I will never understand it

I didn’t ask for examples. I stated your methods don’t work for me. I apologize for not being a professional psychologist. I’m of average intelligence, a creative, not a scientific dissector of psychology.

Again, I wouldn’t agree with this methodology. This dabbles too much into a god complex for me, assuming you can pin down anyone. That’s a bit omnipotent, which I don’t assume I’m capable of.

@Cognostic @SatanicMechanic

Hey, guys. This is a fascinating subject, and I would be interested in chiming in on it. Just not in this thread. Any chance this could get moved to its own thread? I’m actually dealing with a situation right now related to this topic, and would like to hash out some options with some feedback.

Edit to add: Maybe one of the Mods could move the existing related posts to its own thread? Not sure how that works.

I don’t find the need for another thread. I can agree to disagree here and stop hijacking this thread.

I already requested that. — well… mentioned it.

Agreed. I think we have run the gauntlet and seem to be at a resolution.

I opened a new thread named : Addiction: this topic carried from other thread

Please discuss this topic in there.

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Well, think of it this way @mr.macabre13
we’re sitting around with coffee, smokes (ok, outside) or whatever and we are there for you and listening. And in those quiet moments, off we go on a conversation.

Keep us utd


Thank you, so far there hasn’t been any more news about Isa today. Maybe no news is good news?


Let’s hope that’s the case. By the way, please don’t allow anybody to goad you into a petty and pointless squabble in other threads. It simply ain’t worth it. You have far more important things with which to concern yourself. Save your energy for what really matters right now. I realize you are likely already aware of this, but I just wanted you to hear it from an outside source to hopefully reinforce your resolve. Stay strong.

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Thank you for your responses. The latest update that we’ve received from my sister-in-law is good news, for now. Isa got to go home yesterday for a few days until they see how her body reacts to her medication. She has a very long road ahead of her, depending on how much pituitary function she has left. She is completely blind in her right eye, and has very poor eyesight in her left, which the doctors say is permanent(that sucks).
She will eventually go to Boston’s Children’s Hospital so she can be seen by their neurologists and neurosurgeons. Apparently they have more experience with this kind of thing than they do in Salt Lake City.
All of those expenses will be out of pocket for our nephew and his wife, but they’re lucky enough to have access to her family’s money, which is in the millions.
We should all be so lucky.
My wife and kids have all been saying the same thing back and forth to each other, PTL, thank god, all the usual crap.
I haven’t said a single word on the subject, how can you say something like that when she’s basically screwed for the rest of her life? She went from a normal 7 year old little girl to a blind, diabetic, on medication for life situation.
They should be thanking her doctors and nurses, and thanking her grandparents for having access to funds that 95% of us wouldn’t have.


Nothing new to report, the last we heard was she was going home. We haven’t been told anything about what’s in store for her in the near future. We’re just glad she survived, but at what cost?
Only god knows apparently.


The latest update about our niece’s condition is that she’s going back to the hospital Friday morning. She’ll have a procedure done to remove the plugs in her nasal cavity and for the removal of a probe/monitor(?) near her pituitary. My sister-in-law wasn’t very clear about exactly what they’ll be removing, all we know is that she might be able to go home the same day. That’s fucking amazing what our doctors are able to do now, as long as you can afford it.


What a relief for your family.

Now it’ll just be the process of her adapting to any physical limitations. I am very happy that your young niece pulled through.

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Thank you, this is the kind of thing you’d see happening to someone else’s family, not your own. Whenever god picks your number, it’s always for a good reason, right?
Fuck religion.


That’s the truth! I had knee surgery a couple of years ago. I got a spinal and was numb from the waist down. They did the entire surgery with arthroscops. I ended up with three tiny holes in my knee about the size of an ink pen’s refill cartridge. AND, I watche the entire procedure on a video monitor as the doctor talked me through exactly what he was doing. Crystal clear perception and completely amazing.

I’ve also had two other amazing experiences with modern medicine. Both involving severe slashes to the face. And I mean hideous gashes longer than 4 inches with fat and muscle tissue pussing out. One with a student who fell and one with a boss who was walking down the street and was attacked by a crazed butcher knife weilding Korean man. In both cases, the surgens did such a fantastic job, no scar was visible. None. My boss was slashed from his forehead, across his nose, and down aceoss his lips to his cheek. He was a fucking mess. 6 to 8 months later and not a trace of a scar.

Doctors are fucking Miracle Workers. I also worked in Emergency Rooms for about 5 years as a youngster. I have seen some remarkable shit. I fully believe that if anything negative happens to anyone, you can generally trust that the doctors have absolutely done the very best they can to get the very best result they can. (I know, they are still human. But I do believe they try.)


This shit drives me crazy. The newest update states the following, “god continues to provide and shed his blessings”. What the fuck does that mean?
I haven’t heard a single “thank you” to the doctors and nurses who’ve taken care of her in any of the text messages going back and forth between my family and sister-in-law.
They’re going to have a welcome home celebration on July 31st for her and her family, I can only imagine how much praise their god is going to get even though Isa is fucked up for the rest of her life.
If this is really how their god does things, I want no fucking part of it.


They’re likely referencing Shed in a historical context - the god to which ancient Egyptians appealed to save them from disease and misfortune.

I mean, that’s as sensible an explanation as the bearded dude in the sky molting his blessings unto his flock. :roll_eyes:

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Their god is thier problem, not yours.


I am sorry to hear this. As you likely know, life doesn’t have much to do with fairness. Life just happens. I understand your angst and disgust. I hope she fares well. It is absolutely none of my business, nor do I require an answer, but I don’t understand how you can be with someone that is religiously delusional. It took me many many failed relationships to find my atheist wife. It came down to asking right off the bat, if the women of my interest was atheist or not. Although my wife is beautiful, I was not attracted to her by her looks whatsoever…I would have been happy with an atheist female doppelganger of Vladimir Putin.


When we first met in 1980, neither one of us was religious, it didn’t change until after our son was born in '83. After a few months of motherhood, she decided to raise him as a christian, along with herself. We fought over the subject for decades before we agreed to disagree.