Is blasphemy of hindu gods and godess a way to promote atheism?

haha chirp chirp. if blasphemy is ur way of free speech and expressing opinions then theres nothing wrong in restricting them. and by restricting such views theres a lot good happening to society and free speech. i hope ur tiny lil brains will get my point.

I had never actually indulged in purposefully trying to be blasphemous because I wasn’t sure how effective it was in changing minds. You seem very worried that your religion can’t hold up to it. Good to know.


It doesnt matter what religion it is , it does have a bad influence which is not good. And moreover blasphemy is not cool ihope u understand

So what? I object to your objection. Blasphemic utterances are but one of the tools used to desensitise uptight religiosity-peddlers that cannot fathom how anyone can live without kissing their favorite mythology’s ass. Serve them enough “irreverent” images and songs and poems and novels and TV-shows and skits and whatnot, so that they in the end become desensitised enough that REAL debate can be had. Case in point: Monty Python and other humour and comedy groups inspired by them that do “blasphemous” humour sure made a really big dent in my own sensitivity back when I used to be a sort of religious person. Although it didn’t deconvert me as such, it nudged me along, for other arguments to do the heavy lifting later. So, I’m all for blasphemy. Bring it on. If you as a religious person is so much of a snowflake as to whimper in your socks by this kind of (quite innocent) imagery, you should think long and hard about your much too inflated sensitivities.

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what u even want to desensitised? U r so insecured abt these things , so u find the ugliest way possible to desensitice what ever u talking about. I am pretty sure no one sensible enough would want make a mockery of others beliefs except so called atheists like you. You make things so dirty that rules and laws have to be made so violent. better u change

I guessed you were a militant Hindu nationalist. Thank you for confirming it. Your gods are as useful in teaching moral lessons as any other gods or goddesses. In other words they are useless.

By all means teach them as culture but not as the ultimate resource for your ethnicity. That is fascism.

India is made up of many tribes, religions and ethnicities, the comedy of the hindu gods would not alter them in the slightest if they disappeared tomorrow.


Precisely because of the militant like attitude people like you exhibit. You and your ilk want to express your views as you like, even impose them on others and people who don’t want to hear it. Yet you whine and scream and shout “BLASPHEMY!!!” if others express views you don’t like. And that’s the reason you guys need to be desentisised, in order for you to come to the acceptance that you don’t have an opinion monopoly, that you need to accept that people have opposing views that you don’t like, and for you to get a feel of what you are exposing others to. It took decades or centuries to get western christians to somewhat accept this, although there is still some way to go.

Edit: inserted a couple of missing essential words

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what kind of dumb fuck u are bro. has hinduism ever done any wrong to you? who imposed restrictions on you senseless opinions . we r just telling that keep u sense less opinions to urself.theres no need to desesitise anything. there should be some “meaning” when ur opposing others views.moreover this doesnt even look like opinions , this just looks like hatered .

Sorry to be late to the party.

I can see the “making fun of Hinduism” in the image that starts this thread, but I don’t see “promoting atheism” in it. What am I missing?

And if there is no “promoting atheism” in it, why does this thread exist?

the most important thing u are missing is few brain cells which gives u commom sense

Girigud123 has been sent packing. They didn’t understand that they can’t come into our house and behave rudely. Apparently their precious religion didn’t teach them humility or generosity.


I guess it’s clear why blasphemy laws didn’t concern them, they want to be the oppressors.
Their shifts in tone were disconcerting. Someone trying to play nice because they wanted something, but the mask kept slipping.

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Why would you come to a place when you know beforehand that the opinions will offend you? It just sounds like you’re trolling tbh. Either way, you don’t get to tell anyone here what they can, and can’t say.

What a spectacularly stupid and dishonest assertion, you came to us, you;re the one professing our opinions offend you, so that is a truly asinine thing to say.

Straw man fallacy, no one has claimed they need to do any such thing, only that they ought to have the same freedom of expression you are enjoying, and this has already been explained to you more than once, so this is another pretty stupid assertion.

I don’t care, it’s none of your business how others express themselves. You may be offended if you wish, but that is all you get, the right to be offended.

I don’t need your unevidenced superstitious beliefs to form a moral and ethical worldview.

Religions also teach bigotry and intolerance, and your religion has its share of violence and bloodshed in its long history.

No it’s not, I simply don’t believe your unevidenced and biased claim.

It needn’t affect anyone, unless like you they choose to look at it, then choose to be offended, as an excuse to try and threaten and intimidate others who value freedom of speech over archaic superstitions.

If you could never speak to any atheists about anything ever again, and never bring this up please. See I can make unrealistic demands that censor you as well, now how do you like those apples?

Yes there is, since these are freedoms that underpin any free society, but you clearly want a police state where your religion can dictate to others what they can and cannot say, well you’re shit out of luck my friend.

The only point I see is that your post is pure bigotry, and that you clearly don’t understand what an ad hominem fallacy is, or why it makes your petulant post irrational.

I disagree, it’s the bigotry of coming here to try and bully others and censor them that is not cool. Blasphemy harms no one, you are simply choosing to be offended, and again this is clearly bigotry. The world does not have to conform to your subjective religious views.

You’re wrong, and that’s a no true Scotsman fallacy is ever there was one.

That’s your subjective opinion, and how poor must a belief be, if its adherents need to threaten violence against others who don’t share it, that is cowardly and pathetic.

I am pretty sure most posters are laughing at the ignorance, stupidity, and intolerance of your verbiage right now. I also don’t believe you are laughing, as this clearly bothered you enough to come here, and try to bully us with your bigoted religious views.

Wrong again, your posts are simply closed minded bigotry. It seems you’re incapable of understanding there is a wider world with differing viewpoints and cultures, it’s always amusing to see someone with an utterly closed mind, try to lecture others on how they should think. The irony is palpable.

Again then as this seems beyond your intellectual capacity, you came to us, you are the one preaching, and no one gets to tell others what they may post here.

Demonstrate some objective evidence that a any deity exists, or is even possible? You asked for it, so there it is, and I’d bet my house you don’t even try to answer.

Well if your bigoted insults and threats are any good measure, then it is a vile superstition that creates entitled arrogant cowards, who think they can threaten others who don’t share their beliefs, and dare to say so.

Not a chance pal, was there anything else?

Only you are posting hatred, and threats that I can see, so another irony overload there. if I was to guess I’d say you were a teenage boy, the strident angry posts suggest this is very likely.

Thank you, again, well done, again.


Or anything really, if his disjointed rants are any measure. Such a shame we always seem to get the bigoted ignorant bullies, posturing as if they can intimidate us.

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I understand that you have run out of actual arguments (not that you had any from the start anyway), and need to resort to name calling.

That’s not the issue. I care less than a microfuck about hinduism. Or christianity. Or islam. Or any other religion. To me, all religions are just different versions of the same shit, namely superstitious belief in magic and mythology.

You don’t get to come here and tell me what to say, what to believe or what to think. Keep your fascistoid mythology beliefs to yourself, and keep the fuck away from ramming your sick beliefs down my throat.

As this exchange has clearly shown, there is absolutely a need to desensitise religious zealots like you. It is obvious that you are so snowflakey that you cannot even stand the thought of someone thinking differently than you. You clearly need to accept that others can have opinions and practices that differ from yours, even if you feel offended by it. It’s give and take - you get to believe your shit, and others get to belive differently. And no views are immune to criticism. You are obviously still in a medieval kind of mindset, where one particular view can overrule all others. Thus, you need to be educated.

Hatred? Toward mythological fariy tale characters that you religious types have had several millenias of time to show actually exist? Hah, don’t make me laugh.

Good riddance.


I wonder why so many religious people baulk at criticisms of their beliefs, which of course are a choice they make, but then think it is ok to demonise people with hate speech, based on who they are, which is not a choice of course…

The Daily Heil is already misrepresenting this as discrimination against Christians, bless…but then look at their role model, playing the victim seems inevitable.

I wonder how they’d feel if someone walked into their church on Sunday, wearing a t shirt stating Christianity is an unevidenced archaic superstition? Would they want them to leave?

Irony overload of the month…

:100: There is a massive difference between blasphemy and religious oppression blasphemy is part of free speech and it is harmless and while blasphemy might be offensive to some it isn’t the same as hate speech, where a person for example say " our religion and ideology is supreme and therefore let’s discriminate and attack group X because group X is inferior " , blasphemy and the other hand simply a brilliant way to criticize the belief and not the person .

And you thought you’d come to an atheist forum, does that seem smart to you? Your religion is a joke, like all other religions it is delusional fantasy, and the deities are imaginary.

Now if you’d left us alone you needn’t have read that.

They don’t have a choice, religions always evolve and change, and many are discarded for new ones. The new ones are equally ridiculous of course, so progress is slow, but who knows, India may abandon superstitious guff at some point, possibly before the US, the way things are unfolding there.

Give it your best shot champ…meanwhile here are some photos of your imaginary deities, tell us which ones you prefer?

Here is my new atheist t shirt I got it last week . This is freedom of speech I’m so happy to wear this t shirt freely :grin:.

I disagree completely because firstly blasphemy is totally harmless and part of freedom of speech. Secondly you who came here out of your own demanded aggressively like a religious oppressor to stop blasphemy and to respect Hinduism because you are offended by harmless satire artwork :unamused: :roll_eyes: .