The Constitution is Junk

What about the rest of the Constitution - is that something to “believe in?”

The checks and balances, obviously, do not work as expected. Trump, Hillary, and the Bidens, are all walking about freely. Somebody is guilty, but the checks are dependent on partisan control of at least two of the three branches that are supposed to be balanced and power-checked for the people.

The improper organization of the government (constitution(s)) causes the partisan chaos that trickles down causing the social disorderliness we endure. And then it cycles back and compounds in the election campaigns.

So what. Being an Atheist just means we don’t believe in the existence of gods or goddesses. It doesn’t mean we believe in nothing. It doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to believe in other things. I believe that my mother loves me. I believe that my children love me. I believe that most of my entire family loves me. I believe that when I get off from work that I’m going to have myself a steak. I don’t need “faith” for those “beliefs”. Fuck off.

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Because, atheists are known for claiming that they are better critical thinkers than theists, because they have open minds and free from dogma.

So, why am I the only atheist keen enough to recognize the inadequacy of the Three-part Separation Theory, its erroneous deployment in the government, and adverse effects on the subsequent society?

Well, there you go. All Atheists are different.


If there’s a good argument out there about how politics isn’t division by definition, to include the presence of partisan members as well as parties wanting most of the power and other parties working to prevent that, I’m all ears.

How dumb are you? There is a whole world of atheists that just do not give a fuck about your constitution, fitness, length and quality of your bowel movements.

The U.S and its constitution just don’t affect me (except when you elect gutter quality candidates like Drumpf, an then it is mostly laughter) I don’t care about your politics. I dont care about you.

I do not believe in any claims for a god or gods. I am an atheist.


Thank you that is so very helpful.

You see, the developing countries need a reliable government to advance their societies to that of economic stability. Neither the United States State Department or any other “free” government can do that for them, and so they turn to the Communist model because it is very efficient.

Are you a communist?

No, I think he is a nationalist.

Edit: With a very warped view of society and politics

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The American legislative branch is the primary source of the formation of political parties, because it is virtually impossible to construct legislation and promulgate law without collaboration. It is possible to form parties outside the legislature, but as the Tea Party as demonstrated, ultimately they will be absorbed by the status quo parties’ dominance.

The problem with the American legislative model is that it fails to meet the description that James Madison recognized was necessary in his Federalist Paper 51.

In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates. The remedy for this inconveniency is to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render them, by different modes of election and different principles of action, as little connected with each other as the nature of their common functions and their common dependence on the society will admit. It may even be necessary to guard against dangerous encroachments by still further precautions.

The legislature needs to be more divided and the houses need to be commissioned more specifically, and membership qualifications (elections/appointments) need to be different.

Here we go, nationalist boomer propaganda locked and loaded. Going to go calling up laws and governance from the dark ages and act like it was the pinnacle of everything that ever existed.

Then unsurprisingly end it with

For all your blustering about your intellect and claiming to have answers, you can’t even expand on how it needs to be “different”. What a characteristically hollow rebuttal with no sustenance.

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The legislative houses need to be subdivided by the main partitions of law

sovereignty law
administrative law
diplomacy law
commerce law
trust law
property law

Weak, that’s all just words. If you have such a sophisticated grasp of this subject why can you not articulate how you would apply all this? Explain in just a general sense of how you intend this all be put into play?

I am constructing a template for organizing a constitutional convention series to deliberate a reliable charter system for a six-part separation of the government.

Almost anyone can sit back and make up the government of their dreams. Hitler and Mussolini did it and look where that got them.

That would assume he has constructed something. He can’t even show his work for his current ideal government. No logical progression of how we get from here to his magical government.

Obviously, you do not trust all of the smart people who are going to do the Moon Shot, and believe that I will have some type of tyrannical control of the process.

You have been listening to too much fear mongering, and not searching for a solution to the failings of the subsisting system of checks and balances.

There is only so much information dimwits can handle in a forum platform. There tends to be a lot of derailing. But here’s a diagram to help you.

The Administration is comprised of the six leaders of the legislative bodies and supreme court chief justice, and the executive officers of the security departments.

The President is nominated by the legislative factions (political parties), and appointed by general population referendum. The President is responsible for the orderly functions of the Intelligence Security Department, and appoints the director for the Intelligence Department. The Directer of the Intelligence Department is nominated by the Department personnel.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is nominated by the court factions, and appointed by the President. The Chief Justice is responsible for the orderly functions of the Courts and the Military Security Department. The Commander of the Military is nominated by the Military personnel, and appointed by the President.

The Foreman of the Senate is nominated by the Senate of State Jurists, and appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Foreman of the Senate is responsible for the orderly functions of the Senate and State Security Department. The Ambassador of State is nominated by the State Department personnel and appointed by the President.

The Chairman of the Board of Commerce is appointed by the Board of Commerce and is responsible for the orderly functions of the Commerce Security Department. The Commissioner of the Commerce Department is nominated by Department personnel and appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Commerce.

The Attorney General is appointed by the League of States Attorneys General, and is responsible for the orderly functions of the Justice Security Department. The Attorney Advocate is nominated by the Justice Department personnel and appointed by the Attorney General.

The Speaker of the Network of Representatives is appointed by the Network of Representatives, and is responsible for the orderly functions of the Interior Security Department. The Custodian of the Interior Department is nominated by Department personnel and appointed by the Speaker of the Network.