Is blasphemy of hindu gods and godess a way to promote atheism?

I don’t think or believe that being deliberately offensive–purely for its own sake–to anyone’s religion is a way to promote anything except division.

I respect peoples’ beliefs even when I disagree with them, as I don’t have a monopoly on all human knowledge.


As longs as no gods have been proven to exist, blasphemy is essentially an imaginary crime against imaginary entities. Actions that some (especially the religious) consider blasphemous can in the long run be a fine way of desensitising the religous in order for them to not be so butthurt whenever nonbelievers disagree with them.


is sexualising things only way to prove theres no god where does blasphemy take atheism ?

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Firstly I think blasphemy is a victimless crime, since I don’t believe deities are real, or possible. Secondly it is clear some people think they have the right to ringfence their religious beliefs from critical scrutiny, this of course eschews free speech, but only for those who don’t share their beliefs and say so.

It’s not about going out of your way to offend people, being offended after all is a choice someone makes, it is about having the right to freely express ideas, and of course subject ideas and beliefs to critical scrutiny.

If a belief is so fragile it can’t withstand mockery, what does that suggest? Theism has held a lot of power for a long time, now people are starting to challenge those ideas, some growing pains are inevitable perhaps.


Blasphemy does not aim at disproving gods. Not that it is possible to do so in general, anyway.


Why are you so butthurt over the depiction of a fictional creature?


That’s the real comedy gold, right there…

Where do sexy drawings of mermaids take people who don’t believe they’re real? It’s a puzzler alright.

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Who says that’s what’s happening?

because if one doesnt belive in existence of a god it doent mean you can possibly hurt the feelings of a larger section of people who has some kind of belief which doesnt even harm ur thoughts , its just their freedom to express and belive

Then what, do tell, is the point of this thread?

Condescension? Chastisement?

Has any member of this board made or posted that silly picture of imaginary characters?

Religion has made “hurting its feelings” a punishable crime. The consequences for doing so is still dire in many places and it deserves to be pushed back at. The freedom of thought and expression demanded by religions for themselves must apply to everyone. Hinduism has temples covered with sexual imagery that other more prudish religions find highly offensive, since they find it “offensive”, does that give them the right to regulate them? Here’s a thought, have you ever considered not looking at something that you find offensive?

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and if u really find hinduism or anyother religion so offensive , have u thought of not involving in such matters which u find OFFENSIVE? its ones culture leave it to them , no ones forcing u to follow something.

@girigud123, do you think all people who identify as atheist promote that picture in some way?

my question is to only those who use such content to promote atheism. If u r using such content u may get offended to my questions

I am not offended by your questions, just as I’m not offended by pictures of your gods. You are allowed to show pictures of your gods, and people are allowed to show pictures of parodies of your gods, that’s how freedom works. Perceived blasphemy hurts peoples feelings, blasphemy laws imprison and kill people. If people would stop worrying about blasphemy the world would be a better place for everyone, including people of your own religion who could find themselves accused of it by another religion.

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if there was no blasphemy and if u could just avoid all our gods and religion may then there would be no need for blasphemy. why do u need to blaspheme and then cry about freedom of expression and laws. freedom is ones right and it has its own boundaries. Hope people understand that

Islam considers much Catholic Christian art Blasphemy, many Christians consider Hindu and erotic Buddhist art blasphemy. The Puritans considered just about everything blasphemy.

Could you be specific about the blasphemy you object to and exactly why?

I object to all kinds of blasphemy,well to be specific blasphemy of hindu godess and gods. on of the reason for this children in india take insights from hindu scripts , gods and godess. let me give u an example, hindu epic ramyana is not just about rama killing ravan for sita it teaches how a person should be leading his life, it teaches one to be a good son,a good husband or a good brother. Children are raised by their parent by teaching these thing. And now due to these extremely demeaning art in the name of atheism is dangerous effect on future generations. they might not take the right idea what hinduism teaches. They might feel its just some pornography. A growing country like india cannot let this effect its future generations

For hundreds of thousands of years this statement wouldn’t even need have been made.

The conversation in this thread would have been impossible to have because the atheists here would have been at serious risk of being ostracized or put to death for our views.

And now that humankind is at a place where we can (though still not everywhere, as @Kellii referred to) freely discuss and debate and criticize these things you’re suggesting others just leave it alone?

Speaking for myself, you can fuck right off with that, mate.