How to support Christians afraid of becoming a monster once they leave faith?

You have not proven or provided the requested papers to support the link between morals and genetics to my satisfaction…

That is true, and that’s fine with me.

I agree that our emotions become tied to our morality once we learn what morality is. But you have to teach people morality. Some are incapable of learning it on their own. Some get into religion and they’re worse off than they ever were.


Oh how precious! I believe it, not because of an actual causal link that can be demonstrated to be true, or even statistically valuable… NOOOO. I believe it because of 'components that have been ASSOCIATED with emotions. Oh fuck me!

This is some of the stupidest shit I have seen on the site in a while.


I would say the term “monster” is subjective. What I consider a monster is very different from what a Christian would call a monster.

I would say living a sin-free, God fearing life can be like living a life as a monster. I often see people who try to be too good doers in life as evil monsters. I see people who are too nice and kind people as monsters t o run away from. From an atheist viewpoint I see Christians as very evil.

Morals are very subjective. Once your morals change. What use to be seen as “Good” appears “Evil” and what you use to consider “Evil” appears “Good and Pure”.

People don’t see the world for what it really is, being narrow minded to one viewpoint of what is good and one viewpoint of what is evil.

Oftentimes what the law labels as “evil” I label as “good and a healing process” …Sometimes I see breaking the law and harming others as an act of “love”. Your helping the person in the long run even if they don’t realize it. The Law of the country may consider you a monster for what you did, but in reality your an angel and the laws of the country are actually shaping it’s citizens to grow up to be monsters by following their laws. Their laws nurture the monster, and the citizen grows up becoming a monster following the laws of the country…instead if they broke the laws they might make themselves purer, an angel of light, and heal into a good person in the long run.

Sometimes being good to others is being a monster to them in the long run, your not helping them your hurting them. Sometimes harming others is being an angel to them in the long run and will help them in the long run. Sometimes hurting others is an act of love, sometimes helping others is an act of hate.

When your eyes are opened you are able to see what you considered white and good as really black and evil… what you previously considered black, darkness , and evil you see with eyes wide opened as good and pure and white.

If one no longer desires to be a monster, then leaving the Christian faith is a great way to stop living a life as a monster.

Self Absorbed (Mirriam Webster)

Definition of self-absorbed

** absorbed in one’s own thoughts, activities, or interests ***

But how sould we measure a level of self absorbtion. "We could use references to the self. "I, me, mine,’ statements. That would work.

Post 84-85: (9 - I had to let slide the inferences created by using the word ‘you.’ While the use of the word ‘you’ is typically an "I think’ statement. One little-known secret in psychology is to not allow the client to use “You” statements. "You’ve probably heard of making “I” statements instead of “you” statements. For example, instead of saying, “You’re making me angry!” try saying “I feel angry because we were supposed to talk about our budget, and instead you made other plans.” You can make those “I” statements even more effective, by owning them. "I think this. I feel this.’ Etc. With the ‘You’ statements properly converted, there are over 20 self-references in a single paragraph. So, what could possibly be deduced from that? )

While our incoming aspirating interlocutor endeavors to sway presuppositions to his own apprehensions, the tally of personal pronouns used to specify these presuppositional meanderings clearly indicate an individual of narcissistic inclinations. or so it appears.


Are you saying he is a psychopathic cunt? In which case I have to agree on the evidence so far presented.

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I would never use such language to insult a fellow human being as cunts are some of my favorite things in the whole world. More like a dick-head I would say. Not that I have a lot against dickheads, I certainly like my own, but the dick heads of others, well, frankly, scare the shit out of me when they get too close… Why are we talking about cunts and dickheads?


Okay, I’ll be honest… This is bugging the absolute PISS out of me. You do this in almost every post. Please fix it. Like this…

you’re not helping them you’re hurting them.

See the difference?

Your home. (You own that home.)
You’re home. (You are currently at home.)


I think your being to sensitive hear. Its’ not easy two keep track of all them little signs and punctuations, especially when your out of school for many year’s and have’nt got a refill of all those dos\dont’s of grammer. Besides, y’all understand perfectly well what I"m writing, so your just beeing nitpicky about weather I"m writing it this way or that way. You understand it,period,so stop it,,,, Losen up and relax, than you can enjoy what other’s write without shaking them internet’s so violent because your two high strung. Peas and love <3 <3 <3.

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If you loosen up his bolts anymore he is likely to totally come apart. I’ll have to make sure his governor is blowing off steam properly. Poor sap is probably just running hot. You know these old temperamental models, they run forever, but spare parts are few and far between. Last gear set he put in came off of a 1938 Farmall, should have seen him wouldn’t shut up about when was the right day to plant corn, how deep, proper spacing, blah, blah, blah. I think he’s using parts from a Commodore 64 now, don’t worry it’ll wear off after break in.

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Why arent you teaching english. dont waist yure talent on people’s that dont care youcan learn motibated people’g good engrish by gettin a job in koraia. peoples hfere listen to you and theyll be glad to learn. Just saying,. You can gin a good. jobb if you’se lookin foe it.


:dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: Arrrrrrrgggg… (smoke and sparks coming from earshead twitching back and forth)… :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

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Wut makes ewe thank i can learn sumbody ENglush?

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Just recently replaced a solenoid with a jerry-rigged distributor cap from an old Ford Mustang. Now every time I walk outside I have a strong urge to do donuts in my driveway.


Whew, glad you mentioned that…I had been meaning to offer you a magneto from a 1938 Farmall tractor, but upon reflection I think it might result in you having uncontrollable urges to “plow the back forty”…(which the wife would most likely have issues with).

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Sometimes you are helping people when you hurt them…sometimes up is down, sometimes bad is good, sometimes black is white, sometimes ludicrous is sensical, sometimes horseshit is rationality, sometimes gibberish is great literature, sometimes you are losing when you are winning, sometimes you are delusional when you think you are insightful, and sometimes, sometimes, you really need the shit slapped out of you.


Shhhhhhhh!.. HUSH! Don’t give her any ideas! She would actually LOVE IT if I plowed the whole back area. She could expand her garden. And I really don’t want to have to cut down all those damn trees.


If you guys are talking about porn. I want in!


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Huh?.. What?.. :flushed:… Heeeeeey… Wait just a dang minute… Are you saying Skrit may have been talking about some other type of “plowing”?