Creator Ethics towards its Creation

OMFG the hilarity, pastime is one word you illiterate duplicitous trolling dullard. Though to be fair, you are a theist, and do seem to have roasted yourself, so maybe there’s a kernel of truth in your risible theistic lying bs.

Praise Jayzussss…

Hmm, one of my favorite pass times is when I chest-trap the ball, especially from Jayzussss…

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Zeus’ lesser known younger brother, Jay Zeus?


Jesus is an idea idealized. Jesus is compassion personified. The idea of Jesus has always been around. Anyone who’s experienced pure compassion understands that the idea of Jesus precedes the story of his coming to the world.

Whether you had Krishna Consciousness prior to the myth of Jesus or Christ Consciousness after the myth, it’s all just a personality cult. And it’s a pretty sad one at that.

What is compassionate about sending people to Hell for their sins? Do you think a compassionate God would do that? Don’t you think compassionate people are worthy of God’s love? What about drug addicted, homeless people? Do you think that God isn’t big enough to let those sinners into heaven? Wouldn’t that be compassionate? To allow people who’ve been dealt the worst hand a place in the heaven?

Preach it sister!!! :rat: God gave me a sack of testicles weighing in at 4.4 % of my body weight and I intend to use them!!!

God is love, God gave each and every one of us a brain capable of making our own decisions, he did not make us robots, those that choose not to love God back have separated themselves from God which is leaving our natural habitat we live and thrive in .If you take a fish out of water, it will eventually die, if you pull a tree from the soil it will eventually die, if you separate yourself from God you will eventually die spiritually, on top of this there are one of two places you will end up in once you die, either heaven with God’s love and kindness forever or hell which is eternal separation from God’s love and spiritually torment and pain forever. Now you will ask why would a good God send someone to hell for eternal torment and punishment? God is Holy and does not take sin lightly, God does not send anyone to hell we are all in this sinking ship called “Earth” heading to hell because we are all guilty of sin in God’s high standards, God gave us a lifeboat called “Jesus” so that anyone who would cling on to him will be saved. Jesus died because he loved us so much and was being obedient, he covered every single person’s sins and took the punishment we all would have had to take. Also even though someone might want to separate themselves from God, God made a way so even down to your last breath you might be able to find salvation if you believe in Jesus and spend eternity in his love.

Jesus is not an idea idealized there is historical proof Jesus did exist ( you would have to do your own research but Josephus is one, a Roman Jew who would have no reason to claim Jesus’s existence unless it was true.

All you’ve done is repeated the same facile subjective unevidenced and meaningless platitudes you started with, you haven’t managed to demonstrate a shred of objective evidence for any deity. When asked to do so, you simply produced a subjective unevidenced claim, suggesting you don’t understand what objective evidence is.

It is an objective fact that humans, like all living things, evolved slowly over time. The overwhelming weight of objective evidence that supports this is irrefutable. All you have offered again, is a bare subjective claim.

Not even close, I will ask you to demonstrate sufficient objective evidence a deity exists or is even possible, and you have failed to offer any, so it would be pointless to speculate on your other unevidenced claims about a deity.

There is some scant evidence you mean, and were there “proof” of his existence, this in no way evidences he was anything other than human of course.

He (Flavius Josephus) wasn’t born until nearly 4 decades after Jesus was said to have died. What’s more, there isn’t a single contemporary source for anything Jesus is claimed to have said or done.


We don’t have a single scrap of writing from anyone who ever met Jesus.


God also gave the world opioids, homelessness, parental abuse, rape, murder, childhood disease, mental illnesses like schizophrenia. And of all of those who suffer from this “Love of God” - how many go to Hell because their hearts weren’t open to God?

You’re talking about basic human separation anxiety. The leading theory as to why we don’t recall our infancies is the impact of constant, unbearable separation anxiety from our mothers. And I know a thing or two about annihilation anxiety. And I can tell you that if even one of God’s souls is lost, then we’re all lost. If you know anything about the “separation from God” you’d know that too. It hasn’t happened yet.

Including those who die from disease in childhood, or suffer abuse from their parents, or are raped, or have mental illness and never develop an open attitude towards love or never have the chance to ever grow up?

So he’s still accumulating the punishment? Or I guess all the sins have been counted out? We’re on a dead line here, right?

Paul briefed on this issue, saying something to the effect that if we abstained from sin we’d lessen the burden on Jesus, but then again we wouldn’t. Kind of paradoxical if you give a person any fighting chance at abstaining from sin. Maybe you’re a sinner. Maybe Jesus came for the sinners. Maybe you’re just a bad person who can’t change your ways. What about us good people?

Right. And where do all the unbaptized babies fit in here?

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Wow, another claim.

I would remind you that proselytizing is not debating.

More preaching.

Argumentum Ad Populum and Shifting the Burden of Proof. There is no historical proof a Jesus or a god of any kind existed. Josephus was hearsay.

Provide evidence for your claims.


Exactly so, but I think that is a false equivalence fallacy, rather than an argumentum ad populum fallacy. Some scant historical evidence for the existence of a human being, does not in any way equate to evidence of a deity.

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According to the Bible everything was perfect until sin, death and curses came into the world once Eve was tempted by the devil to eat from the tree of good and evil and Adam, also even after God told them what the consequences would be. God gave humans the ability to make their own decisions but God also made humans aware after every action there is a consequence world opioids, homelessness, parental abuse, rape, murder, childhood disease, mental illnesses all started from Adam and Eve disobeying God. Originally there was only Good on Earth but once the seed of humanity had the knowledge of Good but also evil the curses, sin and death were passed down through the bloodline they say all human beings are 99.9% identical in their genetic makeup. this could be a reason there are so many generational curses brought down from generation to generation.

why would 11 disciples of Jesus go out and preach all over the world knowing what happened to their master Jesus crucified if they were not 100% sure they witnessed Jesus’s resurrection? They saw/heard what happened to him. Peter who said he would never deny Jesus when the people were saying is he one of his disciples, out of fear declared he did not know Jesus three times but this same Peter after witnessing the resurrection went out and preached the Gospel to the world and this cost him and all the disciples there lives except Apostle John who lived on to write what we now call the book of revelation.

So, @Soldier4christ, you’ve got a book that says a bunch of stuff. Okay. I have a book that does that too. Can you demonstrate that everything in your book is true? Mind you, I said demonstrate not merely claim. Stuff in my book can be demonstrated. In fact, the stuff in my book had to be demonstrable to get into the book.

There have been others here before you with the same claim you have brought. When asked, each was unable to demonstrate that their books were completely true. Are you any different?

If you are unable to demonstrate that validity of all the fantastical stuff in your book, then you lose.


The bible contains claims, but no objective evidence, it no more evidences a deity than the Harry Potter novels evidence Wizards.

There are no eye witnesses, only claims, the gospels are anonymous second hand (at best) hearsay, and the names were assigned them arbitrarily over 3.5 centuries later, in order to lend gravitas to the narrative those early church leaders preferred.

Nope, there is no objective evidence to support that claim.

Their, not there (sic), dear oh dear. Again unevidenced hearsay, and dying for a belief does not in any way objectively evidence that belief.

Now one more time, what are you here to debate, because your posts are looking more and more like proselytising preaching.

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The Bible is a claim. Not the proof.

Please stop preaching.

Provide evidence for this assertion. Without using the Bible, cite your sources.

Claim. What objective evidence can you provide for the existence of any deity?

Again, enough with the preaching. Preaching is not debating. This is an Atheist Debate Forum, not a church.

@Soldier4christ, I agree with other posters that it appears you are preaching rather than debating. So if you want to continue to post, please debate your stance, in your words…WHY do you believe? WHY should your book be accepted as factual or divine? Etc….


Whenever someone preaches unevidenced claims, especially when it comes to Christianity…it comes off silly like this example:

Let’s imagine that I tell you the following story:

  • There is a man who lives at the North Pole.
  • He lives there with his wife and a bunch of elves.
  • During the year, he and the elves build toys.
  • Then, on Christmas Eve, he loads up a sack with all the toys.
  • He puts the sack in his sleigh.
  • He hitches up eight (or possibly nine) flying reindeer.
  • He then flies from house to house, landing on the rooftops of each one.
  • He gets out with his sack and climbs down the chimney.
  • He leaves toys for the children of the household.
  • He climbs back up the chimney, gets back in his sleigh, and flies to the next house.
  • He does this all around the world in one night.
  • Then he flies back to the North Pole to repeat the cycle next year.

This, of course, is the story of Santa Claus.

But let’s say that I am an adult, and I am your friend, and I reveal to you that I believe that this story is true. I believe it with all my heart. And I try to talk about it with you and convert you to believe it as I do.

What would you think of me? You would think that I am delusional, and rightly so.

Why do you think that I am delusional? It is because you know that Santa is imaginary. The story is a total fairy tale. No matter how much I talk to you about Santa, you are not going to believe that Santa is real. Flying reindeer, for example, are make-believe. The dictionary defines delusion as, “A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence.” That definition fits perfectly.

Since you are my friend, you might try to help me realize that my belief in Santa is a delusion. The way that you would try to do that is by asking me some questions. For example, you might say to me:

  • “But how can the sleigh carry enough toys for everyone in the world?” I say to you that the sleigh is magical. It has the ability to do this intrinsically.
  • “How does Santa get into houses and apartments that don’t have chimneys?” I say that Santa can make chimneys appear, as shown to all of us in the movie The Santa Clause.
  • “How does Santa get down the chimney if there’s a fire in the fireplace?” I say that Santa has a special flame-resistant suit, and it cleans itself too.
  • “Why doesn’t the security system detect Santa?” Santa is invisible to security systems.
  • “How can Santa travel fast enough to visit every child in one night?” Santa is timeless.
  • “How can Santa know whether every child has been bad or good?” Santa is omniscient.
  • “Why are the toys distributed so unevenly? Why does Santa deliver more toys to rich kids, even if they are bad, than he ever gives to poor kids?” There is no way for us to understand the mysteries of Santa because we are mere mortals, but Santa has his reasons. For example, perhaps poor children would be unable to handle a flood of expensive electronic toys. How would they afford the batteries? So Santa spares them this burden.

These are all quite logical questions that you have asked. I have answered all of them for you. I am wondering why you can’t see what I see, and you are wondering how I can be so insane.

Why didn’t my answers satisfy you? Why do you still know that I am delusional? It is because my answers have done nothing but confirm your assessment. My answers are ridiculous. In order to answer your questions, I invented, completely out of thin air, a magical sleigh, a magical self-cleaning suit, magical chimneys, “timelessness” and magical invisibility. You don’t believe my answers because you know that I am making this stuff up. The invalidating evidence is voluminous

Oh look, it’s preachy bollocks time again.

Blind assertion, and discardable on that basis. Indeed, until you provide genuine evidence that your cartoon magic man from your goat herder mythology actually exists, all your assertions on the subject are discardable. Going to learn this elementary rule of discourse sometime?

The scientific data tells us something different. Namely, that the brain is the product of around 750 million years of evolution.

And you’ve decided to waste yours, by treating the unsupported and frequently ridiculous assertions of a Bronze Age mythology uncritically as fact.

So why do so many mythology fanboys behave like robots, and particularly unintelligent ones at that?

Unsupported assertion and preachy bollocks, and discardable on both grounds. As are all your assertions until you provide evidence that your choice of cartoon magic man actually exists.

Plenty of us here are living and thriving without needing your imaginary cartoon magic man. You might want to ask yourself how this is possible, if your assertions are something other than the product of your rectal passage.

Ahem, there are 17 species of Mudskipper belonging to the Genus [i]Periophthlamus[/], which not only live out of water for extended periods of time, but in some cases are able to climb trees. Why do mythology fanboys always resort to simplistic bad analogies?

Again, numerous aerophytic plants exist, such as Bromeliads, which don’t need soil in order to thrive, and some of those aerophytic plants belong to the Family Apocynaceae, which includes several Genera of trees. The Genus Hoya is part of that Family, containing 500 species of aerophytic plant, some of which grow large enough to be considered small trees.

Here’s a clue for you: the Bronze Age came to an end 3,200 years ago. The human species has moved on from this.

Again, discardable blind assertion and preachy bollocks. Discardable also because no mythology fanboy has ever provided proper evidence for the so-called “spiritual”. We’ve seen lots of ASSERTIONS about this from mythology fanboys, but that’s all we’ve ever seen.

More discardable blind assertions and preachy bollocks. Do you have any substance to bring to the table here?

Ah, a variation on the Euthyphro Dilemma. Which no mythology fanboy has ever escaped from.

More discardable blind assertion and preachy bollocks. Also, “sin” is an imaginary offence invented for purposes of social and political control of the masses by a self-declared “elite”.

More preachy bollocks and discardable blind asssertions. Do you have anything other than this drivel to offer?

More preachy bollocks and discardable blind asssertions. Do you have anything other than this drivel to offer?

More preachy bollocks and discardable blind asssertions. Do you have anything other than this drivel to offer?

More preachy bollocks and discardable blind asssertions. Do you have anything other than this drivel to offer?

More preachy bollocks and discardable blind asssertions. Do you have anything other than this drivel to offer?

Er no there isn’t. There’s lots of ASSERTIONS to this effect from mythology fanboys, but no substance.

What part of “several here have done more genuine research than you’ll ever be capable of” have you failed to learn during your sordid tenure here?

And the preachy bollocks and blind assertions continue …

According to your goat herder mythology, genetics is controlled by coloured sticks. A 19th century monk taught us that this assertion is horseshit.

According to your goat herder mythology, the entire planet was once drowned under an extra 9,000 metres of water. Multiple lines of evidence from biology, archaeology and geology tell us that this assertion is horseshit.

According to your goat herder mythology, 1½ million people spent 40 years wandering aimlessly in the Sinai Desert, despite the fact that it only takes about 8 days to cross it on foot. Evidence from archaeology tells us that this assertion is horseshit.

Seeing a pattern here are you?

And we KNOW that this assertion is horseshit. How do we know this? Oh wait, we know that “sin” is made up shit, because according to your goat herder mythology, as you’ve just regurgitated, death and associated phenomena purportedly only came into existence after the episode with the imaginary magic fruit. Except that oops, death has been a feature of the biosphere since its inception about 3.5 billion years ago, long before humans ever existed. We have fossils of dead organisms dating back almost that far. The oldest known multicellular eukaryote, Bangiomorpha pubescens, dates to 1.2 billion years before present, and left fossils behind. More recently, various Triassic reptile fossils have been found exhibiting the clinical signs of a bone cancer known as osteosarcoma, the oldest of which, if memory serves, dates back to 240 million years before present.

Stop living in the Bronze Age.

According to the goat herder mythology you’re so fond of regurgitating assertions from, your cartoon magic man purportedly “created” two stool pigeon humans who were completely bereft of any ethical knowledge, and the only way that said ethical knowledge could be obtained according to your mythology, was to eat the hilarious magic fruit. The whole story is a crock full of plot holes from start to finish.


Oh wait, childhood diseases have been found affecting various Australopithecus fossils dating back over 3 million years before present.

Once again, stop living in the Bronze Age.

Crap. See above.

Don’t play dishonest apologetics with science, it’ll end badly for you.

For the same reasons people have been willing to die for kings and political doctrines. Once again, stop living in the Bronze Age.

Only ASSERTED to have occurred, and in a mythology littered with nonsense at that.

When are you going to learn that “my mythology says so” doesn’t equal fact? Oh wait, I’ve just pointed out several instances above where your mythology contains blatant made up shit.


Do you agree that good and evil exist?

Define good and evil. What does good mean, what does evil mean, and why? Note that this isn’t playing with words. What is one man’s good can be the other man’s evil. Thus, you need a good definition of both terms.