For new atheist users

This thread is for new atheist users, if you want to debate your beliefs, best to take it to the debate forum, and preaching or proselytising is not allowed on here.

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Hello again my friend!

Hello, I’m new here and a bit confused on where to post. I am a former Christian/Lutheran who is mostly looking for support from religious abuse that has caused me suicidal thoughts and actions. I came here from a suicide forum because I’m sick of all the theists on there and their continued spiel of delusions, unwarranted accusations of guilt, or general non-caring attitude for those abused by religion(because they’re Christians). Most of my questions and thoughts will have to do with this subject, so I was wondering where to post these without scrutiny from theists? thank you for any info

Hello, @Emptysavior. Because you chose agnostic in your profile, there are only a couple of main rooms in which you can post: the debate forum and random fun. The atheist hub is only for those who identify as atheist in their profile (non-atheist cannot post there).
Be advised that if you choose to post in the debate forum, theists can reply. We don’t have a slew of them that come here regularly, however.
Additionally, although I sure understand why you left the other site, only a certain amount of support is available here, this is primarily a debate forum and is not set up to be a sole support network for folks with suicidal ideation. I encourage you to seek out the help of a professional. It’s okay for you to “shop” for one via interviewing them about whether they would use theism in their support of you. And, btw, if a therapist tells you they do not want you to interview them for the job, RUN!
You are certainly welcome here. Be advised though, that many regular atheist posters will challenge you if you assert that which cannot be supported with evidence. :grin:


Ok thanks, I appreciate the advice