I was 👽 abducted

I have a question :person_raising_hand:

I’m no expert BUT why didn’t the orange idiot just go with the old “XX or XY”?

I don’t understand what he means by “big & small reproductive” cell…

Sorry, eh - typing “out loud”.

The orange idiot is referring to the literal production of “eggs & sperm”

Why odors trigger powerful memories - Northwestern Now.

Probably because it’s known that some people don’t have xx or xy and he didn’t want to get caught. He got caught anyway. Another one for the FAFO list :wink:


Agreed, and I doubt the cronies who drafted that order were even the slightest bit interested in fact checking their reasoning and opinions with scientists. Or a high school biology text.

(It would further be hard to imagine those same people paying attention to the reality of things like Swyer syndrome, as just one example. I believe the level of their denial of such things would register as pathological.)


… so 2 days ago our Bank of Canada released a report on the tariffs (blah blah blah) BUT look what they used as the example!!!

It was worth the blizzard to buy the boy’s car.


“We impose the tariffs to lower the prices for US consumers hurr durr”

Because Canada is going to pay all the tariffs, both ways. Right? :thinking: :clown_face:


We haven’t had any snow yet this winter…feel free to send some down this way. :snowflake: