Corrie Ten Bloom

And why, and how? :innocent:

This is an aspect of the magical miracle thinking that never ceases to amaze me. A person wins a lottery/found their car keys/gets pregnant: THANK YOU, GOD! IT’S A MIRACLE! Millions of people get killed in an industrialized mass murder: God works in mysterious ways.


LOL… A million Jews are being gassed up the street but God, because he works in mysterious ways, causes a vial of vitamins to refill each night as the world sleeps. Wow! A miracle. Ha ha ha ha ha…


According to the story, we don’t even know that happened. All we are really told is that it dispensed more drops that she thought it would. :woman_shrugging:t6:

Anyone want to claim they have never made a similar mistake in presumably much lower stress situations? I make those kinds of mistakes all the time! Maybe I’m a miracle worker!


So I have a Twitter X account that I use strictly for reading. Found the posting screendumped below in my stream. Some people’s threshold for attributing random stuff to their sky daddy is depressingly low.



LOL, I just watched a video of some guy claiming God imbued atoms with consciousness and the famous double-slit experiment was evidence of atoms making choices. Okay, I didn’t make it much past the introduction. Especially after hearing that. Still, the stuff they (The Christians) come up with is certainly devoid of any form of critical analysis.


To top it off the drops apparently didn’t even have any magical healing properties since her sister died within months of getting to the camp. Considering the survival rate at Ravensbruck I think it’s a good bet that few of the other women survived either. What kind of lame ass excuse of a miracle was that?

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Something happened that they didn’t understand/didn’t bother finding out about => Lame ass excuse => God did it.

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We got the credit card number, the cv code, and the expiration date.

Maybe we could go shopping?

Sorry you lost me with in her book. Christians and other theists have written al kinds of books purporting to claim all kinds of things. All with no objective evidence. I also don’t believe Jonah survived in the belly of a whale.

Did they die or did they transcend miraculously to heaven? LOL

Of course, it wasn’t a whale. Sheesh. The bible is very clear. “It was a big fish.”

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Maybe it was a surviving megalodon.

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Oh yeah! I think I hooked one of those once. Took my fishing pole right off the dock. Regular fish don’t have that kind of strength. What else could it be?

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Uh, does that faithful “genius” not realize he/she gave everybody full access to that credit card by posting that? :confused: Although, I’m sure God will protect it for him/her. :roll_eyes:

I just wonder how many charges on that card were made by pranksters before he had to cancel the card.

On a related note, with a proper chip&PIN system for card use in terminals and other means of proper two-factor authentication for shopping on the internet, it really should not represent a big problem. But I understand there has been some resistance in the US towards this?

For several months as well, that’s a lot of krill…

Did he also defecate in the whale’s belly? Asking for a friend…

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Read the OP and i’m convinced!!! … i shall convert!!!

shakes head

For fucks sake…

Maybe god magic’d it away?