I'm so glad I don't believe this crap

Apparently one wrong word has invalidated years of baptisms.

Yes siree, saying “we” instead of “I” while a wizard channels an all knowing, all powerful god keeps you from being allowed to enter the special club that this god really, really wants you to join, but won’t let you in if the incantation isn’t said perfectly. You have to get those incantations just right, as any Harry Potter fan can tell you. Since it’s the first church sacrament getting it wrong has invalidated all other sacraments, such as marriage. The absurdity of it all.


Oh my fuckin’ God.

Not getting into heaven on a loop-hole… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I don’t get this… So when the witchdoctor says “I baptize…” he’s pretending to be jesus christ? In that case, why isn’t the spell said like this: “I baptize you in the name of jesus christ”?

Ahhhhh I miss Boomer, he could have explained the catholic POV. I always thought priest were considered an intermediary and representative of god. Them using the first person “I” though is extra creepy. Anyone know just exactly what priest are considered to be?

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OH FUCK! He performed baptisms incorrectly! The monster!!! He must have been working for SATAN. What about all those poor people who thought they were saved and are now burning in hell. OH! MY GOD! How in the fuck could he let this happen. It’s like finding dead goldfish in the holy water, or discovering that your cross has been upside down all day. The INSANITY! This asshole should not be allowed to resign. We should drag him to the edge of town and stone him to death.

Come to think about it… if these people were really serious about their religion, woldn’t that be the appropriate action to take? Burn the bastard for his evil ways, but first castrate him, and shave his head to make him look like a Tin Man.

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OH… MY… GOD!!! :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: WHY has GOD Himself not struck down that disgraceful and hideous excuse of a priest? That blatantly blasphemous baby-baptizing blundering BASTARD! No doubt about it, SATAN HIMSELF was guiding that priest’s slithering serpent tongue! Now all those poor souls condemned to hell because of an improper pronoun! OH, THE HUMANITY! :weary::sob::weary::sob:

OR… We could shave his head and make him look like your butthole. (You DO still shave down there, right?)

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@Kellii Yea, that’s pretty fucked up. Just one wrong word and you don’t go to heaven?

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Just God’s way of weeding out the illiterates.

Oh well, it makes me feel less guilty about any typos I make.

I watched the video. What a stupid religion. Next they’re gonna say "OH! We can’t say it in English, it has to be Latin because you know Catholicism originated in Rome and well, that’s just how it works because “God”.

Not only do they move the goal posts in debates, they change the rules to their religion too. Not a good way to appear smart.

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And the weird thing about that is that the Roman Christians spoke Greek. " The use of Latin in the Church started in the late fourth century with the split of the Roman Empire after Emperor Theodosius in 395. Before this split, Greek was the primary language of the Church as well as the language of the eastern half of the Roman Empire."

The spoken version of Ecclesiastical Latin was created later during the Carolingian Renaissance. We are talking 9th Century Latin.

Just makes me think the Catholic Christian God doesnt have the emotional intelligence to tell the difference between ‘intent’ and ‘ritual’. How bleeding precious is that?
I saw this on YouTube and one comment described a life long priest watching his uncle’s super 8 footage of his baptism in which the priest made the “we/I” error which invalidated his postion as priest because he had not be christened properly. All those marriages, last rites, christenings, confirmations etc etc rendered worthless over the wrong choice of a single word. Its pure idiocy.


If the exact choice of words is so overwhelmingly important and overshadows the actual intent, then why haven’t this almighty god protested, and strickened this priest thrice with a lightning bolt? Or even tried to guide or tutor him? It’s shocking, I know, but it’s almost as if…as if the god does not care or even – *gasp* – does not exist!

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You hush yo mouf! How DARE you say god does not care! Every single time that priest used the wrong word, god would cringe and shake his head sadly. Because god WANTED BADLY to correct that incompetent dimwit, but was unable to do so because that priest had Free Will! And god cannot interfere with the Free Will he so lovingly gave Man. The only way god could have corrected that priest was if the priest had asked for god’s help. But because the priest never asked, God has to shed tears for all those poor, innocent, un-baptized souls that he must now cast down into hell. He doesn’t WANT to do it, but he has no choice. Rules is rules.

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Not only that, but a baby angel would weep and shed its wings. I know, it’s tragic on so many levels.

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Someone on reddit called the catholic church a “petty, pedantic bureaucracy”. It seems it can apply to their god too. A petty, pedantic, bureaucratic, tyrant. They seem ignorant of the way they portray their god. They’ve made him in their own image.

So what now, priests will be reading a tablet while they say the magic words?


I was told that the “magic words” are PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE :rofl:

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Followed by: Yes, mistress may I have another.