God is Not Incompatibile With a Rational Explanation of Creation of Man

Is that what that was? Well if I’d had a thousand guesses I’d never have got it.

It seemed random and arbitrary to me.

Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Overdoing?

@Joygirl2 was like 600lb life with Capitalized words… yes


I just had this image of her drooling over her keyboard with her tongue clenched in the corner of her partly open gob, an intense look of concentration on her mug.

All undone by a carelessly placed elbow randomly pressing the shift button on her keyboard, while she hammered at it with her index finger, like a demented woodpecker on speed.

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IF Joygirl2 is a female from NIgeria (I have my doubts) Then this sad and unfortunate individual has accepted that she is a second-class citizen, courtesy of her religion.

This is just one more example of the damage religion does, to strip away one’s self worth.

But for her to support and state in this forum the ideology that she is not worthy of the status as a human being, she has drawn my wrath.

What a sad excuse for a human being. Pathetic, in fact.

And even though he has been completely ripped apart prior to your post Mr. C. You are always a pleasure to read. Welcome back, long time no see.

@Sheldon It occurred to me that, “IF” there is a God (as I hold an agnostic view), then most likely, He/She/It is malevolent and evil, and enjoys our pain, unhappiness and suffering.

Based on the bible, that is a reasonable conclusion. And don’t forget arrogant and insecure.


I never understood why Christians think this means we have more rights than nonhuman animals, just because by evolutionary circumstances we developed better brains. Oh wait, now I remember, it’s evolution, and true to blind faith, any claim that supports evolution is thrown out the window.

@David_Killens My dad is a devout Hindu, and a lot of his beliefs about God, are the same, if not, eerily similar to what Christians and Muslims believe in God - a cruel, selfish, sadistic and evil jerk. It seems like the evil, anthropomorphic God is common to all theistic religious traditions.

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As well as narcissistic and egotistical…basically, God is the “Donald Trump of Divinity”. Even God, in the form of Lord Krishna, is like “offer to me”, “think of me”, “meditate on me”… “me, me, me!!!”

Such as the story of Noah’s Ark, where the loving God almost killed humanity because he blamed them for sinning, despite creating them with the ability to sin and directly tempting them to sin. He just can’t take the blame, can he?

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@Andromeda And how many innocent human beings and creatures died, because of this God!!!

About this many

I have been reading a bit about the greek mythology, mostly because I have encountered them through literature, but also through reading about the myths themselves and through reading the Iliad and the Odyssey. Of all the pantheons I have read about so far, I think I like the greek one best, because here, the gods behave exactly like the humans they supposedly created. It’s like a mirror image of the human world, and it is obvious that the gods were created in the image of the human psyche. Also, the gods often assume human shape, and walk around humans, interacting with them and helping them. In my opinion this allows for much more interesting myths and stories than with the invisible, omnipresent Abrahamic god that refuses to interact directly with her creation.

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@Andromeda Does that include the Flood (done by God), that pretty much wiped out all but two members of the human race, according to the Bible?

@Get_off_my_lawn All of the various God or Gods act the same way, including the different Gods of the Hindu pantheon like Vishnu, Ganesh, Sarasvati, etc…

One thing that is common to all God or Gods of all the various theistic religions: they all have the same physical, mental, emotional and behavioral traits and characteristics, including ego and personality, as well as all the the faults, lapses, imperfections and weaknesses, that we human beings have. Hmm…

I’m not sure about the Flood specifically, but I know there are more because it doesn’t include the women and children (in typical Old Testament fashion)

The poor soul can’t help it. Picking and choosing specific quotes is the foundation of Christian pro-theist arguments. It’s not a choice, it’s a reflex and an instinct.

@Andromeda The death toll would be MUCHG higher, if women and children were included. That would make the Holocaust by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, looks like cakewalk.