I was 👽 abducted

I thought we got ovens after the shower?

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Frankly, I’d rather drink my own piss. :smirk:


Got the boys their car!

We left at noon for what is suppose to be a 2 hour trip to the city. My best friend & daughter came too.

Started good…clear road, some wind. About an hour into the trip, wind gusts of 62km/hr with snow blowing across the road. 15 min later, a semi had jackknifed across the road. Turned around and found another route. Entering city…another semi had jackknifed, but enough room to squeeze around him.

Got to dealership! YAH!!! Saved $2,000 (January is the slowest month for them) and got them the car I researched. A 2007 Buick Allure with 134,000 km. Final cost $6,400. Beautiful condition. My 6’6” youngest fit in the driver’s seat comfortably :+1:

Ate dinner. Started home at about 6pm. I lead and my best friend drives behind me. Blizzard leaving the city. We count 3 accidents and one happened in front of me (nothing serious - just pushed off road). Get out of city and drove through the snow, wind, and 2 more accident sights. Avoid deer :deer: about a half hour from home.

The new car made it through all that NO PROBLEM :wink:

Oh - and an asshole in a lifted truck decided I was going too slow… passed … fishtailed…corrected themselves safely and proceeded to do the same speed I was at (but now he was leader on a snow road with little visibility).

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Of course you were tactlessly passed; this is the U.S. and we always and combatively get ahead. We do the best get ahead… the world should see how much ahead we get.

No, wait a sec… you’re a north neighbour. Our dangerous and bungling uber-exceptionalism/ awesomeness destiny isn’t crawling its way up there, is it??

Well, get ready for Freedom Fries, and renaming Hudson Bay to Canada Bay and so forth. Le Canada en tête. And get rid of any pesky environmental regulations; lifted trucks don’t need barriers to power.


Here’s my suggestion for some discrete but meaningful renaming:


We have MapleMAGA here - they’re “patriots” who want Alberta to join the USA. Far and few BUT loud. THE LOUDER YOU ARE THE MORE RIGHT YOU ARE.

I actually bought the vehicle early in anticipation of the higher costs both our countries will face. New vehicles are going to price through the roof, so then will 2nd hand ones which will sell faster and be harder to find.


Smart move. We’re hoarding a few things ourselves. Relocating is still on the table for us.

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Where would you go? Are you in a Red State?

We are in a blue state but on fixed incomes. If Social Security goes away, we’re fucked. He’s already fucked the $2k upper limit for meds for anyone on Medicare.
Places to go? After creating a very complicated ratings spread sheet, Sayulita, Mexico and Lima, Peru have floated to the top of the list.


Isn’t he going to start bombing Mexico? AND still tariffs. He’s declared the cartels a terrorist organization.

I like Peru. They all seem like good choices.

The last couple of hours this really sat with me. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling having to really consider uprooting your life because of the horrible direction that has been taken by Trump & his cult.

As a Canadian, I feel threatened- those Americans right now that are vulnerable and having their live’s directly impacted by inhumane policies…my heart aches for you.


The dangerous piffle has already begun to reach proclamation stage. :unamused:

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Can we have “I fucking hate this” button somewhere?

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Hi! That is a interesting way to having a first contact.

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Welcome Preston! So glad you made your way to our little corner of the web…we look forward to getting to know you better.

Welcome. Have fun lots of good minds here…and a few fools…

Some text is also worth noting by U.S. citizens in the above executive order from the Orange Idiot:

“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.”

All fetuses, at conception, are female. All Americans are now female, therefore.

Sorry ladies, but everyone is now eligible to use your normally much cleaner restrooms. It’s an executive order.


Wait…whaaaa??? IS THIS TRUE!!! Is this in the Order?
