You really are determined to make a spectacle of yourself before a global public audience, aren’t you?
First of all, the fantasy “global flood” never happened. It’s fiction. If you need the requisite spoon feeding, as so many mythology fanboys do, I can provide several cogent reasons why it’s fiction. But I’ll save that for later if need be, along with a nice little surprise that you manifestly never thought of.
Second, even if this fantasy event had happened, your disgusting apologia for mass biocide is precisely that - disgusting. Though enthusiasts for genocidal measures have a habit of resorting to blaming the victims. Apart from the fact that your apologia paints a picture of your cartoon magic man as being a psychotic despot, there’s also the little matter, which you completely failed to address within said disgusting apologia, why billions of plants and animals had to be exterminated as well.
Indeed, given that your goat herder mythology asserts that your cartoon magic man purportedly possesses all sorts of fantastic powers, this necessarily includes the ability to modify behaviour, and indeed your mythology asserts elsewhere that your cartoon magic man engaged in precisely this practice on at least one separate occasion. Which on its own invalidates any apologetic fabrications about “free will” you want to toss into the ring at this point.
As for Frank Turek, he’s a presuppositionalist charlatan, as indeed all presuppositionalists are charlatans.
For that matter, since theology itself is nothing more than the fine art of making shit up, in order to pretend that a cartoon magic man is something other than the product of the rectal passages of piss-stained bronze Age incels, no one here who understands that apposite fact will take your wibblings seriously, except in pursuit of the proper discoursive duty of seeing that bullshit does not pass here unchallenged.
As for this:
this is, of course, total bollocks. Anyone genuinely interested in the question of the origin of a given entity, requires evidence in order to answer that question. That you posted this miasmatic drivel on its own demonstrates your intellectual vacuity and bankruptcy. But I’m aware of how rigour is an alien concept to mythology fanboys.
Fatuous drivel.
Oh wait, we have voluminous amounts of evidence that brick buildings are artefacts constructed by human beings. We’re back again to that word “EVIDENCE”. I don’t think a brick building was built by humans because of nebulous fantasies about “design”, a concept you manifestly know nothing about, but because I have EVIDENCE that human beings construct brick buildings. Indeed, on several occasions I’ve observed this activity being performed by some of the human beings in question.
On the other hand, NO ONE has observed a cartoon magic man magically poofing things into existence.
Furthermore, the mere fact that brick buildings are observably different from the biosphere, renders Paley’s watchmaker bullshit null and void. Not least because brick building are not self-replicating entities, and of course there’s the little matter of how “design” apologetic fabrications duplicitously conflate two entirely different activities. First of all, human design activities have never shared any attributes with supernatural magic poofing. Supernatural magic poofing is asserted by mythology fanboys like you, to involve perfect foreknowledge of the behaviour of parts both in isolation and when integrated. Humans have never had “perfect foreknowledge” of anything.
Indeed, human design activity consists of the following steps:
[1] Try out some ideas;
[2] Discard the failures;
[3] Build upon the successes.
As a corollary, human design activity is far closer to evolution than to supernatural magic poofing, because those three steps above are essentially how evolution works. So on those grounds as well, your apologetic farts fail miserably.
Even worse, pedlars of “design” assertions like you don’t know what is required, to turn those assertions into something other than the products of their rectal passages. “I’m too stupid to understand how testable natural processes could have achieved this, therefore a cartoon magic man did it” is risible excrement. But risible excrement is all I see being offered by mythology fanboys, so no surprises there.
Indeed, the problem of developing a reliable means of detecting “design”, is recognised among actual scientists (as opposed to pedlars of mendacious apologetic fabrications), as being such a sufficiently difficult problem, that any working solution will guarantee the inventor thereof a Nobel Prize. That this hasn’t been awarded for any such work should be telling you something important.
Plus, it’s also telling that you think evolution equates to “chance”, which it doesn’t. What part of “testable natural processes” do you not understand again? Indeed, I exerted much diligent effort explaining several relevant concepts to you in this post, which you manifestly never bothered reading, except for the purpose of apologetic quote mining.
Bare faced lie.
First, over 1½ million peer reviewed scientific papers, document in exquisite detail the evidence for evolution. Evidence that includes direct experimental test and validation of evolutionary postulates, and replication of speciation events in the laboratory.
Second, over 100,000 peer reviewed scientific papers from the organic chemistry literature, document in exquisite detail the laboratory experiments establishing that chemical reactions implicated in the origin of life work. Indeed, I’m reminded at this point of this latest piece of research from a japanese laboratory, in which the scientists involved managed to produce self-replicating protocells starting with nothing more sophisticated than a mix of amino acids, thioesters and lipids. The full paper in Nature Communications can be read here.
Oh, and don’t bother quote mining a paper that everyone else can download for free and read in full, you’ll only embarrass yourself here further if you do.
Oh look, Looby Loo thinks he has a “gotcha”. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Already covered life above. Intelligence arises when the need to process external data makes a nervous system a necessity, and if you had paid attention in biology class, you would have learned that there are all manner of different variations on the nervous system them, ranging from that of nematode worms to humans. Indeed, all the scientific evidence amassed to date, points to intelligence being the product of brain chemistry. This includes instances of intelligent behaviour observed in non-human species, which not only have never read your goat herder mythology, but are currently incapable of doing so. As for emotions, we have evidence for these being the product of brin chemistry again, involving such substances as vasopressin and oxytocin.
As for “moral absolutes”, well this presumes that such entities actually exist, a question that even elementary students of philosophical ethics will tell you is an unsolved problem. On the other hand, I am aware that there exists an abundant scientific literature, documenting the evidence for the evolutionary and biological basis of:
[1] our capacity for ethical thought, and;
[2] the motivation to act thereupon.
This literature covers such topics as:
[1] The evolution of brain development genes expressed in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that has been known to be implicated in ethical decision making for over a century, and;
[2] Observed instances of ethical behaviour in non-human species, which again have never read your goat herder mythology and are currently incapable of doing so.
Indeed, the voluminous evidence informing us that behaviour can be altered by interfering with brain chemistry, should on its own be telling you something important,. though it’s probably wasted upon you because you’re too emotionally attached to your imaginary cartoon magic man.
Oh, as for the idea that your cartoon magic man is a “moral entity”, even the assertions of your own goat herder mythology flush this idea down the toilet hard. Not least, the 200-plus pages devoted to gleeful depictions of genocidal Lebensraum wars, which your mythology asserts were either directly ordered by your cartoon magic man (hilariously AFTER the issuing of the supposed “commandment” known as “thou shalt not kill”), or were given silent assent thereby. This includes one hideous instance in which the piss-stained Bronze Age incels that scribbled your mythology, gleefully dwelt upon the matter of kidnapping underage girls as sex slaves, after the unfortunate girls in question were forced to watch their parents being butchered in the genocidal Lebensraum war in question.
Indeed, I’m minded to note that the idea of “morality” that is contained in your goat herder mythology, consists at bottom of “kill all who do not conform”, and is explicitly presented as such in several key passages.
Are you going to exert some effort to make it hard for me in future?