God Doesn't Do Anything At All

Utter drivel as usual, and I am under no obligation to help you reach a conclusion about your woo woo superstition, that’s not how debate works. You made a raft of claims, I and others have pointed out why they are flawed.

You need to grasp that getting butt hurt every time someone dares disagree with you is not adding anything tangible to your woo woo claims.

And if you mean a specific type of bliss, then fucking say so, rather than expecting everyone to fucking guess, or worse still having a tantrum and moving the goal posts after the fact. Then lying about it relentlessly and then sulking because you spiralled the exchange into multiple unecessary posts, where a simple admission of your error up front would have ended it and got the discourse back on track.

It is not about winning or losing, or being humiliated or crowing in victory, it is about a healthy exchange of opinions that strive to take all parties to a better understanding and explanation of this universe and reality.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is destructive.

I have been proven wrong at times, and I have been corrected. I emerge a better and wiser person because of this process.

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Likewise… for fucks sake I was a Jehovahs Weakness - hahahahaha.

I believed I was gonna live forever on the earth - physically!

Everyone is susceptible to poor reasoning and bad beliefs. EVERYONE

And I’m well aware I’m capable of doing it again. One reason I’m so diligent on my standards for evidence.


Sheldon my boy… you have not been listening… “IT’S THE REAL BLISS” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Special pleading nonsense. It’s the real bliss that can only come from REAL MEDITATION, MINDFULNESS, AND RIGHT THINKING. You can only experience this special bliss when your

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Well congratulations young man. You successfully refuted claims that I made in error.

Now that were past that how do you react to my corrected claims?

The Upanisa Sutta I have quoted and linked above gives 23 conditions for the gradual attainment of knowledge and vision of ending.

The bliss I speak of is conditioned by 16 other factors.

Specifically “Stress is a vital condition for conviction”. And if three other conditions aren’t met, then this specific type of pleasure (or bliss) is not the type referred to in the sutta.

I’m guilty of putting some underlying assumptions in my posts for the sake of brevity.

You are no different.


Ratty, in the early 1970’s I had a guru/mentor/teacher. (mid 1970 to late1974)

He taught me his own cosmology, based on the notion of an a causal, deterministic universe.IE Hard determinism.

Before then, I had been aware of one kind of Yoga, Hatha. He taught me about several kinds; Karma, Bhakti, Kundalini and Kriya. He taught met the technique of Kriya Yoga. I practiced for several years, without the expected result of opening the spinal chakras. I also read accounts of Yogis who claimed to have released the energy of Kundalini, at the base of the spine. I have never seen proof of such things, nor for any of the wonders claimed by Yogananda in his autobiography.

I lost touch with my teacher for over a decade. When I finally saw him again, it was after I had become an atheist. Finally dawned on me that what I had seem as the glow of genius and high spirituality was the glow of insanity.


The range of things in which my teacher believed included:

Astrology,nature spirits,which included ‘tree divas’ and fairies and of course alien visitations. He was not a popularist ,he took his evidence of aliens from the Rig Veda. Fascinating stuff when taken out of context.

It was all woo. Sounds nuts when written down.It didn’t at the time,as the information was imparted over a 4 year period.I was gullible, wanting to believe as I searched for meaning I had never found in Catholicism. As I’ve said before, desperate people will believe anything. Besides, the stuff he taught me was no loopier than Catholic beliefs at their nuttiest.

I don’t care if you have to sit naked in a tub of cold water and hummm to Enya … that’s not the point. You can’t measure the “bliss” or the experience.

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No, I can’t, but nor do I make that claim.

I guess it may be theoretically possible if the person is wired up at the time. Lots of luck with that.

It’s my understanding measurements of brain activity can be made for all kinds of things. I wonder if the monitors can be refined to measure things specifically more exotic than say a drug high or orgasm?

Well I can hardly refute anything else if that’s what you presented ffs.

Bullshit, quote 3 assumptions you claim I’ve made.

I’ll bet a weeks wages its nonsense.

What is your point on this forum to prove your deity exists?

Nothing of that nature exists nor does anything supernatural.

Now that is an affirming claim,and attracts the burden of proof.

Pretty sure this has been explained to you before .All claims about god(s) are at present unfalsifiable. That means they have been neither proved nor disproved.

For that reason, I’m an agnostic atheist. I don’t believe,nor do I claim to know.
Yes, an absence of evidence is evidence of absence.What it is not is proof.

Evidence is anything produced in support of a claim. It MAY be proof of a claim, but evidence is not a synonym for proof…

On the burden of proof:
Russell’s teapot is an analogy, formulated by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making unfalsifiable claims, rather than shifting the burden of disproof to others.

Russell specifically applied his analogy in the context of religion.[1] He wrote that if he were to assert, without offering proof, that a teapot, too small to be seen by telescopes, orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, he could not expect anyone to believe him solely because his assertion could not be proven wrong.

Russell’s teapot is still invoked in discussions concerning the existence of God, and has had influence in various fields and media.




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ev·​i·​dence | \ ˈe-və-dən(t)s , -və-ˌden(t)s \

Definition of evidence

(Entry 1 of 2)

1a : an outward sign : INDICATION

b : something that furnishes proof : TESTIMONYspecifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter

2 : one who bears witnessespecially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one’s accomplices

in evidence

1 : to be seen : CONSPICUOUStrim lawns … are everywhere in evidenceAmer. Guide Series: N.C.

2 : as evidence

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When are you going to learn??

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Boomer - you have to excuse F. Everyone on the forum has gone over the issue of making false claims that can not be proved with him. He just keeps spouting the same nonsense over and over and over again. I have long since chalked it up to a learning disability. He just does not get it.

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Doesn’t understand or doesn’t take notice? Or possibly a closet theist?

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Do you mean you don’t believe anything of that nature exists nor anything supernatural?

Only you have once again stepped passed withholding belief, and made a rather sweeping claim to knowledge. I believe this has been explained to you exhaustively.

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He just does not get it Sheldon. No matter who explains or how many times it is explained to him. He is like the Atheists who become atheists because they are angry at god. “Well, fuck you God! I don’t believe in you any more!” It’s just a foolish position and he will hold it until he bounces back to belief in God as he has never actually understood Atheism.

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I agree, if he was going to grasp this he’d have done so by now I feel.

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