Please Help! Trying to understand how information/instructions in DNA are not intelligence based

You forgot about non-random chemistry and non-random selection.

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@JC1432 Even if I accepted your position (NOT), since over 98% of all human DNA is junk, why did your god fuck up so much? Why didn’t your god assemble neat and tidy DNA strands devoid of massive mistakes?

I am a retied electrician, and if I wired a new house build but 98% of all wiring was a complete waste and extra wiring, I would deserve to be fired on the spot.

Is your god a complete idiot?


MrDawn, thanks for the great replies. below are the answers

#1 DNA has 1 billion strands (with CAGT letters) that have to be in the exact order to do its job in creating information, language instructions, and messages coded in a 1 billion strand 4 letter language that has to be in the exact sequence is clearly something only an intelligent designer could create

– creating an incredibly complex inter-related set of machines, factories, roads, docking stations, fire stations in the cell.

#2 number 1 proves the creator is the only thing to be over the language of DNA

#3 i think i addressed Cog’s answer. maybe i missed on answering it right. i’ll wait for his rebuttal

#4 we know of nothing in the universe that can create information, messages and instructions except an intelligent designer. if you know of something that can do that please let me know.

this is not god of the gaps, but what we do know, not what we don’t know

No it does not prove a creator. It proves DNA and RNA exists, nothing more. It says nothing of where it originated from & I asked you a question. You are trying to insert your beliefs into Science and that does not work!

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for the existence of a deity?

Yes it is. You do not know for a fact therefor “god”. Your game is Watchmaker Analogies and Designer Fallacies.

Trees, lava, ice buildup.


“Natural selection, the blind, unconscious, automatic process which Darwin discovered, and which we now know is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful form of all life, has no purpose in mind. It has no mind and no mind’s eye. It does not plan for the future. It has no vision, no foresight, no sight at all. If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature, it is the blind watchmaker” - Richard Dawkins

i refuted the rings issue in another reply, hope you got it

I have no fucking clue. I’m not a DNA expert. I am not a genetics expert. I’m not a biologist. HOWEVER… I do have a suggestion. If you truly want to learn about such things, then there are scientific studies on such things that are readily available to read if you search for them. Also, I am willing to bet there are online chat sites out there dedicated specifically to those subjects. And, believe it or not, there may actually be EXPERTS on those sites who can help answer your questions. Ain’t that some of the craziest shit you’ve ever heard?

For any one who is serious, this might be helpful to explain how crazy what is being posted here is (don’t be scared by the references to quantum stuff, first the lecture covers classical information).

what are you talking about, every one knows that C,A,G, T are the letters of the DNA alphabet which creates information, instruction, and messages on how to build the protein cells. the DNA strand is billions of letters long and as a language have to be exact to communicate the message.

with new body forms comes new cell types and most importantly new information from the correct sequencing of the DNA letters correctly. do you need a scholarly source

the scratch example is not correct. DNA is a language that tells the environment what to do. the rock scratch is chemistry and the environment. we conclude based on looking at the evidence, the rock is not sending out a language for information, instructions, and messages encoded

i refuted that in another post. hope you got it.

@JC1432 I don’t have an answer to your question, but I do have a comment: It is you and people much like you that make conversation so strained as a theist on this forum.

Instead of looking for ways to try proving that the people here are wrong. Look for ways to challenge and refine what you already believe. Learn something that you didn’t know through contrast. You can’t convert people. People, change their own minds because they choose to…just like you.

Is there anything anyone could say here to make you disbelieve God? No, right? You would just become defensive.

You aren’t achieving anything, and you are just being unnecessarily antagonistic.

did you get a reply on this, it shows up near the bottom of the tread i have

If you want to believe in a designer. Be my guest. Don’t expect the rest of us to buy into your Watchmaker argument. I’ll leave you to the rest of my fellow atheists here. I’ve said what I wanted to say.

Let me ask a much simpler question: can a random process produce information?

eta:I got my answer from a different post of yours

well i think my argument is that randomness can’t create information, instructions, messages as only an intelligent creator can do that. non-random chemistry, molecules cannot write instructions or a language code, only intelligence can do that

someone was telling me that selection is random because i said that in order to select something you have to have an intelligent mind to diagnose the problem, identify possible solution options, analyze the pros/cons of the options, then select the solution and communicate the solution elsewhere

Why, oh why, do you continue to deny Kyle? Everything you have said about God so far is exactly like Kyle. (Well, except Kyle is a bit more “simple-minded”.)

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I’ll take that as your answer. What you have said is incorrect. It suggests you don’t really know what information is. It is a very subtle concept. Watch the video I linked.

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I offered a valid counter to your assertion, yet you repeated this same assertion multiple times since then. Are you stuck on a script, or just not reading and responding to the input of others?

Please participate, not just preach.

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lol in my opinion, Kyle is a way better god. At least Kyle lets you have same sex marriage ,multiple sex partners, multiple wives and husbands, abortion, public fornicating, ALWAYS legal contraceptive and more holidays off from work to fuck in Kyle’s name. He even allows gluttony! :smiling_imp: