Could the collapse of religion cause massive wars in the future?

Could the collapse of religion cause massive wars in the future, in which millions of people die? Don’t you think that the total unbelief of people in the future can contribute to great wars? Eventually, people will think that after death nothing awaits them anyway and ultimately there is no right or wrong

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No, I find the notion facile, since atheists are just as moral as theists.


Ultimately there is no right or wrong, since these are subjective notions, but there is no reason I can see for atheism or not having a delusion in an after life to negate anyone having morals. I have no idea why anyone would think not believing in any deity would make one more likely to go to war, that makes no sense to me?


Uh… Wrong. If your statement were true, then I would have nothing holding me back from… :thinking:… well, let’s just say “eliminating” certain “undesirables” within society. (And keep in mind “undesirable” is a subjective term. What may be undesirable to ME might be just fine for YOU.) Anyway, point being, not having to “worry” about heaven or hell anymore has actually made me a BETTER person over the last few years. And while I cannot speak for any other atheists, I’m willing to bet the ones I do know (on this site, at least) share my position on that matter. If I do somebody wrong now, I know the responsibility falls on ME. No nasty Satan character to blame, and no magic Sky Daddy to ask to forgive me. Personally, I prefer not to have such things on my conscious. Therefore, anybody who has escaped their religious indoctrination and understands that will have NO DESIRE to start any wars.

I’ve seen war, in more ways than one. And I will be more than happy if I never see another one, if able. Make no mistake, though, if somebody is foolish enough to bring one to me, I will do my best to make sure they fully regret that decision. Otherwise, live your life as a good person, and I will try to do the same. And if you need help, I will do what I can to provide it if I am able. And I don’t give a shit one way or the other if you do or don’t worship some sort of god. Too damn bad, though, how far too many religious folks can’t understand that.



How effective has the existence of religion been at preventing war so far?

(Edited for conspicuousness)


Also no.
Many wars have basically pitted one religion against another with each side thinking god was on their side. The promise of a reward in the after life is used to encourage people to risk their lives. You’ve never heard of suicide bombers and the paradise they’re promised?


@Redlight82, I figure that folks who believe in an afterlife don’t have all that much to lose by dying. But for me, this is the only life I’ll get so I’m not going to throw it away in any needless, silly war.


Belief Wars

I’d worry more about lack of fresh water and other problems. Wars are not fought over non-belief.


I’ve been an Atheist my entire life, and I know the difference between right or wrong. Going to a catholic school for 9 years gave me a much better education than I would have gotten in public school, but it’s not the reason I have any morals. Being force-fed their bullshit didn’t do anything to make me a more “moral” person, it gave me an education in what not to believe in.

You don’t need religion to be a moral person. If you don’t know the difference between right or wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion.
I don’t think your scenario would play out due to a lack of belief in any god/gods. It could/would happen if the clowns running the asylums were either arrogant enough or just stupid enough to think they could win a war that could trigger an intentional or “accidental” detention of a nuclear device. Kind of like Ukraine.
If that happens, we’re all toast.

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Just because people don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that they have no morality.

And religion has always caused wars. I can’t think of a war caused by atheism . . . although I suppose several convoluted and unlikely twists of logic may allow you to claim that the former Soviet Union (an atheistic nation) contributed to armed conflicts . . . although I believe that these conflicts had nothing to do with them lacking God.

The canard that I hear over and over again is that a lack of belief in God equates to a lack of morality.

If a religious person has faith in God, then why is it so difficult for someone to believe that one can be a good person purely for its own sake . . . without the need for eternal punishment or reward?

I consider myself to be a good (although quite imperfect) human being. I have faith in the idea that I should be a good human being just for its own sake.

Also, if nothing awaits us after death . . . then all the more reason to value life all the more, and war becomes even more distasteful and more wrong.


No. Your premise is ridiculous. How could you conclude that unbelief in an imaginary reality would lead to a breakdown of moral or ethical behaviors? Do you seriously think that people behave themselves mostly because they are afraid of eternal punishment?
Wtf? Have you no awareness whatsoever of the histories of wars? Does it not seem more likely that people would eventually be more moral and ethical if they realized that this precious life is all there is? It seems as if you have bought into the horseshit, in my humble, yet correct opinion…
Instead of asking absurd hypothetical questions, why not ask what can we do to inculcate people into the truth of collective beneficence based on mutual consideration of well-being?
Although many here will readily acknowledge the benefits afforded by religions in primitive societies, such as social cohesion, etc., our philosophical and psycho-social advancements have provided ample opportunities for providing those benefits, sans supernatural trappings.
The tribalism encouraged by religion(s) has been toxic, to say the least, by diminishing the unique and valuable contributions of various ethnicities, resulting in more, not less, war…

Edit for assigning responsibility


If I knew–for a fact–that I have 72 virgins waiting for me in the afterlife . . . I might be slightly tempted to blow myself up.

Especially if there’s Budweiser on tap.

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I don’t believe a word you say. I want to kill you. Give me your address so I can send you a … something that will get the moderators pissed at me for saying.


The motivation for wanting to kill me has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not you believe me. The overwhelming urge to wreak violence upon my person is entirely due to the control I have over your thought processes, as a simple demonstration of my mastery of psychological puppeteering has been displayed previously herein and likely will occur again.
The challenge which my opposing perspectives represent to your subconscious substrate, appear to you as an intolerable offense to your amygdala -driven thought structures…
As to any “something” you might like to send me, don’t let fear stop you. I await your “parcel” with heightened anticipation and will be certain to find additional “ammunition” with which to further taunt and insult you at will…Rest assured that the magnitude of my disbelief knows no bounds or limits.

Edit to redesign “rat trap”


AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH Get out of ;my head… are you reading my thoughts?

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I decided long ago that it was much more desirable to live rent-free in an expansive variety of locales. The amusement value, of which I am the recipient, is immeasurably enhanced by the opportunity to reside, at least temporarily, within the confines of the chaos generally referred to as cognitive dissonance or internal discombobulation
as either created or, at a minimum, enhanced, by my persuasive mental massaging.
Now, one might consider the absolute simplicity involved in “reading thoughts” when said thoughts are being projected at a blinding and deafening intensity…
Edit to clothe a naked thought


I think you just described my life.


Hahahaha…in spite of an intense headache, that fuckin made me laugh…I guess “it takes one to know one”,or “if the foo shits”…

Edit (I know you are but what am I?)


Wow! Your religion has taught you that if you don’t believe and practice it, everything will go to hell. Got a news flash for you buddy. Your religion is part of the reason why countless people have died. Pick up a history book and learn about the crusades. Pick up another history book and learn about the Nazi’s religion. They were German Christian Protestant, they killed over 6 million European Jews. Funny how Christians preach about loving their enemies huh? Your religion causes genocide. We would be better off without it.



I’m sure human have no troubles generating large wars with or without religious belief. This seems like extreme straw grasping.