For new atheist users

The good news is that you can openly talk about your Atheistic views without having a Christian telling you, from my perspective and opinion on how a fictional prophet and deity loves you and that a fictional character gave his life on the cross in Jerusalem and blah blah blah. Yeah, you don’t have to put up with that here.


hello, my name is sunil paul

@sunil808 Welcome to Atheist Republic. I hope you find this place enlightening and maybe even entertaining.

welcome to AR.

Agnostic you say? Fine, so is every person on earth, they just don’t realise. No one knows anything what so ever about any god. Not even if he/she/they exist. The knowledge claimed by believers is faith, unfounded in any empirical way.

Atheism is about belief. One either believe in god(s) or one does not. There is no third option, it’s really very simple

Jump in and have fun. Most of us don’t bite. We do have a very nice lady with a very large rolling pin and a couple of blokes who like to hurl poo around.

Thanks and regards..

Hi, I’m new here.

I am an ex-Muslims atheist. I was raised to be a Muslim after my mother converted to Islam when I was a child. I’m from the US, but my family all live abroad.

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Welcome Megatr0n.

Jump in, very few people here bite. We do have a couple who like to hurl their poo about.

Not sure I understand. Are you saying you live in the US, or a foreign country with your family?

Imposing any religion on innocent children shouldn’t be allowed (imo) Children should be free to choose and commit to a religion, or no religion at say age 18.

I live alone in the US, and I really want to get the heck out of here but I’m not sure how.

Yeah. the whole deciding for me what I believe while I was too young to even understand it thing is sore spot for me.

Be careful what you wish for Megatr0n. The UK is generally considered a tolerant society. But here all children must be taught Christianity - it’s the law.

Hi Joe, welcome to AR

I’m aware Henry V111 founded what remains the state religion with the Monarch the head.

Pretty confident that the UK has freedom of religion and many children are are not taught the state religion. Instead, perhaps Catholicism, Judaism and Islam, either at home or at private religious schools.

Freedom of Religion is guaranteed in the UK. There is no obligation for a child to be taught the beliefs of The Church Of England.

Here(link), kids in school have a subject called Christianity, religion, “philosophy of life”§ and ethics where they learn about the characteristics of the major religions, secular humanism, and other ways of organizing philosophies of life. The name of the subject have on and off included the christian part specifically, but our christian fundie members of parlament trumped the christian addition through once again some years ago as part of some political wheeling and dealing. This means that in practice there is an emphasis on the christianity part, but nominally all religions are treated fairly objectively (except at christian private schools, of course). In my days at school, the subject was simply called “Christianity”, and was exactly what the name suggests. Kids that were(*) practioners of other religions or secular humanists were excempt after the approval of an application, and were taken out of class to have a similar subject concentrating more on secular subjects.

§ “livssyn”; hard to translate correctly, but in this context it can be treated as a collective noun encompassing “everything else that is not a religion”, like secular humanism.
(*) or rather, “kids whose parents were…”

Its law that state funded schools teach a Religious Education class, even though it’s not part of the national curriculum, but it’s not mandatory that a child has to take the class.

Faith schools are a different matter, they’re a blight on any child’s education, and Labour ought to be ashamed they broke a longstanding pledge, and introduced them under Tony Blair as PM.

This applied to England, and probably Wales, not sure about Scotland or Northern Ireland.

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Hello AR. I’m a newbie. I’m a theist. Any perspective on the ratio of atheists to theists in AR?

Welcome to Atheist Republic Agnostotheist. I hope you have a positive experience in here.

Almost all of the regular inhabitants are atheists. We do welcome a healthy debate, but this place is also a support system for atheists.

In here you will discover that many atheists were former theists, and that a few in here have a very comprehensive knowledge of the bible and it’s history.

Personally, I was raised a Protestant, and around the age of 20 left organized religion because I perceived it as more of a social club than a gathering place for those who desired a close relationship with their creator. I was pretty hard core. For the next 40+ years I sought out the supernatural, had long theological talks with men of the cloth from many different religions, read many books, searched for my god. I even recall spending many nights alone in a church, on my knees praying. It was all part of my learning experience. Then over five years ago I came to the inexorable conclusion that I was an atheist. I did not want to achieve that status, I was seeking the opposite.

To me it was a release, I have never been happier.

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Thank you for the info! Oddly, my experience with God is nearly the reverse.

I am hoping for a positive experience. I don’t mind a good debate. I have had bad experience in others sites.

Please understand we are all different from each other. I attempt to be polite, while others may fling poo. We are all adults in here, I hope you understand that as a moderator I allow leeway in language. But I do not tolerate bullying and threats.

But at the base of all exchanges are hard questions and inquiring minds. The questions may be rude, but they are not dumb.

I hope you do not take any nasty language personally. But it is the exchange of ideas is what matters.

On a personal note I hold to the belief that all of us have a heck of a lot more in common than differences. I am confident that a theist and I may have a heated debate and opposite viewpoints on some religious topic, yet may also enjoy sitting down with a cold beer, in the comfort of their loving family, and watch the NFL on Sunday.

I’d guess 15:1 :man_shrugging:t6:

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I am curious, when I signed in, the application applied a photo to my profile that came from a blog site I had created several years ago, that I basically abandoned.

Do you know how that might have happened? I did refer to my self as “agnostotheist” in my blog profile in WordPress. Is AR tied somehow with WordPress?

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Honestly, I do now know. But if this forum automatically linked one of your previous accounts to this forum, there is some connection.

Hello I’m Nash Devas N I m new here