SCOTUS is corrupted

Those chicken shits just made it possible for a president of the U.S. to become what, in essence, is a king.

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And they delayed the decision until the very last minute in a calculated attempt to prevent Trump’s trials from going forward before the election.

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I’m envisioning a new Presidential aide position, wherein someone is always ensuring that everything a monarch… er, President… does appears to be an official act.

Office of the Official Act Framer.

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We had a similar problem in Britain ,back in the 17th century. But a man came along ,who had a solution…name of Cromwell.

look it up…Tuesday January 30th 1649…

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But that didn’t last long did it? Cromwell died and Charles II, whom I’ve heard was just as bad as his dad, was invited back to become king.

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Having read the decision with the aide of a couple of US lawyers on Youtube. It is fucking wild. The US Supreme Court has allowed the election of a King.

Will Biden now order Seal team 6 to get rid of the Magas? Cant touch him if he does.

The only way this nonsense will end is with blood in the streets and a Balkanised USA. Fuck me I am glad I am old.

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Bye bye American democracy, hello Christofascism.

Your experiment was interesting while it lasted.

Now, the Trumpanzees and their political whores have ensured the the USA will become Somalia with stealth bombers in less than a decade.


American democracy 1788-2024. RIP.


The solution to this is simple; the implementation will be difficult, however.

It’s been said that Trump’s MAGA base is only something like 20% of the population. Add to that non-MAGA Republicans and delusional Democrats who will vote for Trump because of (Gaza, inflation, gas prices, immigration, whatever) and the total is still short of 50%.

The solution, therefore, is to get as many Democrat-leaning people out to vote as possible and to convince non-MAGA Republicans to hold their nose and vote for Biden. The hard-core MAGA cult is going to vote for Trump no matter what, but there’s hope that Trump’s recent felony convictions and his over-the-top rhetoric espousing revenge and retribution will convince many of the saner Republicans to reject his shit. Ditto for independents sitting on the fence.

Democrats no longer have a big lead in terms of total numbers of registered voters versus Republicans, and the undemocratic Electoral College system tends to favor rural states, which tend to be heavily Republican, so this is going to be a hard fought contest. I’m hoping sanity will prevail, but with the 24/7 gaslighting from Fox News and other conservative media adding fuel to the fire, that’s probably a forlorn hope.


I’m hoping that if the Republicans fail at controlling the House, Senate, and Presidency, then the bills to enact term limits for SCOTUS justices will succeed.
Based on what the majority of this SCOTUS is doing right now, term limits is the only thing that stands a chance of reining in their unpopular decisions.
Of course, if trump wins the presidency, or if his minions remain in control of the House and get control of the Senate, all bets are off.


Democrats will need to control 60 votes in the Senate in order to overcome the filibuster in order to do anything about SCOTUS. If they fall short, the Republicans will filibuster the hell out of any attempt at reform. Only 1/3 of the Senate is up for election this year, so getting to 60 will be difficult, if not impossible.


Well, maybe Biden could use his newly given rights as king to get rid of a half dozen Justices. :wink:


I disagree with your idea that POTUS can now be a king.

I was actually thinking that it goes further . . . and POTUS is now more like a Japanese ShĹŤgun.

Now that’s not a bad descriptor - Shogun or perhaps Emperor. A kind of pre war Hirohito-like sort of thing.

Oh almighty Shogun, example of official behavioral perfection, thou shalt remain ever legally and obsequiously in the right where thine acts are concerned. Let no person rend asunder what divine Justices have duly decided upon with obvious and utter objectivity!

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I thought the shogun only (legally) ruled the military. They were subject to the Emperor.


As a non US citizen, the election of the orange traitor would not only lead to the Balkanisation of the US in very quick time but for the Indo Pacific it would be a disaster.

Taiwan would be invaded by China for sure, and probably a good selection of the Pacific Islands falling into the Chinese economic zone, including the Philippines.

In Europe, Moldava, most of Ukraine and the Baltic states would come under threat of invasion as soon as Russia has re-armed… It would create a fortress economy in Europe without the support of the US.

England would be forced into either a central role in Euro politics or decide to stay out and become an odd little divided island (the Scots would either join Europe or the Nordic group) without much relevance apart from the revenge of Putin when he chooses to take it.

Canada would have to arm all its borders and spend a great deal to catch up as the Balkanized US will be incapable of any organised response to Sino/Soviet style joint threats and blackmail. The corporations would desert the mainland in droves. This would create huge opportunities for US capital in S America and what is now US possessions like Samoa, and Puerto Rico, and possibly Hawaii.

In short, I don’t think Drumpf will have “four more years” the cracks will appear in two and the bloodshed as soon as the “disappearances” start. That is assuming his own family don’t assassinate him first to seize the reins of power.

But what truly worries me for my descendants is what comes after the Orange Blister?


That’s even more worrisome than Trump himself. The conservatives have been playing the long game for decades and have taken a two prong approach: pack the federal courts with hardcore conservatives, and control as many statehouses as possible.

They’ve succeeded beyond their wildest expectations with the first. They’ve managed to gain complete control of the Supreme Court with an ironclad 6 to 3 majority. All of the most recent conservative appointees are relatively young, so they’ll be on the court for decades to come.

They’ve also done well in their plan to control statehouses and governorships. Here they use tactics like gerrymandering to cement their power, making it very difficult for the opposition to make any headway. Once they get into power, they tend to push through their agenda even when it lacks popular support in their state. A good example is abortion rights. Many states with conservative legislatures and governors have passed abortion bans despite polls showing the majority of the population opposes them. In fact, in every state where abortion rights was put on the ballet for a direct vote of the people since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the measures have passed. This has happened in even deeply red states like Kansas and Ohio.


Part of the problem is that Trump is a megalomaniacal sociopath who is only out for his own interests.

If he gets elected, it will be a horrifying disaster.

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If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend the book written by his niece, Mary Trump: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. She’s a Ph.D. psychologist and has some interesting insights on her uncle.


Another manifestation of Trump’s vileness is that he’s made it okay for racists, misogynists, homophobes, and religious nutjobs to come out of the closet and show their true colors. What used to be taboo is now mainstream and even acceptable in certain quarters. It’s disgusting.