I will never understand it

@Nyarlathotep How does belittling someone (even if their beliefs are morally wrong) ever help that person change? What does this accomplish besides you inflating your ego and feeling self righteous? Clearly acting like the preacher at the front of the church and being holier than though is a good look. You want to act like that then go back to church.

Calling someone a bigot and loser usually never nets the end result you want. What you’re doing here is just self pleasuring, so please stop. (Insert your own jokes here)

As for @mr.macabre13 I would take what your wife says as the kind gesture that it is. Is it misguided, absolutely, but when you don’t comprehend the world in a logical manner you can’t expect a logical response to good news. If she understood what you do, she would just replace the word god with the doctors. The feeling and emotion behind it is still good and valid, just misdirected. My parents still say weird things like that to me, and I have to remind myself they’re still human beings and are perceiving the world differently. Their emotions and sentiments are still in good nature. I have to view them not from the perspective of logically misinformed but the perspective of where they are coming from emotionally and exclude the former.