Could the United States become an Islamic state?

“You’re right where you belong,” Obama said. “You’re not Muslim or American, you’re Muslim and American.” - U.S. Embassy in Sudan (

PULEESE…Pud’n Boy = Brandon ring a bell?? :roll_eyes:

Not to me obviously, hence my question, and could you please use either the quote or reply functions so it’s clear who and what you’re responding to.

I have no idea, who’s Barry? Are you using some sort of code?

Can we have this in English please?

With your childish and trollish behavior, I predict you won’t last long here until you’re banned. Unless you clean up your act and start behaving like an adult, that is.


By “Barry” he means Obama. Before he ran for president, Obama sometimes went by Barry.

By “Brandon” he means Joe Biden. “Brandon” came from a NASCAR (stock car racing—popular in the U.S. South) event. The spectators were shouting “Fuck Joe Biden!” and the TV announcer thought they were saying “Let’s go Brandon!” (Brandon was one of the drivers.) Ever since, redneck conservatives in Trump’s cult have used Let’s go Brandon! to insult Biden. They even have T-shirts and hats with that on it.

The plea to ignorance is unsightly.

Past posts of worldly understanding suddenly begs for simpleton clarification??

Please understand that ENGLISH is my first language and has, up until now, been fully understood!?!

Thanks SodaAnt!

I was beginning to think that fake news and biased internet algorithms were real!!

Please bear with me as I learn who to bow down to and who to ignore!

Any advice you might offer will be appreciated.

Threats fall short with me! I’d rather have a productive exchange than to be forced to walk on egg shells while worrying about immature hurt feelings.


Let’s start over.

Gird your loins!

But…you said in a different string, “I intend to state facts, correct misunderstandings, expose willful ignorance and learn for the forum participants.”

That does not equal a “productive exchange”…for it is not an exchange at all.


Great! Do you have anything at all interesting that you would like to bring up?

Please be advised that several of the participants here (myself included) are neither US based nor US subjects, so very US-centric references, such as “Barry” and “Brandon”, might not be understood (which was the case here; I too had no clue what you were on about). In the same way, very Euro-centric or Oz-centric references might not be understood by those outside of the relevant cultural spheres.


Your posts appear to be more and more like trolling to me.

One more time then, can you support your claim about a deity with any objective evidence?

Then you should have no problem understanding the question.

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“It may be English, Jim, But not as we know it…”

With a nod to the Trekkies…


Leaving aside the cryptic nature of the colloquialisms he keeps using, he has failed to answer a single question, all posited in language that is unequivocal. He’s as good as admitted he’s not after debate, on top of which his posts exhibit the theistic penchant for making sweeping and strident claims without evidence or explanation. Refusing to be drawn into either when requested.

My prognosis is for a (mercifully) short visit, terminating in an ignominious exit.

Several pieces of advice:

  1. This is a debate forum. It’s not for preaching and trolling.

  2. Most atheists are also skeptics, and, hence, are not willing to accept bald assertions as fact. If you make a claim in this forum, be prepared to back it with with objective evidence. Hint: the christian bible doesn’t count as evidence for most claims.

  3. Many forum members aren’t in the U.S., so please refrain from using terms that they won’t be familiar with, especially if they’re also insulting (e.g. “Pud’n Boy”).

  4. The moderators can, and do, ban people for not following the forum rules, so if you want to stay here and have constructive debates with other forum members, please keep that in mind.


Seconded, some theists need to grasp that their superstitions are a choice, and no one here need be subjected to their unevidenced ravings without challenging the same, and subjecting them to critical scrutiny.

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Not according to the first amendment. There, I said it…and I am not even a US citizen. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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One more potential small step away from that U.S./ Islamic state stuff:

“Republican state Rep. Dodie Horton has said the Ten Commandments are rooted in legal history and her bill would place a “moral code” in the classroom. She dismissed concerns from Democrats and other opponents that a state requiring a religious text in all classrooms would violate the establishment clause of the US Constitution, which says Congress can “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”


I’m happy to say they’re already arguing over which version of the ten commandments to use. I love it when they fight. Them: The bible is perfect. No, no not that bible, MY bible.
The second highest poverty rate in the nation and this is what Louisiana spends money on for their underfunded schools? Can’t wait until the Satanic Temple argues they should display their tenets too. They’re much better. No demand that you kiss the ass of some jealous, genocidal deity or threatening punishment for thought crimes.


Fools, just get a blank plate, and pray for god to fill it in ffs. :smirk: When will these clowns learn to think outside the barking mad box.

The real hilarity is they then subjectively interpret it, and cherry pick what they like anyway.

Ah yes, but once god is appeased by this, they can pray poverty away, see stupid as a fox, a barking mad superstitious fox…

Good idea, they could create ten commandments that roundly contradict the traditional ones, if possible by quoting the bible…

  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me, so Jesus is out.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, like crosses and plaques with commandments on them for example. Oh and no more pledging allegiance to the flag of course.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, by invoking him in man made laws or oaths before man made legal systems for example.
  4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy, bye bye football.
  5. Honour thy father and thy mother, even if they’re gay atheists who make graven images, and worship the devil.
  6. Thou shalt not kill, but thou also must not suffer a witch to live, you’ll work it out, like the death penalty.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, so it is essential you allow gay people to marry…in church…oh and no divorce obviously.
  8. Thou shalt not steal, the way the religions do by avoiding paying any tax, oh and the Donald is going to hell.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, by lying that a lawful election was fraudulent for example, or by making up lies about gay people, or that your religion is the one true religion, when they’re all based on identically subjective beliefs.
  10. Thou shalt not covet, say bye bye to the advertising industry and even shop window displays.

The best answer, perhaps. Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against His church, meaning Jesus church will not die out. But its also said that he will lose a lot of members. Paul calls it the great falling away and apostasy.