Does the belief in God make better People?

In regard Cranks to your post… I show pictures of family life amongst the top “monsters”, the average pictures of “life” that is relatable to my boys (this year the two start the real lessons of WW2) … humans. The best and worst can exist in the same person.

Biological females will never be equal to biological males until there is enough advanced technology to change their bodies and minds to make them “equal” to each other. Biological males have bigger brains, bigger bodies, stronger bodies, healthier bodies, and they die quicker than biological females on average. It’s why biological males are valued for their intellect, athletic prowess, ability to overcome danger by not letting their emotions control them, and having the purpose to contribute to society by working. There are more sociopaths and psychopaths who are biological males than there are sociopaths and psychopaths who are biological females because biological males are usually less emotional and more logical than biological females because biological males have brains that work differently than the brains from biological females. Biological males are more likely to cause crime and violence than biological females on average if you ever studied criminology, polemology, and psychology. Equality is a myth.

When we say equality I’d always assumed we meant treated equally, or the same. Obviously there are and will remain biological differences.

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I understand what you’re saying.

I mean it’d be great if there was absolute equality between me and Brad Pitt for example, but I’m struggling to see where the fame, money and female adoration is going to come from if I’m honest…:sunglasses::smirk:

Though to be fair I am younger than him…:thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It seems odd that someone would say that X is healthier than Y, then go on to say that Y lives longer than X.

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Lifespan and health are two completely different things.

“After examining data on more than 50 mammalian species—including big cats, reindeer, and African buffalos—the researchers concluded that 80 percent of these mammals live longer in captivity than in the wild.Nov 7, 2016”

How is there not a correlation? I am single. I stay out late. I eat irregularly and I don’t watch what I eat at all. I do not keep any kind of regular schedule even though I teach at a school. I do whatever I want to do and I do it whenever I want to do it. I will not live as long as a well kept man… so what!

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Perhaps the “health issues” may be women by-and-large go to doctors. Men by-and-large hate doctors…sarcastic tongue-in-cheek

Equal: being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.

In context “value” is the appropriate understanding of the male/female equation.


Even were I in much better shape ,ate better and all that, my life expectancy is lower than that of a content married person. One factor alone lowers my life expectancy, (I’m sure there are others) I live alone and have done for 27 years. This is a statement of fact, not a whine.

I imagine if you compared it to a “content single” numbers, there would not be that big of a difference in life spans.

Divorce alone probably skews all the numbers of single vs married. Perhaps comparing never married numbers to happily married life expectancies.

One also might consider the average life expectancy of a was: happily married now widowed.

Like never before, while you may live alone, you are not alone, with the help of incredible new technology that was not even available to most of our parents, we can converse and not be alone, even on the other side of the world.

I guess. I’ve never actually met one. People I’ve met who make that claim tend to mean they are not actively unhappy or clinically depressed. I’m in there somewhere. Very pleased that I haven’t felt like killing myself for about six years.

You may have mentioned that I did not use the word ‘lonely’, which is what you seem to imply.

Having solitude and being alone are not the same as being lonely. There are also far worse things than loneliness.

I have mostly lived a solitary life. This is party because I have the social skills of an indoor plant.
When I was 65 was finally diagnosed with having what used to be called Asperger’s syndrome. Explained a lot but changed nothing.

When there is no choice, one learns to be accepting of being alone. I remain deeply curious and engaged, so seldom feel alone. .

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It depends. If you are a Protestant, you will be a highly moralistic person (precisely because they banned the sacraments as confession), if you are a Muslim you will be moralistic to the point of beheading people. The Catholic, necessarily because he has to confess, he examine his own conscience and has to be honest with himself and to God, so he will certainly not be a Pharisee who judges people, but he can still retain certain vices. This is clearly noticeable in Catholic countries like Brazil and the USA. In the States any rumor of marital betrayal is a scandal to the point of ending a person’s career.

What planet do you live on?

2 Likes–Lewinsky_scandal#:~:text=The%20Clinton–Lewinsky%20scandal%20was,came%20to%20light%20in%201998.

Clinton was only one. He served two consecutive terms. He got impeached for his ‘affair’ with Monica in 1998, but he left office with high approval ratings and his successor Gore only just lost the 2000 election to Bush after a drawn out Florida supreme court ruling over disputed ballots. Monica did not affect Clinton’s reputation to the point of ending his career. All up there are at least fifteen wayward US presidents on record. And their illicit peccadilloes don’t seem to have hurt their political aspirations one little bit.

It goes back a lot further too. King David was a philanderer, worse actually, the unprincipled sex fiend swine arranged for his friend Uriah to be killed during battle so he could marry the widow Bathsheba. The real scandal is that David was the most moral man God could find in all of Canaan to be king. Pickings must have been really slim at the time.

WTF??? When did the USA turn Catholic? Roughly 48.9% of Americans are Protestants, 23.0% Catholic. 1.8% are Mormon. (Fuck, that last statistic is scary… really… Around 5 million Americans wear magic underwear and believe they will get their own planet when they die! POOP) Oops sorry, I got sidetracked … I gotta go take a dip in the stream. Something around here smells as bad as the idiotic post I have just replied to.

Well that’s a particularly facile and idiotic generalisation.

Wow, lowering the bar for stupidity was always going to be tough after your opener, but kudos to you for sailing under it. Are you even dimly aware that the catholic church has been covering up the systemic rape of children in its care?

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