Psychology and atheism

psychology and atheism

Don’t you think that atheism affects the psyche and the feeling of happiness? The atheistic vision is not more rational for everyone, however, is this vision that there is one big void where God does not have any influence on true happiness in some way, or is there any research that shows that a non-believer is more lazy? less determined? generally wanting to ask, Does atheism just make you feel less happy? incomplete? does your atheistic belief make you sadder? and the reverse question is it possible to be really happy as an atheist? as an atheist, unfortunately, I am depressed, but in my opinion it is not connected with atheism, I feel average, I do not think that atheism disturbs my psyche a lot, except that in moments of intense depression I look for deeper meaning but after time I come to normality. if you see if atheists are more depressive than believers.

Are you depressed because you no longer believe in Santa Claus? Or the Easter Bunny? Or the Tooth Fairy? Are you depressed because you do not believe in Thor, or Odin, or Poseidon, or Athena?


Just out of curiosity, what the hell is an “atheistic belief”??? Atheism is simply a LACK OF BELIEF. For people who don’t believe in Santa, do you say they have an “Asantathic belief”?


I don’t think you understand atheism or depression. Try again.


Just the opposite. yes, when I realized I was an atheist, something was gone. It was the constant fear of a vindictive god that would condemn me to an eternity of pain and suffering just because. Once I realized a god did not exist, I was free and liberated.

@Redlight82 What led you to the conclusion that a life without god is depressing?

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Well, OF COURSE I am more lazy since I became an atheistic believer in the atheist faith. Not having to go to church anymore, or attend church events, leaves me much more time to lounge around on my couch in my underwear eating Cheetos while watching Andy Griffin Show reruns. (That Aunt Bea is HOT. :fire::stuck_out_tongue:) As for being less determined, that is totally inaccurate. If anything, I am even MORE determined now to be as lazy as possible.


A great majority of atheist read the bible more than the overall population of theists. And if one polls the knowledge of the bible, I expect that the population of atheists in here would win any contest against theists.

Personally, I hold the opinion that most theists are lazy, they do not read their own holy book in detail and have a very rudimentary knowledge of the bible, barely passing.


Speaking of which, I love being around whenever my wife has a conversation about the bible with a Christian. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard this exchange…

Wife: “Well, you know God said (insert whatever quote you choose), right?”

Christian: (shocked and defiant)…“God never said that.”

Wife: “Oh yes he did. Just look up (relevant book/chapter/verse).”

Christian: “Oh, I didn’t know that.”

Cracks me up every time. :joy:


I was basically a doubter my whole life. But I was always curious and I always tried to find “answer”. When in reality, answer was there all the time, I was simply an atheist my whole life. Now I’m much happier, I just accepted the label, as it was the only one that described me properly.


Welcome, ChMG! Good to have you with us.

Along the same lines as you, the whole bible/God/Jesus thing never really made much sense to me. Even at the young age of 7 and 8, there were just too many things I was taught about it that always left me with questions that no adult could answer. However, being raised in a Christian family (Baptist/Methodist), in a Christian community, in the middle of The Bible Belt, U.S. of A. during the 70’s and 80’s, it did not exactly bode well for those who bucked the Christian faith. Plus, even though I knew things did not add up, I was too young, too inexperienced, and lacked the knowledge at that time to fully understand WHY it did not make sense. As such, I “went along to get along” to avoid any undesired attention. Besides, I had more important matters to contend with, such as school, homework, playing with my friends, riding bikes, summer breaks, etc. Nevertheless, going to church every Sunday, most Sunday nights, and a few Wednesday evenings over the course of my formative years managed to ingrain the fear of Satan/hell into my brain. As such, it was over forty years before I was finally able to break the bonds of my religious indoctrination. It was December 2017 when I officially joined the AR and made my very first hesitant post. Since then, my overall happiness, my mental well-being, and my clarity of thought have all improved greatly during these last few years. We have some great folks here. Come on in and make yourself at home.

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Welcome to Atheist Republic AtheistChMG.

My journey was over 50 years to trying to find my “god”, or “creator”, something supernatural I could believe in. My journey ended when I realized I was an atheist.

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That’s not my “vision”, and it sounds more like a theistic vision of atheism, than anything I’ve said or heard said by any atheist.

You’re kidding right?

I have nothing to compare my grasp of reality with?

Well that’s a shame, but I’m not sure why atheism depresses anyone. I find the notion of an eternity of “bliss” far more depressing, surrounded by theists. All those vapid woolly platitudes, I’d go nuts after a few hours. Or the ridiculous notion a deity exists but allows ubiquitous suffering, and just sits by doing nothing, even created most of in nature.

Atheism isn’t depressing for me at all, religions on the other hand often are.

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The same could be said about Monotheism. Before I rejected my Baptist upbringing, I spent a great deal of time being depressed over the idea of an imaginary Sky Dictator torturing me in an imaginary fiery dungeon if I didn’t adhere to it’s rules. My mom was really forcing Christianity down my throat at the age of 16 and it was bad, so bad I wanted to commit suicide.

Once I embraced Atheism and started thinking rationally, I concluded that both Monotheism and Polytheism were man made religions and were therefor fictional. During my Christian indoctrination, I was never given a shred of evidence indicating that any of it was real or true.

Sure, King Herod was historically real and there are a few real locations. However, King Herod never tried to kill the Gospel Jesus. The historical evidence seems to say otherwise.

Historians generally believe that Herod died in 4 B.C., although there have been arguments made that he died in 5 B.C. or 1 B.C. The Gospel of Matthew claims that he tried to kill baby Jesus and succeeded in killing all the other babies in Bethlehem in an event that is sometimes called the “massacre of the innocents.” Today, historians generally [regard these claims as untrue]

The fact that the Bible claims that Jesus was born before Herod died creates a problem that scholars have long been debating. Was Jesus actually born in 4 B.C, before Herod died? Or, did Herod live longer than the historical records suggest, and not die until closer to 1 B.C? Or, is the Bible’s claim that Jesus was born before Herod died not true? The answers to these questions have been debated by scholars for well over a century.

But that’s no different than what we see in tv shows and fictional novels where the author places a fictional character in a real city. The same cannot be said for Moses, Jesus, or the Christian deity because there’s no evidence of any kind supporting or indicating they ever existed.

Sure, there was a historical Jesus. There was a LOT of historical Jesus’s out there, none of them important at all. I’m sure there were thousands of men walking around with that name. AND I’m sure none of those men were the claim “Gospel Jesus” was made by the absurdity that is the bible.

which was a common name for Jewish boys at the time of Jesus’s birth.
The Grammarphobia Blog: How Jesus got his name

With that being said. I happily dismiss any and all religion that makes unsubstantiated claims based on gods, magical prophets, witches, dragons, unicorns and magic.

So to further answer the topic question. Once I concluded that it was all bullshit. I wasn’t as upset and depressed. I was happier that I didn’t have that hanging over my head.

I, most likely had completely different upbringing than most of you. I am from Serbia, South Europe, Balkan peninsula. I was born in Socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia, you probably know it as just Yugoslavia or SFRY. Anyhow that break apart several times over the years, changing names and losing territory most famously Kosovo as you all may be aware of. My country was bombarded by NATO in 1999, because of Kosovo.
I happened to be born in Belgrade, which was, and still is the capitol city of Serbian part that was left behind after each breakup.
I was raised without any reference to religion or god. In my home it was never mentioned further that the Serbian traditional “slava” events that each family has. Every day of the year has some saint and you inherit your saint from your father. I stopped practicing it as soon as my father “officially” transferred it to me. At that point it was expected of you to call a priest to your home (they never did that before) I just couldn’t do it and I couldn’t explain every time that I do it because it is expected of me and as tradition not because I believe all that.
I was actually supposed to be a sort of military machinery engineer, communist of course. That all soon all broke apart and between all hysteria I turned into naturalistic secular humanist. Luckily as a kid I was part of scouts instead of Tito’s young army and immediately fell in love with nature. On the other hand I always had affinity to electronic stuff and machinery.

I know this is not the thread to present yourself, but I figured this where active members are. And I also think it’s somewhat relevant as it is different perspective on the whole matter.

I’m not sure if you’ll believe me this, but I was genuinely surprised when I learned that god’s are still a thing, worldwide. I literally grew up in atmosphere that those are the things of past. I was born in 1982 we had war in 1990 to 1993 to become socialist to 2000 and then it all turned democratic but also supported by our Serbian orthodox church. After 2011 we have progressives which out now deemed as demonic.

All in all we are having fun. Meaning Serbs in general Completely bipolar on subject of Ukraine.

PS looking to emigrate :rofl:


Ah, time to deal with canards again.

First of all, drop the spurious notion that there is an “atheistic vision”. Atheism concerns itself solely with suspicion of mythology fanboy assertions. That is IT. Any questions about such topics as the origin of the universe, the origin of life, or the origin of ethics, are left to the scholarly disciplines constructed to answer them. The origin of the universe is the remit of cosmological physics, the origin of life is the remit of organic chemistry, and the orign of ethics is the remit of philosophical ethics (though recently, biology has had some interesting input into this question).

Being suspicious of unsupported assertions, whatever their source, is the foundation of rational thought, I don’t need to have read Quine (though it helps) to know that any assertion, when first presented, possesses the status “truth value unknown”. That an assertion has a truth value isn’t the issue - assertions that purport to be descriptive of the observable universe, or which are statements in a suitable formal system, possess a truth value virtually by definition. But until an assertion its tested to determine its truth value, that truth value is, and will forever remain, unknown.

The moment an assertion is subject to a proper test, to determine its truth value, that epistemological deficit is remedied. Assertions that are found to be false, are kept purely for pedagogical purposes in order to educate students on the proper process of avoiding error. Assertions that are found to be true, become part of our body of substantive knowledge.

Of course, one has to be careful with the use of the words “true” and “false” here. Within the world of formal systems, such as pure mathematics, a statement is true if it is consistent with the axioms of the construct being studied. The history of geometry provides some useful insights here, which I shall leave for another time. On the other hand, a statement about the observable universe is true if that statement is in accord with relevant observational data.

Thus far, the above two versions of “true” have proven to be the only reliable ones we have. Anyone wishing to propose an alternative to these two, has their work cut out for them.

In short, the role of knowledge is to provide you with a sound basis for understanding the universe and its contents. Its role is not to validate personal prejudice or provide an emotional boost, though I’m minded to note that those for whom learning is a joyful process tend to be better at advancing our knowledge, than those who regard learing as a chore. If this sounds harsh at first reading, be aware that the veterans here have vast experience with the usual suspects among the mythology fanboys, who routinely demonstrate that they think knowledge does exist to validate their personal prejudices, and furthermore, routinely engage in mendacity such as treating science dishonestly as a branch of apologetics, which it isn’t.

Now, returning to the matter of mythology fanboys and their unsupported assertions … assertions which in some cases are deliberately designed to avoid testing, and which, as a corollary, are safely discardable precisely on this basis. Other assertions which are in prinicple testable, even if doing so is enormously difficult in practice, but which haven’t been tested, are again safely discardable on this basis.

Indeed, I’m minded to note at this juncture, that mythology fanboys are incapable of agreeing among themselves on a global scale, which of the numerous mythologies humans have invented is purportedly the “right” mythology, and adherents of a particular mythology cannot agree among themselves what said mythology is purportedly telling us. Yet, on the basis of this rampant and comical anti-consilience, the same mythology fanboys arrogantly presume to be in a position to coerce the rest of us into treating their mythologies, along with whatever apologetic fabrications are erected in desperate attempts to prop up said mythologies, as enjoying a special, privileged status in the arena of discourse that is manifestly unwarranted.

Quite simply, atheism isn’t about “feelings”, it’s about honest conduct of discourse and intellectual integrity.


Absolutely welcome to share information in any thread.
We tend to do that (and go off topic :grimacing: :smirk:)

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