Creator Ethics towards its Creation

Oh I’m sorry, please forgive me I thought you were trolling me. Yes, that shows how stupid I am that I roasted you when I made such a clear error. I should have been clearer and not said the Original Hebrew. I should have said Hebrew. I overreacted. What I meant was the Original Hebrew text that the English Bible was translated from. Once again, I appreciate the feedback on that. And me using the term Greek instead of Hebrew is priceless stupidity you can’t pay for entertainment like that. It seems like you are very educated and detail oriented Nyarlathotep are there any other critiques you have of my original post. Im here to learn, and have fun.

So the most published version of the bible is BS? I don’t think you’ll get many disagreeing with you tbh, but it was a sound argument if you look at the context, and certainly more sound than the false equivalence it was addressing from @Soldier4christ.

Who cares, read the original claim by @Soldier4christ for proper context.

Sigh, I am going to tire of repeating myself, look at the thread for context.

Argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, in logic nothing is true because it cannot be disproved.

It wasn’t a straw man, read the thread for context. Fuck it I will do the heavy lifting for you…

That was the origin, from @Soldier4christ’s claim to my question that he /she never even tried to answer, quelle surprise. This was his / her shifting of the goal posts reply…

This is true, but irrelevant, since no one is forced to come here to peddle their superstitious wares, also the idea that any belief should be beyond criticism or ridicule, is the very definition of dogmatism and bigotry.

Who cares, no one is entitled to rinfence their claims from critical scrutiny, especially theists who come here to an atheist debate forum.

The first assertion is a straw man fallacy, and the second a false equivalence fallacy. Theists can get as mad as they want, and the procreation of rats is only a problem for me if they are spreading disease that crosses over into the human population.

Which does rather beg the question why you’re asking us not to offend theists who have taken the time to seek out the opinions of atheists in a an atheist debate forum?

What a spectacularly stupid assertion, firstly we are in an atheist debate forum, so they must have sought out our atheist opinions if they come here, secondly I will keep my lack of theistic belief to myself when all theists keep their unevidenced superstition to themselves, atheists are not the ones building churches and knocking on doors… :wink:

One could say the same to theists coming here to peddle their superstitious warses of course. If they don’t like their vapid and irrational beliefs being challenged, then don’t seek out people who don’t share them, and in a debate forum at that. Otherwise cry me a fucking river… :sunglasses: :smirk:

Now that’s a straw man, as I doubt anyone here is ever surprised at the histrionics and tantrums visiting theists resort to when their vapid unevidenced superstitions are challenged.

Good analogy, two entirely subjective opinions…

So what, a belief either has objective merit and is rational, or it is not, I could care less who is making the claim, or how petulant they become when it is challenged. My only concern is whether it is true or not…

Care to objectively evidence that claim? Also explain how someone claiming in their profile to be an agnostic is making claims about the nature and existence of a deity?


  1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:


An agnostic in my world simply claims you cant prove logically god exists or doesn’t. I can argue whatever side I want to its my party.

Sure its in the definition of the word God look it up.

the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

Pretty sure if we are talking about god we are talking about a being who by definition can do whatever he wants to.

And you talk about poofs and all that crap. I say you cant logically prove anything so its just fun and games to me, a way to kill time.

Well it certainly isn’t an idle pursuit, a way to kill time, for a great number of people who have, and want, to make their brand of god worship the law of the land. It’s literally killing people. So what sounds to me like flippancy on your part is the sort of attitude that is, imo, akin to agar in a petri dish feeding the virus.


So you’re not an agnostic, and have just made up your own subjective definition for the word. I invite you to see how pointless and misleading that is.

You can post anything you like no matter how erroneous or idiotic yes, no, it is most definitely not “your party”. This is a public debate forum, so anyone else is entitled to comment on anything they are minded to, again to claim you are an agnostic, and then go on to make claims about the nature and existence of any deity is absurdly contradictory.

No it isn’t, I think perhaps you are the one who needs to learn to consult a dictionary before using words, as you’re wrong again.


  1. (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
  2. (in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
    “a moon god”

Nope, that would depend on the deity being imagined, but of course as an agnostic you believe nothing is known or can be known about the nature of god, nor does quoting the dictionary definition objectively evidence your claim. maybe you need to look up the word objective as well?

You’re wrong about that as well, here’s a link explaining rules of inference and logical proofs.

This explains why you haven’t bothered to educate yourself on the topic at all, not even to learn what the words you’re using mean, it also sounds like a lame excuse to revel in that ignorance, if you think it will deflect criticism of your claims here, then true to form you are very wrong. Perhaps social media platforms would be more apropos for this kind of trolling “fun and games”.

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Brilliant deduction Sheldon i am a devout Christian, who had a day off and and got inspired to get on an atheists forum just to spout random nonsense. Everything I said was nonsense, at least to you. I used to be obsessed with logic and proofs like you. I wanted to know science and build a theory of the universe. But as I reasoned with myself I found that even the best of arguments could always be dissected and counterargued in some way. The cycle of arguments and proofs is a bottomless pit. Their is always another question, and you can always reexamine an argument you have already made and question its validity. At the end of the day a person must step back from the reason and make the choice to believe in what he sees in front of him. You must have faith that your eyes are not deceiving you and that all your most brilliant thoughts are not just an illusion generated by a Boltzman brain. I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God but I cant prove it to you just as you cannot prove to me that he he isn’t real. By faith i believe in him and by faith you do not believe in him. You say you are logical but I can just throw my hands into the air and say i’m to stupid to understand your arguments and your logic and science. Which is true that’s why I am a Christian. I as a person am not intelligent enough to know what truth is I am a blind man stumbling in the dark. So I need help, who will I ask for this help? Not another person such as myself why would i trust another man to lead me to the truth. Why not trust a god who knows what its like to be a man. You put faith into your own reason and ability to discern truth I put my Faith into God. This forum has convinced me of the existence of a hell, this surely must be a small piece of hell, a place where fools and blind men sit and tear each other apart argue and dispute for ever. They know they are going to die, that a day of reckoning will come. But they refuse to have hope. I feel as if the things i have read in your threads have been a descent into the underworld. It was enlightening but I will now return back to the land of the living and leave you to pick apart everything you see. I won’t waste any more time casting pearls before swine. I will prob never return to this forum the stinch of sulfur really gets to me. Your discussions have deepened my convictions that their is a god and if such a hell exists as this forum then heaven must exist somewhere. I will leave you with this try setting your reason aside someday cracking open the New Testament and and instead of doubting and picking it apart ask the question what if this guy Jesus was right.

About what? That he was divine? That greeks/Samaritans were dogs? What was he right about? If he even existed at all?


I have flagged this rambling disjointed rant, as he has posted it elsewhere, how many words are needed to admit he is an illiterate duplicitous troll is open to question, but it is not this many surely, and certainly not twice.

If anyone wants to read a response to the first one it’s HERE.

What a clown…

I generally put effort in when it’s due which you’ll note from my other posts. This guy, @Soldier4christ, is behaving more like a Jesus bot than a person by just stating baseless claims and not engaging with any serious argumentation. If he does, I will.

There is no strawman here. A strawman argument is where someone incorrectly states the argument of someone else and knocks that down instead of their actual argument. He said this:

One thing I always like to bring up to religious people is where is the fantasy line? Why is a unicorn made up, but an all knowing god impregnating a married teenager and going on a suicide mission to change some rule he himself created not made up?

I was a Christian for 28 years, I know that rhinos exist and that in the bible that the “unicorn” was thought to be some kind of ox.

This is the appeal to ignorance fallacy. The bible makes the claim and we’ll treat it as unverified until we have evidence. We don’t assume anything today written on the internet is real without proof, why would I do that for any other document. Sadly, it is not the most ridiculous thing in the bible.

To your point, if I started the argument by saying that they believe in unicorns, unicorns are clearly not real, so the bible must be made up, then yes, that would be several fallacies and would be a terrible argument, but that’s not what was said.

I know they do get upset; I am an atheist living in Texas. My point is that it makes no logical sense. If their god really is all powerful, all knowing, and omnipresent, then there is absolutely no need to jump to his defense. He can handle it. I also find it fascinating that @Soldier4christ implied were sinners and going to hell, which I might add, can be considered offensive.

This is a very human way of dealing with insult that humanity should best stop doing. For me, I don’t care, and by that I mean, I don’t hold anything sacred. As far as I’m concerned we are all hairless apes, each screwed up in their own special way. Make fun of whatever, even me, why would should I care? Why should I get myself upset over something that is nearly meaningless?

In course of these kinds of debates, I generally don’t like pushing anything that can be perceived as an insult. This bot, I mean guy, is just pushing stuff on us, not really engaging, and then getting upset when we state that we treat his god as a fairytale since he does not have evidence for his claims. We do the exact same for any other claim. If he is going to be that thinned skinned on an Atheist internet forum, snowflake should go home.

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He’s trolling, he’s a theist, as if we couldn’t see that from his asinine reasoning.

Against my better instincts I waited to see how this one panned out, but his spiel had alarm bells ringing from the off.


This is functionally irrelevant. Our claim is that somebody made up the god they served and if god wants us to follow us so badly and isn’t made up, why doesn’t he just come out? We’ll just keep assuming the claim is made up and this statement does literally nothing for that.

The flying spaghetti monster will only come out when it’s ready. Totally not made up… Look at all this evidence here…

I was starting to think that…

Then you had best change to Theist in your profile.


Well….looks like this poster was just a slow drive-by….sigh.


@Uranium333 Now that you came out of the preverbal closet, why don’t we actually discuss your reasoning. Do you care about truth? The goal is to believe things that are not made up. We use logic to help determine if there is enough information to believe. I think you would agree that it is easy to make things up. Just believing a book is real, faith, is a function of will and not logic. Why did you will yourself into this religion?

The philosopher Descartes (a Christian) essentially made the opposite claim where the mind is in our control, but the outside world could be manipulated by demons making us see or hear what they want. There is no evidence for either of these claims…

Overall, this is a terrible argument. If we can’t know anything, why believe anything? So should just believe your specific religion because logic doesn’t work (although we know it does).

Really? This forum, where just ideas are mocked? Are you that thinned skinned too? There are people all over the world dying everyday because of religion, but this forum is evidence for your loving god’s eternal torture chamber??

What pearls? All I see are claims without evidence. Why do you think your ideas are not made up?


Well as much as it pains me to do so, I am rather inclined to agree with this statement.

Edit (truth is a beautiful flower that smells BAD)


Another Liar for Christ. I’m pretty sure that violates one of the 10 commandments; so I guess you are lying to yourself as well.


Or he has no grasp of mendacity at all, whilst I am dubious in this case, I have met theists for whom this was a “cloudy” issue.

“Wide is path and easy the way that leads down into Hell…”

In the event his unevidenced superstition has any merit, then I shall look forward to meeting the duplicitous @Uranium333 there, and laughing my cock off.

But why do a majority of Christians entertain the idea in their minds of their god roasting you on a fire if you don’t take up their belief and acknowledge a unevidenced deity? Why the dark thoughts and being hateful like that?

Christianity 101 - lie

“I am agnostic”

Fortunately we are intelligent enough to know what is true (or at least withhold belief until evidence is forthcoming).

Lying dipshit.