Corrie Ten Bloom

Hello. So Corrie Ten Bloom was a Dutch Christian who helped hide Jews during the Holocaust. She was also arrested by the Nazis, along with her family. In her book, ‘The Hiding Place’, she talks about how her and her sister experienced a miracle. Corrie had a little medicine dropper of vitamins that she wanted to hoard for her sister, because she was ill. However, there were about 25 other women who were also ill, and it was hard for Corrie to not give them a drop. She decided to give each of them a drop, even though the medicine dropper would only last a day. Strangely, she lined them up the next day, and the medicine dropper still lasted. She did this the next day and then the next, and it still lasted! It was a miracle. Here are some more articles:
Triablogue: The Davitamon bottle

Yes, someone not of sound mind or body ended up losing track of how much “medicine” they had. If that is what makes a miracle for you; you must live in a very magical universe. Good luck with that.

eta:If you want to convince me; you need to bring me the dropper so I can get infinite drops myself. Otherwise I will assume it is a mistake/scam. People make mistakes. People are wrong. Some people are stupid. Some people even lie.

Never appeal to magic to explain something that can be easily explained by human laziness, incompetents, simple mistakes, or dishonesty; because that shit happens every day.


The medicine dropper was already less than half full after she gave it to the 25 people on the first day. The bottom of the dropper wasn’t able to be seen. So yes, maybe she did lie, but even that doesn’t really make sense either

The reason I say this is because the book doesn’t seem to be centered around Christianity

The author was a evangelical Christian; who tried to convert people. It is centered around Christianity.


Or maybe she made a slight mistake on one of the most stressful days of her life? You know; about the contents of a bottle that was opaque?

But you are going to go with magic aren’t you?


The article said the dropper was made of dark glass so she had no idea how much she had to begin with. It’s a ridiculous idea of a “miracle” to begin with and has many other explanations other than magic. Even for those believing it was done by god how can they in anyway attribute it to a merciful, benevolent god? All around them people were dying of disease, starvation and out right murder in a hell on earth. The diarrhea of those in the upper bunks ran down onto those in the lower bunks while they all were being eaten alive by lice. If you have the stomach for it take a look at the pictures of the walking skeletons in the liberated camps. How many of those people were beyond help at that point? See any children? They were killed first since they had no value as workers. I really have no patience for this so called miracle that was a drop in an ocean of vile misery.


So that’s an unevidenced anecdotal claim, she might as well be claiming she led the Jews to safety on a magic unicorn for all the credence any objective person would attach the claim.

That’s an unevidenced subjective claim, why do you believe it to be a miracle?

My time is limited, would you be a dear and just link objective evidence that supports any miracle, only I have just checked every news network and there’s nothing, and though that alone doesn’t falsify the claim, it is a compelling reason to remain dubious about the claims in those articles.

Oh, welcome to AR, was there something specifically you wanted to debate? While you’re deciding I’ll tackle miracles in a generic way:


  1. an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.

So that’s the dictionary definition of a miracle, I have emboldened a section as this is a textbook example of an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, and thus it is irrational by definition. Put simply not having an alternative explanation for a claim, does not logically evidence that claim.

And you can demonstrate some objective evidence to support this claim? I mean something more than the unevidenced subjective anecdote you have offered? When you’ve done that please note that assuming it’s a miracle because of the lack of contrary evidence is an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy.

Well that’s a subjective opinion, but to be clear it is an objective fact that people lie and embellish, especially about beliefs they cherish, we have no objective evidence that anything supernatural is possible.

Beat me to that one…

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Well stated. I find these sort of stories to be repugnant.


Who/what facilitated this miracle? Who/what was the power behind it?

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If these were known, would it then be considered a miracle at all?

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Whilst sitting idly by as hundreds of millions died miserably in unimaginable suffering. Were it true, and not a ridiculous irrational religious fluff piece, such a deity would be a sick monster.


This is like claiming a miracle occurred when a plane crashes and 300 people are killed, but one survives.


A “miracle” that needlessly killed 299 people, how may theists do you think see the maths?

Merry xmas everyone, I have returned from friends, and boy am I drunk(ish) :innocent: happy new year in advance…and just to be clear…I am gonna drink a lot more tomorrow night…whatever your personal choices, I wish you all the best… :sunglasses: :innocent:


It would have been a greater miracle if there was no Holocaust to begin with.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sold on God’s influence in this particular miracle.


Let us look at this “miracle” in another way.

If the human mind was created by God, then why isn’t Maurice Hilleman a saint and credited with being a miracle worker? He was a microbiologist who (along with his team) discovered more than 40 vaccines that have saved the lives of more than 225 million people . . . and continue to save countless lives today.

This–to me–seems much more miraculous and much more an example of divine intervention than vague stories about jars of vitamins during the Holocaust . . . yet the lay public rarely hears about him while they flock to places like Lourdes to be cured of diseases because this is where a disturbed, lonely adolescent girl had visons of the Virgin Mary.

Why has no one had made Hilleman’s laboratory a site for holy pilgrimages? How come he isn’t the patron saint of illlness instead of Saint Andrea? And why aren’t Hilleman’s vaccines considered an example of divine inspiration?

After all, God made the human mind, right?

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Rohan has rather oddly tried to distance this “miracle” from Christianity, although Corrie Ten Bloom spent her life evangelizing. I suspect it’s an attempt to make it more palatable to atheists. Cyber has asked Rohan:

I’m interested in an answer to this too.


There is actually not much interesting about the article. Those of us who once professed belief were able to see miracles in all manner of daily occurrences. Everything from the hand of God curing alcoholism, making the lame walk, or miraculously leading me to my missing set of car keys. There is nothing fantastic or even unexplainable in a vial of medicine appearing to last longer once someone begins paying attention to it. There are equally many non-miraculous explanations that could account for the situation. We could blame faulty memory, confirmation bias, external factors, and more. There was as much a reason to jump to ‘God done it,’ as there was to assert it was the “Men in Black” who arrived late at night, when everyone was sleeping, and refilled the vial. It could have even been a natural phenomenon that science has not yet explained. On those specific days, at those specific times, that special medication has a unique property of doubling itself. This occurs quite naturally, and globally, every 2,341 years.

I am left wondering, “What miracle?” Just calling something a miracle does not make it so. Not having an explanation for an event does not qualify it as a miracle. Before you can even ask, “Who” or “What,” wouldn’t you first have to demonstrate “Miracle.” Finally, if there was a who or what behind the miracle, wouldn’t that mean it was no longer a miracle? After all, if God did it, then we have an explanation and the mystery is solved. No miracle, just magic. (But then of course you would need to demonstrate the god thing exists and was a direct cause.)

In the end, I am left wondering, “Miracle? What miracle?”


Quality post…

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I asked @Rohan01, because I’m terribly interested in what s/he thinks is the cause of the reported miracle. It seems self-evident that s/he thinks it was indeed a miracle.

@Rohan01, please tell me/us what or who you think is behind it.