"Spiritual" Delusion

Freedom from foreign policy that makes sense?

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The freedom to select one of just two choices.


Korea has US army bases all across it. Very young guys line up at the shops outside these bases to purchase Reebok and Nike shoes for 20% off what they can get them for in the states. The Koreans are ordering the shoes from China for $50.00 a pair and selling them for $300.00. If the frigging soldiers would stop lining up in front of the stores, for the name-brand bullshit, they would cost the same as my Reebok, ‘Made in Korea, $50 a pair. Cout shoes.’ Picked them up at a local market. One of the biggest scams in Korea is to get this shit, often seconds, and sell it to guys in the army or air force at something just under American prices.

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I don’t get this at all when people just call the south, “Korea”. Why? :thinking:

They don’t actually know any better. People are very ignorant of geography and even more ignorant of history. Perhaps if America, (I suppose they mean all 57 countries) were not a Christian nation, things would be different.

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Did you go to a republican party GTG? LOL.

Hmmm, maybe we should encourage church’s to send missionaries to North Korea. They’ll have a blast there…

According to refugee interviews, if North Korean authorities discover that North Korean refugees who were deported from China have converted to Christianity, they are subjected to harsher treatment, torture, and prolonged imprisonment

Persecution of Christians in North Korea - Wikipedia.

They are already there. Sneaking bibles and tracks across the border by hot air balloon was the last big scam I heard of. South Korea is full of very militant Christians all trying to save N, Korea. Do you remember Reverand Moon and the Moonies? This guy has Hospitals all over Korea. He died in 2012 but his work goes on.

South Korea is the home of the biggest mega-church on earth. If the building didn’t have a giant cross out front, it could easily be mistaken for a sports arena.

But this is Yoido Full Gospel Church, a Pentecostal congregation belonging to the Korean Assemblies of God. Now… I was baptized in the Assemblies of God and these are the Holy Rollers to beat all Holy Rollers. “MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD! AMEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS.” We are talking rolling in the isles, talking in tongues, the laying on of hands, and magical bullshit in every sermon.

Trust me… The Christians are Attacking N. Korea.

Yep. You don’t want to get caught with a bible in N. Korea. ’ Jeffrey Fowle was arrested by North Korean authorities for leaving a bible under a bin in the toilet at a club for foreign sailors ,

This Man Smuggles God’s Word into a Place Where Getting Caught with a Bible Is a Death Sentence https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2017/november/north-korea-where-getting-caught-with-a-bible-means-a-death-sentence

Praise the lord. They are doing God’s work. Because he is such a lazy fucking ass that he can’t be bothered to lift his fucking little finger and do it himself.


Well of course not. He wants them to earn their way into heaven by suffering as much as possible in this life lMAO

About as much a warm reception as North Sentinel Island.

The thing with North Korea is not religion itself, but that it may present a challenge to the total control by the government. The leader has propped himself up as a demi-god, and they cultivate a culture of personality. Can’t have jesus getting in the way.


Yeah there is only room for one with a cult of personality…

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Two words should hopefully bring the fundageliKKKal war on science to a halt.

Corporate profits.

Fat American corporations rely upon science to keep the profits flowing in two important ways, both of which will go down the shitter if the fundies aren’t stamped on.

First, those corporations rely upon science to keep coming up with innovations that can be turned into shiny products to sell to the plebs. Just look at the manner in which smartphones have become the new, legal version of heroin. Shiny electronic toys of various sorts are now worth trillions of dollars worldwide. Apple became the first trillion dollar mega-corporation on the back of the iPad and the iPhone.

Second, those corporations rely upon American military muscle to steal strategic resources from whichever unfortunates have become, in the eyes of corporate America, the next group of Smelly Brown Foreign People™ . They rely upon the existence of a large, well-funded, efficient and effective military-industrial complex, to keep the US military equipped with ever newer and more powerful super-weapons.

Those new and more powerful super-weapons won’t pop out of thin air. Vast R&D budgets have to be spent developing them, and those vast R&D budgets are just so much wasted money if the military-industrial complex doesn’t have a large pool of talented scientists to make that R&D effort work.

Furthermore, there are rivals out there playing the same technology game, trying to up the ante with, for example, hypersonic glide missiles, laser weapons and railguns. Corporate America doesn’t want those rivals stealing the number one spot from the USA in this regard, because oops, bang go the profits, now siphoned into, say, Russian or Chinese pockets instead.

Now, one could argue that corporate America could afford to let teaching of evolution slide, for example, so long as they got to keep those parts of science that enabled the building of bigger bombs and better bombers. But this is going to bite corporate America on the arse hard if they make this mistake.

First, because the fundageliKKKals wont stop at evolution - they’ll want to destroy every part of science that doesn’t genuflect before their wank-fantasy attachment to a goat herder mythology. Some of that science will be the same strategic science corporate America relies upon to keep the benjamins flowing.

Second, because not every threat to corporate America and its profits comes in the form of rival militaries and rival nations. Covid-19 taught us that little lesson, and nuclear weapons and stealth bombers are utterly useless against newly emerging zoonotic viruses. We’re now seeing monkeypox put in an appearance, and thanks to the manner in which corporate America in particular has raped the planet in pursuit of the almighty profit, we’re going to see biological threats from nature appear at an accelerating rate.

As a corollary of this, letting evolution slide is going to hurt corporate America big time in the future, not least because evolutionary biology and its sister disciplines were the one serious weapon we had against Covid-19. Part of the process of understanding the virus, and learning how to deal with it, relied upon the construction of a vast phylogenetic tree of the virus as it acquired new mutations, and that phylogenetic tree now has thousands of branches. Similar effort will be required to stop future viruses that jump species from their natural hosts to humans, and this will become all the more pressing a need if the lethality of the next species jumper, instead of being around 2.5%, is nearer 50%.

Basically, if the next pandemic brings with it the existential threat to corporate America, of seeing its C-suites dying like flies, along with any planned replacements, then it’s going to need all the science it can press into service to save itself, and it’s going to need as many talented scientists as it can find to keep that particular beast from battering down the door. FundageliKKKal science denialism will, in such a scenario, become another existential threat, one requiring swift and ruthless attention, and the old adage “prevention is better than cure” applies in spades here.

As another corollary, if corporate America has any sense, it’ll stamp on the fundies, once it wakes up to how much its profits depend upon the USA being a scientific and technological superpower. If corporate America is stupid enough to let that slip from their grasp, then corporate America is fucked. I suspect any competent C-suites will, upon realising this essential fact, move swiftly in the appropriate direction.


I tried explaining this to a friend of mine. Corporate America is a much different place today than it was decades ago. Suits want every demographic, they want to sell to everyone. Lawsuits and litigation against corporations has reshaped the landscape. They wince at even the notion of a class action lawsuit. They are very averse to any negative publicity. In an age of whistleblowers who can crumble corporations with thousands of screenshots and digital fingerprints linking them to a racist, homophobic, sexist, or any other form of hate filled logic aimed at a certain demographic, they invariably purge these people who risk losing any portion of their riches. These people are too public to risk losing face too much.

The military industrial complex is another excellent example. Unfortunately the military more than ever needs tech savvy people, and good portion of which don’t necessarily fit the nationalist models of the religious zealots.

Funny how life sometimes reflects certain points of view.

“China has surpassed the US to become the world leader in producing the highest-impact scientific research, according to new analysis based on the Web of Science (WoS) database and published in the journal Scientometrics.”

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That is one of the most beautiful paragraphs I have ever read! Damn! I’m envious.

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I guess most religious people prefer living in a prison in the hope of an afterlife that doesn’t exist, instead of letting loose and living for today. If you behave good and be a good little boy you will go to heaven. Living all their lives with suppressed desires in fear of retribution from their Lord and dying never knowing how great it feels to live out all their desires, lust, anger, and emotions.

That’s really not great reasoning. So they should replace their superficial beliefs with superficial belief that non religious self indulgence is better than religious self indulgence?

So be self obsessed? Religiously motivated people are self obsessed, which you also appear to be. It’s not always about me. Losing religion let me feel more for my fellow human beings. Opened my eyes to things that exist outside of me. So are you just a narcissistic nihilist because to me that’s not atheism. You’ve just built yourself into your own god.


Very well stated, Satan. Maybe you really aren’t trying to kiss his ass. Oh, wait… Trying to use reverse psychology on him now? Why not just simply ask him for his prostitue sources?

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It’s none of the prostitutes here in Asia. I know them all.

Yes, but do you “know” them all?