Corrie Ten Bloom

Well hell there I go making assumptions thinking a big fish was a whale. I was lead astray thinking it was a whale of a story when it could have been any manner of magical fish.

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Please explain why it WOULDN’T be a whale? (Aside from the fact a whale is not a fish. But let’s not get too technical. After all, according to the bible, bats are birds, right?) But I digress…

A whale would be the ONLY logical choice for a human to use for transoceanic travel. Whales don’t breathe water. They regularly have to come up to take a huge gulp of air. All a person has to do is camp out near the lungs with an air hose patched into the whales trachea. No big deal. Sure, the human might be a tad bit “pruny” after the voyage, but just think of how much money is saved on travel expenses.

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If you listen to Jim Jefferies, people were really small back then. And animals were really big. I’m thinking it could have been a really big blow fish.

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I laughed all thru your post thinking of course why didn’t I think of that. I didn’t know he crossed the ocean but then where else would he go.Great way to start the day.

By golly, there is actually some amount of logic to that! And that IS actually a FISH. You may be on to something here. :thinking:

Laughing?.. :worried:… Why? I was providing a very PLAUSIBLE explanation in an effort to uphold the scientific accuracy of the Holy Bible. Why would that be so funny? Do you think I’m funny? Funny how? Like I’m a clown? I’m here to amuse you? How the FUCK am I funny?..(eyes blinking rapidlylooking around in confusion)… Oh, sorry. Had a Joe Pesci moment.

Although not dealing with fish my experience demonstrates at least as clearly as the Corrie’s the existence of a magical and loving god. When I was a boy, I was fishing from the shore of a lake so vast that even a strong man would be unable to cast a stone to the opposite shore. On my very first cast the pole was magically snatched from my hand and sailed a goodly distance before sinking to the very bottom of the lake. Overwhelmed I sank to my knees and prayed, “lord why did you take my fishing pole to the bottom of the lake”. There was only silence - but then a vision came into my mind and in my minds eye I saw me throw my little brother into the lake but my brother must have seen the same vision because when I turned around to grab him he was running hell bent for leather to where my dad was fishing. The water was quite deep and I wasn’t a confident swimmer but I was left with no choice but to retrieve it myself. So once again I went to my knees, looked to the heavens and prayed for the lord to keep me safe. I felt the holy warmth of the sun and knew He would look after me and dry me after the coming ordeal (we were at a high mountain lake and the water was frigid) With the knowledge that my heavenly father was beside me, I waded out, reached down and with the Lord guiding my hand sure and true plucked my fishing rod and reel back from those icy waters. Allah Akbar Proving what Jesus said on days when his followers demanded one miracle too many, “god helps those that help themselves”. This is a mostly true event and testimonial to the existence of god or allah if you prefer.

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Praise the Lord Brother Canuk! Praise the Lord!

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