I hate Putin because he shaved my cat!

March 1 post in here (#20)

I stated this thread on Feb 24 in response to Tuckers questions “as to why would we hate Putin?” (He never…blah blah blah). The same day Russia invaded Ukraine - their “special operation” and “peacekeepers”.

This is why I support Ukraine.

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In fatuous Tucker voice: "It may look like the person in this picture is hugging a cat, but is there an argument for why they might not be choking the cat? I see a Putin fighter who experiences pleasure from having their hand around an animal’s neck.

“And they’re wearing a military coat but seem to be female. I thought the men were doing the fighting in Ukraine and the women were running to Poland with the kids? If I can even say this might be a female without the Left"s cancel hounds starting to make noise…”

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You could call it manscaping. But from Putin’s posts online and “manly” pics, I didn’t think he knew what that was.

Mansplaining by tc sounds like so much :poop:!

Has anyone here ever read the Rwanda radio transcripts? They are important to gain understanding of what led up to the massacres. Genocide.

Understanding definitions and what constitutes genocide is necessary when evaluating the civilian deaths in Bucha.

My thoughts. Preparing for a tactical nuke. The Russian people will be supportive of its use.

Just thinking that I haven’t heard a peep out of Snowden.

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Putin is shaving a lot of pussies right now. Notice you don’t see disgusting rainbow flags on Russian military bases or embassies? Tomorrow the world!

He is operating a cat grooming service?

I have never been to Russia or visited any of their military bases. Have you?

Putin mocks that warped filth.

So … you support Putin?

HELL yes I support Putin! Who did you think you were talking to? I hope he rolls over that perverted country and crushes it out of existence!

Thank you for your response. Now I understand you better.


I’ve suspended @JimmyRussel

Obvious hate-mongering bigot disguised 🥸 as an “atheist” to peddle Putin propaganda and troll


You’re such a homophobic asshole.



He should pack his bags and move there. He lives in the West, enjoys the real responsible freedom the West offers it’s citizens and choice of religious worship. He benefits by the West financially and has access to information available freely in the West. SO his loyalty is with a Christian Dictator nationalist bend on controlling his population through old USSR ideology. AND has the gall to accuse the West school system of “communism/Marxism”??? WTF :flushed:

In writing any ideology will sound ideal and appealing. In reality some of everything (ideas) work. In reality a system based only only ONE ideological opinion is fucked.

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Maybe he should do a Steven Seagal and move to Moscow.


Speaking of Russia.

There was some religious talk at work today between some superstitious old ladies claiming that it’s “the end times” and there’s a “nuclear war” coming and they were going on and on how everyone needs to be right with “god” and find “salvation” before the bombs fall because we’re all gonna meet our “maker”. They’re obsessed with dying. :roll_eyes:

No, a nuclear war doesn’t mean “revelations”. I doubt the entire pay load of nukes is going to be dumped all at once leading to our extinction. Humanity in whatever country that got a few nukes dropped on them would just have to rebuild. Japan is a great example and evidence suggests they’ve had 2 nukes dropped on them plus 3 nuclear incidents. Do you see them whining and bitching about “the end times”? Why fuck no. I can’t stand being around religious fuck tards.