Yup that’s my $66 monthly donation at work.
Religion probably requires a belief in the qualities of ideas guarded by an individual and usually guarded by a community, as well. So a “non-theist religion” probably cannot be, because there is no idea to “believe in,” or guard against deterioration of its value.
Atheism is not a religion, just as theism is not a religion. Theism is a category of ontology - what exists. Theism is an ontological doctrine that prescribes the existence of a supernatural dimension of human experience. Atheism is not the opposite of theism as the prefix “a-” suggests, because atheism cannot be an ontology - humanism is the ontological doctrine that prescribes that humans define reality.
Atheism is a political doctrine that opposes theist doctrine for use in public policy.
When atheists defend the definitions suggesting anything like “lack of belief . . ,” and support it with the etymology of it having been defined in ancient times before even the word “theism” was documented, they are making the mistake that atheists tend to accuse theists of committing - reliance on poorly supported legends.
Back in those days there was no demarcation between religion and politics as we try to do so in the contemporary.
There is a major problem with the definition of religion. Twenty years ago it was common to find the simple definition of “belief and worship in a supernatural deity,” in every dictionary. The problem being the definition is redundant. Belief is a form worship, and worship requires belief - does it not?
A person cannot worship something that the person does not believe in.
That definition kept atheists in a loop that continues to this day. It is a dogma that atheists have.
- a particular system of faith and worship.
HUH? Two posts of nonsense…
RELIGION: * a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
“the world’s great religions”
- a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
You should probably read the previous posts prior to responding. A plethora of non-theistic religions have already been identified and named.
HUH? Theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods. (It’s that simple. Adding shit to it does not help clarify it at all. There is no ‘Theistic’ doctrin if ‘theism’ is not a religion., Dogma and doctrin belong to ‘religion.’ Religion is the expression of theism. (Belief in God).
Humanism says nothing about the ontology of human being. It is an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems. Humanism makes no ontological claims regarding the explaination the nature of existence by describing its substance or causes .
Atheism is not a political doctrine. This is completely idiotic. There is no doctrine in Atheism. Atheists may be political; as we have demonstrated on this site by our many disagreements. Pretending atheism is a political doctrine is … ‘Idiotic.’
You fail to understand what atheism is. Perhaps you recognize it in its other forms: "Heathen, Non-believer, Heritic, Outsider, “Atheist” is the word “Theists” use to identify those who are not members of their ilk. People who do not share their beliefs.
There need be no separation of religion and politics. False dichotomy. There only need be a separation between your religion and my relgion. The word “HEATHEN” is a Roman term, referencing non-believiers, Pagans, who lived in the heaths, outside the city of Rome. HEATHEN: a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do. Synonym for “Heathen” = ‘Atheist.’ Some Synonyms for you: nonbeliever
doubting Thomas
irreligious person
Not sure what you are doing with your thinking process but it is convoluted as hell. You are over thinking shit to such a degree as to sound completely silly.
Atheism is not about belief, it is a response to the assertion - “God exists.” The atheist does not believe this statement. Nothing more. Not an ontology, I can hold a thousand different ontologies and still be an atheist. Not a doctrine or dogma. Not a political ideology. Atheism is a simple response to religious belief in a god. There is no ‘ism’ in Atheism. There really is no ‘taking sides.’ There is just ‘letting go.’ Letting go of a belief system or not adopting a belief system. Atheists do not adopt a new belief system called Atheism. They may adopt Sklepticism, as well as some other philosopy of life that brings them happiness and well being.
While apparently worship requires belief, or at least that appears to be true, belief is not a form of worship. Belief may be a subset of worship, but belief is merely the result of becoming convinced of the truth, or if you will, the “believability” of something. Worship at least implies a devotion to a belief, which is not necessarily always present, nor is it a requirement for embracing a belief.
Edit birdseed
I believe I am suffering from myopia.
Ah, but are you worshiping your awareness of your visual affliction, or are you just overwhelmingly convinced of it’s existence? (sorry, only two choices…)
Edit eye deity idea
Sorry, but I believe I can’t read that fine print.
See, now you are deliberately and obstinately using believe in a convoluted manner to indicate, or at least imply, that belief is a matter of choice or a conscious decision making process… all to avoid answering the entirely serious and important question…
Edit: eyeglasses for attitudes
There is no god, or supernatural. The only way to “believe in” the existence of god or the supernatural is by indoctrination - that is how “doctrine” works.
Religion is not the “expression of theism.” Remember.
No it is not. They are two different, albeit sometimes related, things. I believe you are mistaken. I am so convinced of this that I have erected a shrine in my foyer, before which I am presently kneeling and will continue to prostrate myself in acknowledgement of the magnitude of self delusion of which you are presently consumed. Now go away with this nonsense. I have already wasted more time trying to explain the obvious than should be necessary.
Edit preying mantis
There is no definite description of what activity worship is.
More stupid comments. Religion has been around as long as mankind. ‘The Only Way?’ Was L.Ron indoctrinated into Scientology? Was Martin Luthor indoctrinated into Protestantism? Was Joseph Smith indoctrinated into Mormonism? Sometimes people just invent their own religions and guess what, people follow them without ever being indoctrinated. Indoctrination happens later. Do you know what another word for indoctrination is? “TEACHING.” So the stupidity of your comment is that ‘no one accepts a religion without being taught about it.’ The emphasis of ‘indoctrination’ is belief in a doctrin without question. 'Without Question" If the only way to believe was to believe without question, we would not have 200 Different Christian denominations, or 4000 religions recognized world wide. It does not take indoctrination to start a religion and one need not be indoctrinated (accept without evidence) to believe. It is sometimes enough to never look for the evidence, be unaware of the evidence, assume that everyone believes the same thing, never be exposed to alternate views. There is a large group that are not indoctrinated but just don’t know any better. When they discover the manipulation, they drop their religions and find another, move on in some way, or even assert non-belief. You have a very simplistic view of the human condition.
Religion is in fact the expression of theism. I should expand this as well; however, as all religions are not theistic. Religion is the expression of strongly held beliefs. We have already cited Buddhism and Taoism as belief systems with non-theistic sects. Confucianism is a non-thiestic religion. And there are many more. All God believing religions are in fact ‘theistic.’ That is the meaning of the word ‘theism.’ Theism = belief in god or gods. All theists believe in God or gods. That is the very definition of the term. It also begs the question, can theists believe in God or gods and not be religious.
Non-religious theism. Perhaps something like AA would fit the bill. To attend meetings you must agree to believe in a "Higher Power.’ There are no specific beliefs or dogma associated with that higher power or how it is to be worshiped… (They do pray to it.) Well, unless they are just repeating the Serenity Prayer as a mantra. Can one believe in a god, be theistic, and yet not religious? A God hater comes to mind. Fuck you god, I hate your ass, go fuck yourself, and I will never follow one of your fucked up religions. (I think that qualifies as well.)
Belief is not worship: Another idiotic comment. Your brain has been set to [dysfunction ]. I believe your so far out in La La Land, there may be no hope for you. So, I’m worshiping you? Bullocks!
I believe it’s pretty fucking cold outside where I am right now. Does that mean I worship frigid air?
(Edit for Brrrrrrr…)
Just what is a ‘definite description’? Is there a ‘definite description’ of anything? If so, of what? If so, who provides them? Anyone we know?
What if I provided one and called it ‘definite’? Would that work?
Uh, well, not exactly sure, but given the rapidity with which the balmy and pleasant weather avalanched into ant-fucking-arctica, someone must be responsible and, hey, I’ve never been one to wait for evidence before blaming someone for something if it satisfies my self-aggrandizing goals…
Edit well-digger’s ass
Very Good!
That is a major problem in the course to world peace. Semantics. We need to secure the definitions of words and descriptions of things. It’s kind of what science does, and atheists should probably not be opposed to scientific endeavors.
Along with that, we will need a “scientific” government charter. We need a perfect government charter. The imperfect constitution is why we are where we are.