Creator Ethics towards its Creation

This is functionally irrelevant. Our claim is that somebody made up the god they served and if god wants us to follow us so badly and isn’t made up, why doesn’t he just come out? We’ll just keep assuming the claim is made up and this statement does literally nothing for that.

The flying spaghetti monster will only come out when it’s ready. Totally not made up… Look at all this evidence here…

I was starting to think that…

Then you had best change to Theist in your profile.


Well….looks like this poster was just a slow drive-by….sigh.


@Uranium333 Now that you came out of the preverbal closet, why don’t we actually discuss your reasoning. Do you care about truth? The goal is to believe things that are not made up. We use logic to help determine if there is enough information to believe. I think you would agree that it is easy to make things up. Just believing a book is real, faith, is a function of will and not logic. Why did you will yourself into this religion?

The philosopher Descartes (a Christian) essentially made the opposite claim where the mind is in our control, but the outside world could be manipulated by demons making us see or hear what they want. There is no evidence for either of these claims…

Overall, this is a terrible argument. If we can’t know anything, why believe anything? So should just believe your specific religion because logic doesn’t work (although we know it does).

Really? This forum, where just ideas are mocked? Are you that thinned skinned too? There are people all over the world dying everyday because of religion, but this forum is evidence for your loving god’s eternal torture chamber??

What pearls? All I see are claims without evidence. Why do you think your ideas are not made up?


Well as much as it pains me to do so, I am rather inclined to agree with this statement.

Edit (truth is a beautiful flower that smells BAD)


Another Liar for Christ. I’m pretty sure that violates one of the 10 commandments; so I guess you are lying to yourself as well.


Or he has no grasp of mendacity at all, whilst I am dubious in this case, I have met theists for whom this was a “cloudy” issue.

“Wide is path and easy the way that leads down into Hell…”

In the event his unevidenced superstition has any merit, then I shall look forward to meeting the duplicitous @Uranium333 there, and laughing my cock off.

But why do a majority of Christians entertain the idea in their minds of their god roasting you on a fire if you don’t take up their belief and acknowledge a unevidenced deity? Why the dark thoughts and being hateful like that?

Christianity 101 - lie

“I am agnostic”

Fortunately we are intelligent enough to know what is true (or at least withhold belief until evidence is forthcoming).

Lying dipshit.


Why don’t the admins remove the agnostic option? :thinking:

It wasn’t an option on the old platform. But I think there’s some value for having it. There are folks who have always been theist but are questioning it. They no longer want to identify as such but to identify as atheist scares the shit out of them. In their process of learning that belief in god(s) is bupkus, being able to use the word agnostic provides a bit of comfort in an oftentimes uncomfortable journey.


Just so we all know which god not to mock, could you please specify your god of choice? Personally, I hate making assumptions, and I would hate to mock the wrong god by accident. Oh, speaking of which, would you be so kind as to never mock Odin or the Morrigan? I don’t actually believe they exist, but I am partial to them, nonetheless. As such, it makes me considerably upset whenever I hear somebody making fun of them or insulting them. So, if you would be a darling, please keep any derogatory remarks you may have about them to yourself. Thanks a bunch. :kissing_heart:



Odin is a pussy if you give him a ram or two.

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I agree, though it’s astonishing how many people who come here and seem to think agnosticism if some sort of middle choice between theism and atheism, rather than a separate (from belief) comment on knowledge and epistemological limits, and of course one can be both an agnostic and an atheist, or theist come to that. Though why anyone would believe something exists while simultaneously acknowledging that it’s not possible to know anything about it’s existence or nature is never made clear.

I don’t disbelieve people who claim to be agnostics, but I do very early on watch to see if they make any claims about the nature or existence of any deity, as it is then obvious they are not agnostic at all. I also ask them if they believe any deity exists or not.

I think it’s primary usefulness is to make people feel comfortable not to describe themselves as atheists (even though they hold no theistic belief), as they have been conditioned to distrust atheism and to misunderstand what atheism means. I’ve no problem with it, but must admit when I see it in someone’s profile it prompts certain questions straight away. Not everyone who comes here and labels themselves an agnostic, is necessarily being deliberately mendacious, though @Uranium333 and other theists certainly have tried to hide behind the word.

Exactly so…


I’ve always felt it was a cop out on religious debate forums. On here, most Theists who come on proselytizing choose that option only to be found out.

I try to keep an open mind, but ask questions that if answered will clarify whether their position is simply a fear or misunderstanding of atheism, or outright duplicity. For example @Uranium333’s bs had alarm bells ringing right from his first post, and he was nowhere near clever enough to keep up the pretence. So I gave him plenty of rope to see where he would go, lying theists and trolls generally want to show off at how they’ve fooled the silly atheists, he was no exception.

It seems be a more popular ploy than it once was, but yes, they will be found out if they do this, that is inevitable. One wonders what they hope to achieve, as all @Uranium333 achieved was to reveal himself as a liar and troll, maybe it’s me, but that doesn’t seem like any achievement at all, he wasn’t even very good at that, and debate was clearly beyond his knowledge and ability.


Well, you know what they say: Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. :smiley:

Tread lightly, Old Man. I know you wouldn’t want me to sic my wife on you about The Morrigan. :sweat_smile:

I can strongly relate to that. Literally took me two full days to finally complete my “enrollment” to this site, because it took me that long to build up the courage to label myself as an atheist in my profile. Although, in all fairness, even if “agnostic” had been a choice at the time, I honestly would have been fairly ignorant about the term myself. Live and learn, I suppose.