I hate Putin because he shaved my cat!

Seeing those armored columns practically parked bumper to bumper on the highway really blew my mind. It is so stupid I have a hard time believing it is incompetence. :woman_shrugging:t6:

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I am sure a future analysis (once it is all over) will reveal many mistakes. IMO Putinā€™s generals threw in the regular, poorly-trained soldiers against what he believed was a very inferior force. My perception is that the Russians are using the same tactics they used in the final defeat of Germany, mixed in with cold war massed numbers.

I was actually glad I ran across that video, it appears to come from a legitimate informed source. Just like all things internet, it is difficult to separate the truth from the lies. I do not know if the Ukrainian people are truly repelling the Russians, or by what measure of success the Russians can be assessed.

Either way, war is the most atrocious evil mankind has invented.

:thinking: China interested in ā€œinvestmentā€ opportunity- especially economic support for Ukraine.

Russia has tanked ā€¦

sigh. NOT a good time to protest or think anything even remotely critical of Putin.

Many brave Russians are NOT being intimidated by this despot (a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way)

As China tends to make foreign policy decisions based on what will most benefit China at any specific, given time, this was a good move by the U.S., IMHO.

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These are scary times. I suspect Putin expected the invasion to be complete within two weeks, then all he had to do was clean up the mess. But the invasion has stalled, and each day the Ukrainian people are receiving more and more support and weapons. The Russian economy and peoples are now suffering because of sanctions, and Biden just made a VERY VERY stupid move, he publicly labelled Putin as a war criminal.

So now Putin is boxed in, he canā€™t retreat, and his army wonā€™t allow him to move forward. So any cornered animal becomes dangerous, and Putin does have the ability to launch nukes.

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Totally agree. It was always critical to enable Putin to retain a way out.

Given his personal history, the questionable military decisions that have stalled the invasion, and the Presidentā€™s recent statement, Putin lashing out to do whatā€™s necessary to uncorner himself or gain the upper hand again should be no surprise if it happens.

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I have had enough of illegal wars. Period. I hated them when the US engaged them and I hate that Putin did it and when Kuwait was invadedā€¦. I just am fucking sick and tired of illegal wars since WW2.

The world community has had enough. Many of us spoke up with prior illegal wars. BUT this is an historic ā€œhell noā€ by the worldā€™s nations.

Itā€™s time that there is a calling out of War Criminals during the fucking war! Bush should have been called out! What about the internal genocide in Rwanda? One side sure didnā€™t ā€œfeelā€ they were the war criminal.

Putin has had his panties in a knot šŸŖ¢ BEFORE all his lying shit.

So Putin thinks itā€™s unforgivable ā€œto call him a War Criminalā€

Me: Poo :poop:- tin :canned_food:Go fuck yourself!


Thereā€™s nothing like a purge of political opponents by a tyrannical Russian leader to show the world youā€™re not just another tyrannical Russian leader purging your society of political opponents.

Time to spray some WD-40 on the gulag gate hinges.

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Interesting perspective. IMO, no wars are ā€œlegalā€.

:ukraine: defence in participation is legal.
:ru: is illegal.

The aggressor in wars are usually ā€œillegalā€ and some pushed through their aggression bypassing their own countryā€™s legal steps for initiating war.

I chose after WW2 because of the ideals of the United Nations and the agreements nations make to deal with one another (it is in their word only- no ā€œteethā€ behind it) in principal.

So after watching ā€œDonā€™t Look Upā€ didnā€™t this have that same eerie feeling as the President in the movie with her announcements and rallys?

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Something funny going on in space. Today three cosmonauts were launched from Russia, and have arrived at the International Space Station. The colors of their uniforms should definitely irritate Putin.

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Shit level evil!!!

Iā€™m inclined to agree, as Iā€™m not sure Putin after 22 years of absolute power, could be dealt with rationally anyway, with or without the accusation heā€™s a war criminal. Besides Biden is late to the party calling him a war criminal, that accusation was definitely made in Parliament on virtually day 1.

Iā€™m inclined to think it was done early to caution him against the actions of troops from that point.

Perhaps the intent is also to caution those around him, who might have one wary eye on the consequences of following orders that they could be prosecuted for if and when Putin is no longer in power.

Do you mean moral? Only international laws exist about starting wars, and about how theyā€™re conducted.

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Using the Russian translator into YouTube:

Entrance of Putin to stadium; and when he felt ā€œsafeā€ around the Russian people (lol) 4 years ago

When the line is crossed to being a dictator - it showsā€¦ an obvious difference in his relationship with the Russian people and those ā€œclosest to himā€.
BTW his celebration of Crimea was supported by about 150-200,000 Russians. They werenā€™t ā€œall bussed inā€ (March 2022 video)

Try again: LINK