Personal experience

That’s misdirection since I never disputed that claim could be objectively evidence. There are claims in the bible that are true, so what? Spiderman film was based in New York city which is a real city, this doesn’t make Spiderman real.

Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner. Meditation can be demonstrated to help us relax, so can keeping tropical fish, no magic is evidenced or required in this, no religious beliefs either or anything supernatural.

What the fuck? Was I even talking to you? What’s this fuckery about “I never disputed …”?

Every person has a story. The Buddha has a unique story. The history of his life is a unique point in time. The fact that he handed down an oral tradition means nothing.

The few pithy things he said that stick out in my mind are a small collection of words that give me drive and insight when I’m on my own personal journey.

No one gives a shit about the Buddha or the thousands of things he said. It’s the fact that he lived the life he lived and spoke succinctly about a system of ideas and experiences which are common to all people.

If you relate to Buddhism, good for you. If you don’t … fuck … whatever. It’s not the end of the world.

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Oh yes. Of course. Those are the exact same types of “relaxation”. Great fucking observation.

What Exactly Did the Buddha Say ?

By Buddhistdoor International Dr. Robert Law

Buddhistdoor Global | 2010-04-18 |


The short answer to this question is very simple: we do not really know.

Damn another superstitious, spiritualist wannabe, bites the historical dust! You need to read something besides your religious indoctrination texts.


Well, it also changes things when you have conversations with the guy. Very different in person that one might suspect from what’s detailed in the Pali Cannon.

Read the three posts, and understand the context was about my post originally, try to be a little more debate, and a little less fight.

This is a public debate forum, and anyone is entitled to comment on any post, at any time, I’d have thought you’d understand this by now? So the aggressive outrage is as pointless as it is baffling?

Great straw man more like, since I did not say nor even remotely imply they were “exactly” the same, they are the same in only the context I used, and used for that reason, and because relaxation can be shown to be achieved by perfectly natural phenomena, as my example did. No ideology or superstitious appeals to mystery are necessary.

Not really, since this is a subjective unevidenced anecdotal claim.

You’re the one looking for a fight.

I made a stupid joke about “clams and glasses”. Totally absurd and disconnected to all preceding posts.

Cog misread it and now you are misreading it. My “perspective* on the issue doesn’t give a jolly fuck about the context.

Again, you have an issue with your “specific” meanings and the interpretations of your intended audience.

And then you accuse me of not having the right to interpret your ambiguous comments in my own way - as if I have a secret “portal” into your intended meaning.

By every account, your lumping breath meditation in with owning a tropical fish :tropical_fish: :laughing:

It changed for me. I have a deep understanding of the Pali cannon and first hand experience with the personality of the Buddha. I’d say I’m very qualified to interpret the life and work of the Buddha.

Now let’s talk about Hitler. What was that you said? Because Nazi Germany agreed to murder Jews it was morally acceptable? Am I reading you correctly?

DAMMIT Sheldon - There you go again! Sheesh! When are you going to learn. Your constant insistence for facts and evidence is threatening to most believers of the great Woo. You just walk all over people with your reasonable and logical attitude. This shit has got to STOP!

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All I need to relax my mind and body is music, preferably with headphones.

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Music Meditation: One of the oldest forms of relaxation on the planet. Probably predating Buddhism by a million years and yet also used by the Buddhists.
Yes that’s hyperbolic. Damn, I always have to explain myself. The rhythmic beats of tree branches on stumps and prelinguistic grunts. Most certainly meditative.

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Not at all, debating is not fighting, it does necessarily involve argument. You seem incapable of the one, and hell bent on the other. Which is a shame really.

Nope, I’ll spell it out then post by post. Here was my original post:

Here is Cogs response to that post OF MINE… invoking you to offer something more than guesses or claims.

Anyone can follow the link and see he was responding to, and quoted, my post. this finally was your response:

As I said this has no bearing on the bare claims I had responded to, and now you are attacking me personally, yet again. As I said, try a little more debate and a little less fight.

I never claimed keeping goldfish was exactly the same as mediating, only that they both could invoke relaxation, you made up a straw man claim.

There it is for anyone to see that I never claimed they were exactly the same, and that your post implied I had.

No I didn’t, I merely objected to the implication I had said they were exactly the same, when I clearly neither said it not implied it.

Nope, I very specifically said the opposite. I offered Nazism as an example of subjective morality that didn’t care about suffering, as a refutation to your claim that all morality must do so. I very specifically said that the basis of my own morality involves the prevention of unnecessary suffering. However mine is also subjective. How can it be otherwise.

Oops. Would you look at that. I fucked up. My apologies. Won’t happen again.

My bad. Oops.


Which is, by definition, “immorality”.

Anyway. You were born in ‘65 weren’t you?

Apology accepted.

Nope, that is a subjective opinion, it happens to be one I share, but nonetheless it is a subjective opinion. As I have explained.

For what it is worth, the Nazis went to great lengths to hide the extermination camps from the German people.
That being said; it was morally acceptable to the Nazis, clearly.

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Well, it appears there is a moral standard as I’ve explained.

Those actions and words which cause humans suffering are, by nature, immoral.

Inaction may not necessarily be “moral”, but any concentrated effort to cause non-suffering whereas alternative actions might cause actual suffering appears to be “moral”.

That takes the “subjectivity” out of it.

Well, I can agree that the Nazi’s might have thought they were doing “the right thing” by exterminating non-Aryan people who were not to their liking.

I think it’s possible they were “wrong” in thinking so. Just a guess, though. I suppose there’s no moral standard by which we can look back on history and say, “the Nazi’s were mistaken in believing that the extermination of other humans was a morally right “thing to do””.

I guess if it happens again, we shouldn’t stop anyone from doing so as “they are entitled to their subjective standards of morality and immorality”.

Thank you. Now. You definitely were born in ‘65, because you would be the first to tell me I was wrong and the last to admit that I have used psychic means to determine both your spatial and temporal conscious indicators on earth.

There I fixed it for you ^

Different groups of people have different standards/morals: surprise!

Also the same group often has different standards/morals at different times!

eta: Also it is different in different places. Today someone threatened me on the street; I walked away. If he had said it in my yard, I’d have beat him bloody on the spot.

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