perspective. How deep would you have to dig to reach the underside. Perhaps the earth is a cube.

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it’s actually a boat with submarine mechanisms because i said so


this is how a flat earther proudly wins the argument

ooooops my bad.
There is a twist to this experiment when you consider that many prominent flat earthers are religious, that being the sponsor of the trip with the goal to disprove the flat earth is the Pastor Will Duffy. I can’t seem to find out much about him but at least he doesn’t seem to have accumulated his wealth by the usual pastor method of fleecing the flock. If only he’d apply the same scientific methods he brings to bear on flat earth to his magical thinking about god.