SCOTUS is corrupted

I was recently handed this on my Facebook feed:

A review by Jason K. Pargin of the film There Will Be Blood, which struck me as apposite to bring here, as that review succinctly describes every billionaire psychosis, including that affecting the Orange Scrotum.

That in a nutshell, is the psychosis of the age. The empty longing to enjoy what others have to offer, but give nothing in return, and keep those others on the outside of the barbed wire erected to ensure that the psychotic in question never has to see, hear or smell those others. The very concepts of reciprocity and meaningful social interaction are alien to this mindset, a mindset that reduces everything to a transaction, an exchange of commodities, and which views other human beings as nothing more than commodities.

Perhaps the most glaring manifestation of this mindset is the ā€œmega-yachtā€, the ostentatious floating penis extension that is at once impregnable fortress to keep out the plebs, and pleasuredome to service the ever more insatiable appetites. The ever increasing number of these fake floating utopias, bought by an ever more vacuous vampire class, is possibly the most visible symbol of where our species has taken a very serious wrong turning.

What I infer from Parginā€™s scalpel commentary, is that these toys - the yachts with luxury, hedonist bolt ons, the private jets, the underground garages stuffed with cars costing more than the food bill for a medium sized town - arenā€™t bought as celebrations of achievement, with possibly one or two very special exceptions, but instead as totems of spite. Theyā€™re bought as a big, very visible ā€œfuck youā€ to the millions who made such largesse possible, and whose exploitation smoothed the path to Midian excess for what are, at bottom, the lucky brats.

That, in a nutshell, is where weā€™ve arrived. A species whose ā€œalphasā€ are nothing more than lucky, spoiled brats, flinging shit as a vain compensation for their inner emptiness and complete absence of normal human attributes. At some point, if weā€™re to avert possibly extinction level disaster, we have to rid ourselves of that mindset, and find a way of ridding ourselves of the brats that doesnā€™t involve the rest of us becoming embroiled in famine or war.

In short, Parginā€™s analysis should be the basis for a manifesto.


You have a dictator.

On the plus side, President Biden could just order T taken out by Seal Team 6.

UK Atheist

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Are you implying that Biden is a dictator?

Not by inclination but he could accept that as an option if he takes the powers SCOTUS adjudged were hisā€¦I think he is far too decent man to do anything like that.

However the POTUS is now a very attractive target for any megalomaniac of a Messaniac type with the money or backing to grab for it. All the restraints (nearly all) have been removed from the incumbent.

Iā€™m bracing for the first rush of refugeesā€¦


Is that an invitation? :wink:


You and your tribe are always welcome.


Yes although I donā€™t think thatā€™s true of him personally.

Iā€™m saying your supreme court gave the [position of] president those powers, probably meaning to protect or empower Trump, but by that same token gave them to the currently sitting president. As things stand now, Biden could simply order Trumps imprisonment in Gitmo (perhaps even have him ā€œtaken outā€) and no one could do a damned thing about it because the US President (position, not person I guess) is effectively above your law.

No one, be they rich, poor or national leader should be above the law ā€¦ thatā€™s the stupidity of what SCOTUS has done.

UK Atheist


Biden wonā€™t use these new powers, but I doubt Trump would hesitate in the slightest. I think SCOTUS knew this and crafted their decision along that line. This decision is not based on any precedent or any legal theory, and it certainly has no basis in the Constitutionā€“SCOTUS fabricated it out of whole cloth for two purposes: to help Trump wiggle out of his criminal cases, and to aid implementation of the Project 2025 agenda.

SCOTUS has lost any credibility it may have had and has become a rogue institution comprised of six domestic terrorists.

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Unfortunately, SCOTUS is screwing you and every reasonable American in doing so although I doubt they care abouit that either. Watching it from afar, seeing a once great nation, get fucked over like that is ā€¦ well ā€¦ words fail me.

Almost as bad as us although now, with Labour in the druiving seat, thereā€™s hope.

UK Atheist


Congratulations on giving the Tories the boot, and wish us luck in our efforts to keep a megalomaniacal monster out of the White House.


Thanks and I do, I really do.

UK Atheist

From a year agoā€¦

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I keep picturing Nixon saying in an interview after being forced from office: ā€œIf the president does it , it isnā€™t illegalā€. At the time it was an opinion only held by him, but here we are.

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@UKAtheist I read the news today Oh Boy.

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Before 2016, I thought things were getting slowly better but since then, since weā€™ve discovered that many people previously denied platforms to speak (UK bigots and so on), exist and have some fairly horrific views. Someone claimed to me recently that Britain feels much less safe these days, implying it was because of immigrants and I replied it did but it was ever since we decided to leave the EU; racists and many other types of bigots seem to feel their winning that referendum gave them license to throw their bile all over social media and elsewhere.

Britain doesnā€™t feel like the nation I grew up in and, while Iā€™m not a hard Labour voter (I voted tactically), last Thursday felt like a weight was lifted and that, at last, thereā€™s some hope.

UK Atheist


And the poster child in the UK for this is Nigel Farage who after a number of tries finally won a seat along with four others from his party. He is a Trump supporter and was planning to campaign for him. So good luck holding him back.

He is a problem, Iā€™ll admit. IMO a decent proportional representation electoral system would resolve that despite its obvious downsides.

UK Atheist

The French had an interesting election as well!

Meanwhile, returning to the cesspit that is the current SCOTUS, I think Iā€™ve uncovered the game plan.

Having enabled Omango-Tan to become Americaā€™s first king, arrange next for a hardcore theocrat such a Mike Johnson to be his viceroy (i.e, VP pick);

Next, wait for Cheetolini to abuse his new found kingship to an utterly egregious extent, that even the swivel-eyed Christian Nationalist wingnuts find revolting;

Arrange for a black ops assassination, along with a priori prepared propaganda blaming everything on the Dems or ā€œLiberalsā€;

Having thus inserted the into the White House Americaā€™s first pope, launch the Inquisition that the Christian Nationalists have always had a hard on for. Say hello to America becoming the Christofascist version of Iran. Expect World War III to follow in short order. Bye bye humanity.


Or maybe buy the Tower of London and have him ensconced there or if the price was too high they could rent him a room in the tower. Or perhaps as sometimes happens in Russia he could accidentally fall from a window.