I will never understand it

US Police State of America: Instead of the government working for the people, the people work for the government. It’s truly insane and I personally believe something bad is about to happen in the USA. A constitutional congress is just around the corner. The decision to end abortion rights might be icing on the cake. California is running out of water.

" where people are arguing over a supposedly stolen election, vaccine mandates, mask-wearing, and the reality of climate change—a September 2020 [Hofstra University poll] found that “nearly 40 percent of likely voters would support state secession if their candidate loses.” This was followed by a YouGov and Bright Line Watch survey last June that revealed that 37% of Americans supported a “willingness to secede” when asked: “Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in the new union]?” Support for doing this was highest in the South and among Republicans."

I had two reasons for voting for Trump. 1. Hilary and Bill are drug smuggling, child molesting, creepy fucks, who I would not trust to wash my socks. I knew that before Hilary’s treasonous behavior. So my choice was between her corrupt ass and the rich asshole Trump, who has run every business he has ever owned into bankruptcy. He is a shit businessman and yet his manipulative shithead self manages to stay afloat. Hilary was so embedded in the corrupt system that we have, that I could not justify a vote for the woman. Trump was a dunce who would probably run the USA into bankruptcy as well. Trump had one advantage over Hilary, He would shake up the system. Well ‘FUCK!’ He certainly did that. I got my wish.

More people are involved in politics now than in the last 50 years. I don’t know if that is good or bad. I do know the system is fucked. People are not happy with the Police State USA. Things are on the verge of change, I expect them to get much worse before they get better. Hold on to your panties folks. It’s going to be a wild ride.

If by chance I have offended your favorite presidential candidate; just call me a fuckhead and move on. I’m not interested in a political debate. I had zero respect for either candidate. Both their histories were shit.

Just for fun:
1985 to 1994, the Times report said that Trump’s core businesses racked up losses of more than a billion dollars in a ten-year period. During 1990 and 1991, the story said, Trump’s losses were so large that they “were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.”