Personal experience

Sure. And none are universal. Cannibals don’t have any concerns about killing and eating people they don’t necessarily like. Especially if those people wander into their yard (for example).

The other side of the moral relativism coin is consequence.

Two men commit murder and only one of them is caught. The other gets away with it. There’s only a man made consequence for the one who gets caught.

You can’t have “universal morality” without an ultimate judge of character. Which, for primitive people, could be a compelling reason to invent a “supreme judge” (ie. God). Which is bullshit.

So, nothing is judged in a vacuum. Everything is weighed under the circumstances.

“Oh. You killed and ate your neighbor? Oh. You were hungry? Oh. Everyone else is doing it? Oh. It’s part of your culture? Okay. Well. Fine. As you were.”


“Oh. You’re Jeffry Dahlmer? Oh. Well it’s the electric chair for you. Oh. You don’t feel any remorse? Oh. You’re a psychopath? Hmm. Well. Well … sorry. We’ve got “laws” against this.”

So, you’re substituting what you can and can’t get away with over a moral imperative to not cause suffering to other people.

You’re “brave” enough to beat a man to a pulp on your property because the United States of America allows it. But you won’t take your aggression out on someone in public areas.

Sounds like a) your moral standards need improving and b) you don’t live by your own moral standards.

You’re a coward. If you had any sense of right and wrong you’d pummel the man who threatened you regardless of whether or not the law allowed you to get away with it. You’d live by your own standards. Instead, you hide behind loopholes.

Rather than show compassion for living beings you a) repress your hatred in public spaces and b) unleash it in your own private property.

You are found wonting. That’s my judge of your character. And I am morally superior to you.

I did no such thing; forget it.

Lol. Okay. 20 characters

And no apology; right?
eta:Forget this as well, I’ll just assume there won’t be one. Take your medicine, I’ll talk to you in 1 year.

Well then you tell me. Why would you choose not to beat a person up in public, but choose to beat that person up on your own property? What’s the difference to you?

How is that not obvious?

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It’s a cop out. All you have to do is agree to settle the dispute with a fight and assault charges don’t apply (as long as there are witnesses to confirm the fight was agreed on and you stop beating the man once you’ve won the fight).

If I was threatened I’d beam love and compassion at the guy. And then we’d go for a latte and talk about the newest fashions.

Every dispute arises from a core misunderstandings of our shared brotherhood of man.

The only energy that I feel as a bachelor is my own.

And hands. The only hands you feel touching you are your own.

Listen @Cognostic - I’m not just acting like hot shit, here.

I get paid to physically remove people from my clients property.

“Oh. You’re in security? Oh. So you watch CCTV and open and close gates?”

No. I’m in the shit everyday seeing the good the bad and the ugly. You know how many homeless people and crackheads carry shanks? All of them. They’ve got to protect themselves from the other crackheads. They won’t think twice about using it on me - especially if they’re severely high on drugs or mentally psychotic.

I get paid to be confident and calm in all of my dealings with the public. And my size is imposing.

But Take me out of uniform, and threaten me or my family in public, I’ll fucking take you out of commission. I’m not gunna wait until you step on my property.

Do it while I’m working, and I’ll smile and nod and tell you all the rules and if you so much as reach out to touch me, you’re on the ground and I’m putting you in cuffs.

That’s just idiotic. The Isralies want the West Bank, and they are willing to kill for it. The Palestinian Arabs want the West Bank, and they are willing to kill to keep it. No misunderstanding at all. Putin wants Ukrane to fall back in line. Ukrane wants independence from Russia. There is no amount of understanding that will accomplish both goals. Everyone understands the dispute will be over when someone wins, or when both sides completely exhaust themselves.


What’s so special about the West Bank?

It’s opposite of the East Bank. And NOBODY likes the East Bank.


What’s wrong with the Left Bank, anybody?

It is sometimes stupid because it doesn’t know what the Right Bank is doing.

(Edit for ambidextrous reasons.)

They denied my small business loan application. I was going to start a falafel shop on the north bank. Fucking bastards. Hate those left bankers.

I might be wrong. I might be right. But, what does any of it matter.? The Middle East is a cesspool.

He was the fucking cesspool.

Permanent suspended.

Couldn’t stand the smell of his shit. AND I live with Cog!!!


It’s next to Wells Fargo.

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I’m more of a supporter of a Central bank

I had a long point by point response, but deleted the rest, as this contradiction destroys your argument on its own. Either causing suffering is objectively immoral, or it is relative to context, you are claiming both in the same argument, and after insulting @Nyarlathotep when he tried to help you understand the significance of context to morality.

FYI when I am talking about the basis for my subjective morality, I say unnecessary suffering, and for context I have had a dentist and more then one surgeon cause me suffering, and did not consider their actions immoral. Context is what matters see, and that implies that morality is contextual and therefore subjective, rather than objective or absolute. This does not mean anything goes, it means we have different (subjective) opinions about what goes. For example there are people who would consider “fucking taking anyone out” immoral under ANY circumstances, as their morals differ to yours and mine, because they are subjective.